:ciao: Hi MrS! I hope you are well. Your kaiser rolls looked amazing. I may need to bake bread today.
Hi Boo! Nice to see you. They turned out pretty good, thank you! I hope you have a great day and enjoy your week. Happy breading if you do!
Afternoon. Loved the morning laugh as well as the cathedral worthy art u shared. Yeah. I started noticing freckles on my plant earlier this week as well. But because I’ve seen been seeing suggestions and hints and papers of phosphorus deficiencies everywhere I look.
I feel they should glorify it in a meme e.g. red-ish/purple stems, check.Spotted dark purple red spots and yellowing leaves check.
yeah, that looks like a phosphorus deficiency bro XD
Hopping around the internet trying to find some data on things and I came across this little chart on the percentage and ranges a typical plant has of 14 nutrients found in soil. Nitrogen has the biggest percentage which was expected.


A discussion was happening on Shed's thread regarding Ca to Mg ratios and the importance of it if any. Studies show it is not, but if you were to use the numbers from the example above the plant is almost at a 3:1 ratio Ca to Mg.
Also note, as several of us have pushed here too, is how low the P value in a plant is. Contrary to popular belief plants do not use a lot of P rendering bloom nutes with high P levels useless.
The range for phosphorus in soil is between 10 and 60 ppm. Below 10 ppm, plants will emphasize root production at the expense of vegetative growth. Plants will be highly responsive to applications of phosphorus fertilizer when it tests in the single digit range. When soil phosphorus is greater than 60 ppm, additional fertilizer will have minimal benefit. It is not detrimental to plant growth if soil tests greater than 60 ppm phosphorus, however, soil erosion may lead to water pollution and algal growth.

The next chart shows those same nutrients and the role they play in the plant, along with a rating on their mobility.


I added an explanation of what ATP and ADP are when looking at the P value in the chart above.

ATP (Adenosine tri-phosphate) is an important molecule found in all living things. Think of it as the “energy currency” of the cell. If a cell needs to spend energy to accomplish a task, the ATP molecule splits off one of its three phosphates, becoming ADP (Adenosine di-phosphate) + phosphate. The energy holding that phosphate molecule is now released and available to do work for the cell. When the cell has extra energy (gained from breaking down food that has been consumed or, in the case of plants, made via photosynthesis), it stores that energy by reattaching a free phosphate molecule to ADP, turning it back into ATP. The ATP molecule is just like a rechargeable battery. When it’s fully charged, it’s ATP. When it’s run down, it’s ADP. However, the battery doesn’t get thrown away when it’s run down–it just gets charged up again.

Hope some found it interesting as I did.
Thank you for that. I use low P formulations, and switched to sulphuric acid instead of phosphoric to neutralize alkalinity for the reasons stated above. Learning all the time
Sorry you don't have pistils yet but congrats on the flip!
lol, thanks.
Thank you for that. I use low P formulations, and switched to sulphuric acid instead of phosphoric to neutralize alkalinity for the reasons stated above. Learning all the time
Nice Dusted! :thumb:
I would say stop the hermie genes from spreading and kill it now XD. Do not let it make seeds and poison the pure non hermie gene plants XD for the good of all cannabis kind kill it now XD. Or don’t and toss the seeds you find lol. That would be good to.
:rofl: I am not as cruel hearted as @Scottylikesbud, just joking mate :rofl:

But seriously, there are a lot of good strains out there that have hermaphroditic tendencies and a few seed in your bud really doesn’t hurt potency. I am smoking some awesome hash made from seeded Blue Dream plants I had from 2 plants in the grow having hermied due to user fukup :rofl:
You could try that and keep a close eye. But if I was a betting man there will be more.
Yep! Happened to me years ago and close to week three of flower I couldn’t keep up without help from a mohel and didn’t know any so I cut it down before it had a chance to fuck up my whole garden. :rofl:
Idk I think hermies exist because people allow them to pass on there genes so. If you grow a hermie and are displeased.
do not pass on its genes to someone else XD.
remember how disappointed you were in finding it. Don’t do that to someone else lol. Grow the weed, toss the seed.
I have been wanting a smoker BBQ. Seen one I liked $3000 the wife said no didn't even want to talk about it. :thedoubletake:
Ya could change her mind with one slightly cheaper....just slightly...lol
I cook outside every minute possible...And a weed pic. wood pizza, pellet, electric smoker, campfire and my custom wood Q I copied from one we used in Umbria.
Man that's a nice setup.
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