The Vault's Brooklyn Sunrise Auto Comparative Grow, In Association With Dutch Passion

Question. If the BSA's are supposed to be a 11 week flowering Auto how are Penny's and yours almost to the finish line? Think it was a misprint on the Vaults site
? Or what ? Confused about that one. Sweet Smeegs !!! Finally !! Yah wait til Spring so we can see what they do outside from start to finish.
These are autos so it's how long the whole grow period is. I started on May 30 th. So it should be 11 weeks from then. I think they will go longer due to the extended veg time of them stopping for a while. So more like 12 weeks from when they broke ground. There coming up on 10 weeks Wednesday.
Here’s a group pic of the girls today

They got another feeding at 2ml protek and 2ml foilage pro along with a little Great White phed to 6. I’m really loving how simple the Dynagro is and the girls seem like they love it. I will try to get some individual pics up tomorrow.✌️
Wow like in oh wow everyone you guys are nailing it....haha. Hey hey it's my fla-vourite girl howdy sunshine @Flagirl .......:hug: I actually asked Kismet where you've been a cpl days ago....

So can you believe it, I am officially the last 1 in the gate.....haha. Now that they are here I don't have space...haha there's lots of space and I'm going to do them outdoors too..... Since I've waited like forever for them to arrive and spring being right around the corner almost, I'm going to hold out till then and hopefully do the seeds justice....haha

@Gary from The Vault and @jack the Vault thank you kindly gents and bring on spring....haha
I'm leaning towards pulling at 60 something days. You make still eek in
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