Here's a dumb old joke that fits right in here...

When is an eye like a president?
When it's a-blinkin' ....(groan....)
Here's a dumb old joke that fits right in here...

When is an eye like a president?
When it's a-blinkin' ....(groan....)

For all those eagle eyes, you may notice some spotting on the upper leaves of the Pinkman Goo... speckling really. That's an early sign of Ca def sneaking up on me. My next feed I'll have to bump them up to 4.5g which is the most I am trying to go to but I suspect I'll be at 5.5g by the time they finish.
For all those eagle eyes, you may notice some spotting on the upper leaves of the Pinkman Goo... speckling really. That's an early sign of Ca def sneaking up on me. My next feed I'll have to bump them up to 4.5g which is the most I am trying to go to but I suspect I'll be at 5.5g by the time they finish.
Thanks for pointing that out Mr.S. I’ve got a plant in late flowering that’s showing those specs. I flipped the leaf over to thankfully not find spider mites but have been curious about the cause. :thumb:
I like the background to your photos brother! Garden is looking good! Hope your well!
Thanks Dutch! All is well on this side. I hope you and the Mrs have been enjoying the summer. Stay safe brother.
Thanks for pointing that out Mr.S. I’ve got a plant in late flowering that’s showing those specs. I flipped the leaf over to thankfully not find spider mites but have been curious about the cause. :thumb:
If it's late flowering and you have less than a couple of weeks before harvest then I wouldn't adjust too many things. Sometimes it's better to ride out the run then to risk other issues.
Please be careful not to dump in inappropriate places Mr. S. ;)
I know but sometimes I'm in a hurry and things end up where they doo. I'll be a bit more careful next time. :thanks:
Yes sir me.s I agree. I’ve just been giving them water for the most part to keep em going until they finish. I will be happy with whatever they offer and remember those specs for future grows.
lol, I'll have to use that the next time the boss sees me snoozing.
Once, my boss was standing there when I came out of a mini-nap. When I opened my eyes I said, "Amen."
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