The Vault's Brooklyn Sunrise Auto Comparative Grow, In Association With Dutch Passion

Silica is supposed to help with heat-related stress. Might want to try upping the Pro Tekt. Nothing crazy just an extra quarter teaspoon.
Ok, thanks for the tip. I’m giving half tsp now so I will got to 3/4 tsp today. I have a plan, I’m gonna change my light schedule to were they will be off from 11/5 through the day. So that also means I’m gonna go to 18/6, I believe they will still do great on that light schedule. I’ve run every auto that I’ve growed on 18/6 with good results. I figure it’s gonna help them more anyway sine the Brooklyn’s are showing heat stress they will enjoy the extra 2 hour of rest lol.This is the first time I’ve had heat trouble but I have had to run my little 5000btu ac wide open most of the time. I will get an ac by next run cause I don’t like having to deal with higher temps and I like to be able to run my temps down low as I want so a new ac is a must for me lol. What do you think of my plan, far as the new light schedule?✌️
This is my first run at 20/4. I do try to have my lights off during the hottest part of the day. For me right now I have em off 2:00 to 6:00 PM. When I was doing 18/6 I did 12:00 to 6:00. I keep the house AC at 75 and past years with the blurples I'd normally be at 82 lights on. This year with the new strip light I'm at 77. In winter I could rely on my old lights to keep the temps up. I think now I may shut the tent down for a couple months since I don't want to pay to add additional heat in the tent.
Looking great farside, nice and healthy. Hopefully the switch in light cycle will help get my Brooklyn’s back on track. My new 8in fans will be here early next week so my intake and exhaust will be a lot better in the tent also. I have good airflow on the plants, I have two more fans inside the tent blowing on canopy, one 7in and one 8in. I’m hoping they get back on track pretty quickly cause Big Momma is just starting stretch and I’m afraid it’s gonna mess her up.✌️
They ve grown well since last time I came! Things seem to be going pretty well!
@Jack420 Dam brother. Looks like the amazon jungle in there. How do you squeeze in there and Monitor your reservoirs. I know mine are a pain in the but. Especially bucket changes. Or do you just top off. @EastCoastGhost it was 109* for last week and this week so far. My room made it to 85* Sad to say it but my Rez temp was 80*. But my Brooklyn is drinking and chugging along. I’m a believer of armor si now. I believe my water changes every 3 days is what’s keeping her fresh.
Man yess it is a pain in the behine but I manage to do Rez change every 2 weeks till then just top up but as time goes harder it get with this jungle I got goin on lol I love armor si really works well n to me a way stronger plant with it to

Fed the girls today at 2.5ml Pro-Tekt and 2.5ml Foilage Pro phed to 5.9. I’m having some pretty hot temps outside right now, a lot hotter than it’s been all summer. It got to 81 in the tent today and both Brooklyn’s showing signs of heat stress. I went out and bought 2 more temp gages today to make sure of temp cause 81 really ain’t that hot. All Blue Dream plants are looking awesome and doing great but I’m a little worried about Brooklyn’s. It’s a bad time to have heat stress with them going into their stretch. I ordered two more 8in fans today but won’t be here till early next week. I’m gonna add another exhaust and the other will be a intake. My intake fan right now is just a window box fan and a 8in turbo fan. Hopefully the Brooklyn’s will shape up, I’ve even thought about doing away with tent and just hang lights from ceiling to see what kind of difference that would make in the temp. Oh well maybe they will shape up and fight through it we’ll see lol.✌️
Good luck!
I'm around day 66 (± June 1) and I don't expect to be done for another 14-21 days at the earliest. Least I hope not!
I'm going to push two more weeks in the one with one cola..the bush has prolly three and the LST one has dropped way behind..almost stunted
I'm going to push two more weeks in the one with one cola..the bush has prolly three and the LST one has dropped way behind..almost stunted
Because of your post I thought I would check the trichomes this morning. I'm seeing some amber on the sugars for both the spog® and the LST. Nothing on the calyxes yet as those are clear with some cloudy. I'll get a better look tomorrow but I may have overestimated how long I can wait on these!
Mine are the same Shed, amber on the sugars and still some clear on the calyx. I'll probably take mine down when the calyx are all cloudy for a more upbeat effect.
The new light schedule went good this morning, lights went off at 11am and the highest that the temps got was 77. They will be coming back on at 5 so I’m hoping the temps won’t go over 77 this evening, we’ll see lol. I will get a pic or two up after while.✌️
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