The Vault's Brooklyn Sunrise Auto Comparative Grow, In Association With Dutch Passion

Week 1 day 1 F Biggie!
looking naughty! Not a monster like the rest of you guys but im optimistic for the indoor girl if this is what was acheived outdoors at the end of the season. Got a nice feed. 2ml grow 2ml bloom 1ml cal mag per litre. About 6 litres

Week 1 from seed.
Looking nice. She got a little dry yesterday mostly cos of the heat and also ive intentionally been leaving em dry to get some root growth but they been drying quick and the leaves looked dry so gave her a nice spray of phd water
Undecided on a name for her.
Yay!!!!!..You popped!!
I fed my girls half tsp each of the Pro-Tekt and Foilage Pro today. They got fed twice and I’m thinking about raising them to 3/4tsp of each tomorrow to see how they like it. Big Momma still hasn’t recovered full and my temps hasn’t been above 78 -79 the past three days so I’m leaning more and more towards light stress from the new qb’s I added but I’m not positive. I know a lot of growers here are running temps 82-85 and they are doing just fine. My temps has never been above 81-82 so it’s kinda puzzling. The light is currently 28in above Big Momma and she is under the PS COB so maybe she will get with the program lol. I’m afraid that with her stressing like she is that she might hermie on me and pollinate all my girls. Mercedes the smaller Brooklyn still has a little clawing but looks a lot better than Big Momma. I think I’m gonna give BM a couple more days and if she’s still stressed I’m gonna finish her outside. I don’t think I will be able to finish all six in there anyway cause the Blue Dream are gonna get huge I believe.✌️
I fed my girls half tsp each of the Pro-Tekt and Foilage Pro today. They got fed twice and I’m thinking about raising them to 3/4tsp of each tomorrow to see how they like it. Big Momma still hasn’t recovered full and my temps hasn’t been above 78 -79 the past three days so I’m leaning more and more towards light stress from the new qb’s I added but I’m not positive. I know a lot of growers here are running temps 82-85 and they are doing just fine. My temps has never been above 81-82 so it’s kinda puzzling. The light is currently 28in above Big Momma and she is under the PS COB so maybe she will get with the program lol. I’m afraid that with her stressing like she is that she might hermie on me and pollinate all my girls. Mercedes the smaller Brooklyn still has a little clawing but looks a lot better than Big Momma. I think I’m gonna give BM a couple more days and if she’s still stressed I’m gonna finish her outside. I don’t think I will be able to finish all six in there anyway cause the Blue Dream are gonna get huge I believe.✌️
That's too bad
Day 36 & 29

Big. Brook has stalled out. Seems like it happened when I did a lite defoliation on her. She's still got a ton of leaves but it is what it is. Baby Brook is keeping up with the Blues as far as size despite being 7 days younger. Of course she's a little behind them as far as blooming goes.

Big Brook back left, Baby Brook front left. Blue 1 front right, Blue 2 back right.
I fed my girls half tsp each of the Pro-Tekt and Foilage Pro today. They got fed twice and I’m thinking about raising them to 3/4tsp of each tomorrow to see how they like it. Big Momma still hasn’t recovered full and my temps hasn’t been above 78 -79 the past three days so I’m leaning more and more towards light stress from the new qb’s I added but I’m not positive. I know a lot of growers here are running temps 82-85 and they are doing just fine. My temps has never been above 81-82 so it’s kinda puzzling. The light is currently 28in above Big Momma and she is under the PS COB so maybe she will get with the program lol. I’m afraid that with her stressing like she is that she might hermie on me and pollinate all my girls. Mercedes the smaller Brooklyn still has a little clawing but looks a lot better than Big Momma. I think I’m gonna give BM a couple more days and if she’s still stressed I’m gonna finish her outside. I don’t think I will be able to finish all six in there anyway cause the Blue Dream are gonna get huge I believe.✌️
I'm pretty sure it's light stress after seeing RETRIX and crazyfog go through the same thing mid grow a few months ago.

Did some say they were gonna flush? Nah, no one still does that, do they?
She hasn’t stretched much but I think it’s cause of the light stress. Seems like she is stretching a little bit over the last couple days. She just scares me cause I’m afraid she might try to hermie on me but she does seem to be doing a little better. I’m thinking my tent is gonna get stuffed soon and I may end up having to take one out. I don’t want them crammed in there to tight that it effects penetration or air flowing but I do want a nice full tent lol.✌️
Ok so it's 8-11-18 and day 77 from sprout for my 2 Brookies
I chopped at day 41 from pistils, I saw an occasional amber on the calyx so being that the diesel x AK47 is a Sativa leaner it was time. These plants grew well without being too fussy once the roots became established. Low humidity and relatively light feed was the ticket in coco. These 2 plants produced much heavier yields than I first thought. They both will end up being over 1/4 pound each when dried and trimmed. I just removed the larger fan leaves today and will hang dry old school then finish trimming before going in Turkey bags in a 5 gallon bucket with air tight lid.

Before the chop

Plant #1 hanging

Plant #2 hanging

For anyone looking for a good yielding Sativa leaning auto Brooklyn Sunrise may be one you'll want to look at.
Ok so it's 8-11-18 and day 77 from sprout for my 2 Brookies
I chopped at day 41 from pistils, I saw an occasional amber on the calyx so being that the diesel x AK47 is a Sativa leaner it was time. These plants grew well without being too fussy once the roots became established. Low humidity and relatively light feed was the ticket in coco. These 2 plants produced much heavier yields than I first thought. They both will end up being over 1/4 pound each when dried and trimmed. I just removed the larger fan leaves today and will hang dry old school then finish trimming before going in Turkey bags in a 5 gallon bucket with air tight lid.

For anyone looking for a good yielding Sativa leaning auto Brooklyn Sunrise may be one you'll want to look at.

I'll take Foliage Pro and Pro Tekt for the win Alex... No high P required. There goes that myth.
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