Round three.

The DDA and Gorilla Glue are next on the list. I wish I spent more time with the DDA as it's a beautiful plant. With the proper training I could have had more colas. For what I am getting I am quite happy with the look. The Gorilla Glue just doesn't want to shoot out pistils. Even though it's an auto I tried to reduce the lighting to 12 hours the last week and a half and she hasn't budged. Rightly so if it's an auto, but I thought I would try anyhow.

The GG is being fed the following:
5mL Protekt
3mL calmag
1.25g SC
5g MC v1

The DDA is being fed:
5mL Protekt
5mL calmag
1.5g SC
6g MC v1

Man... that dark devil:cheer: that is going to be tasty.
Your garden is looking awesome, as usual! :high-five:
On M#2 the tips look burnt from overfeeding, but if you look closely it's a lighter color of green.
How is she looking now? What do you think is the cause of that?
Here's some pics of my Lemon AK which will be coming down probably sometime this week.
She looks tasty! :drool:Good luck with the harvest!
I wish I spent more time with the DDA as it's a beautiful plant. With the proper training I could have had more colas.
That DDA looks beautiful! What would you have done differently regarding training? I'm still not sure how to train/prune an auto. So far, I just let them do what they want, but we do have a DDA running now so I'm interested in how to get the most from it.
Lookin good Mr. Man! :green_heart: Hope you have a great rest of your day!
hah, thanks Miss Lady ;) I did have a great rest of my day yesterday :thanks:
She sure is pretty absolutely love those purple buds! The lemon ak looks pretty stacked she has some pretty serious buds and they sure look tasty. Nice training on the Gg she takes up over half the tent and has a perfect flat canopy I hope she gets her sh*t together soon and pushes out some flowers for you soon.
I like the DDA too but I like VG's better ;) The GG really is big. She still hasn't gotten her shit together but it just means more bud sites. Thirsty AF too lately.
I knew there was weed growing in here...somewhere.
I could smell it.
lol, nothing gets past you! I hope things are OK and you're doing fine! Thanks Von!
Doing great over on the west side!! :headbanger: Just outside enjoying the nice weather as we speak!
I think ours is finally coming by Thursday. First time above 20C.
Man... that dark devil:cheer: that is going to be tasty.
I sure do hope so AJ! She is pretty I'll give her that.
How is she looking now? What do you think is the cause of that?
That DDA looks beautiful! What would you have done differently regarding training? I'm still not sure how to train/prune an auto. So far, I just let them do what they want, but we do have a DDA running now so I'm interested in how to get the most from it.
Normally when I see that it's the plant growing fast. Within a day or two the color goes dark green. Right now the jury is out as it doesn't seem to be improving as fast as I would like, but not getting worse either. My temps have been low and RH high but I don't think it's related to that. It's only on two leaves now so she is working it out. I'm just going to monitor her for a bit before I make any changes.

The DDA training should have been like the GG you may have seen in the last set of pics. She had a half assed quadding done to her but I never opened up the centers by pulling the legs to the outside of the pot. Ideally you keep pulling the uppers down until the center growth is even. By allowing the main colas to grow the rest of the plant couldn't provide more bud sites.
Round three.

The DDA and Gorilla Glue are next on the list. I wish I spent more time with the DDA as it's a beautiful plant. With the proper training I could have had more colas. For what I am getting I am quite happy with the look. The Gorilla Glue just doesn't want to shoot out pistils. Even though it's an auto I tried to reduce the lighting to 12 hours the last week and a half and she hasn't budged. Rightly so if it's an auto, but I thought I would try anyhow.

The GG is being fed the following:
5mL Protekt
3mL calmag
1.25g SC
5g MC v1

The DDA is being fed:
5mL Protekt
5mL calmag
1.5g SC
6g MC v1


Hello MrSauga all your plants are looking great:thumb:, are they Auto's? Have a good evening.
Hello MrSauga all your plants are looking great:thumb:, are they Auto's? Have a good evening.
Hi MsBean... thank you!
The plants that are flowering are autos. The other ones are photos. Thanks for checking in and have a good evening as well! :hug:
Hi MsBean... thank you!
The plants that are flowering are autos. The other ones are photos. Thanks for checking in and have a good evening as well! :hug:

Afternoon MrSauga, I had a relaxing evening last night, it rain, just love the smell of a good rain storm. Sauga when you grow an Auto, how about, do you train them? I have two Auto Lemon Haze trying to root but they don't look so good. Have a good day, MrSauga :peace:
Sauga when you grow an Auto, how about, do you train them?
If I'm going to top an auto it has to have at least five good nodes growing and be under 21 days old. If I don't have 5 nodes by the 21 day mark I let then grow naturally. The trick is to get the plants big, early, which means low amounts of water and higher amounts of food each week for the first three weeks.
If I'm going to top an auto it has to have at least five good nodes growing and be under 21 days old. If I don't have 5 nodes by the 21 day mark I let then grow naturally. The trick is to get the plants big, early, which means low amounts of water and higher amounts of food each week for the first three weeks.

Gotta get them roots down! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Afternoon MrSauga, I had a relaxing evening last night, it rain, just love the smell of a good rain storm. Sauga when you grow an Auto, how about, do you train them? I have two Auto Lemon Haze trying to root but they don't look so good. Have a good day, MrSauga :peace:

I’ve had great success following the tutorial by @InTheShed. It’s LST, so it works great with autos.

Gotta get them roots down! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Agreed. I find to really get those roots down you need a good wet and dry cycle. I forget who said it, but if you think your plants need water, wait another day.
Agreed. I find to really get those roots down you need a good wet and dry cycle.

Yep. The dry part of it is what gets them searching down and out for water. ;)
If I'm going to top an auto it has to have at least five good nodes growing and be under 21 days old. If I don't have 5 nodes by the 21 day mark I let then grow naturally. The trick is to get the plants big, early, which means low amounts of water and higher amounts of food each week for the first three weeks.

:thanks: Afternoon MrSauga, what if the Auto's are flowering, do you still train? Sauga, I'm interested in growing a DDA. I take it DDA stands for Dark Devil Auto. I looked into The Vault, and they advertised the DDA but when I went into there store they didn't have it for sale, it wasn't there. Where, did, you buy your DDA? Wishing you a wonderful, peaceful day.:nomo:
I’ve had great success following the tutorial by @InTheShed. It’s LST, so it works great with autos.

Agreed. I find to really get those roots down you need a good wet and dry cycle. I forget who said it, but if you think your plants need water, wait another day.

:thanks:BigD13, I'll look into @InTheShed and follow the wet and dry cycle. Have a good day.
:thanks: Afternoon MrSauga, what if the Auto's are flowering, do you still train? Sauga, I'm interested in growing a DDA. I take it DDA stands for Dark Devil Auto. I looked into The Vault, and they advertised the DDA but when I went into there store they didn't have it for sale, it wasn't there. Where, did, you buy your DDA? Wishing you a wonderful, peaceful day.:nomo:
Seedsman (a 420 sponsor) has them.
:thanks:Hi Grand Daddy Black, I'll check out Seedsman. GDB do you have a journal going. I check a week ago and couldn't fine one. Maybe I did it wrong. Have a great day.:nomo:
I have two going. They are links in my signature.
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