The Quest For Midnight Sunshine: Dabber Begins Breeding Bodacious Botanicals

Quick shot of the veg chambers


Not sure the Lilly cutting is, how do I say.... gonna make the cut. Still she got a little splash of love.

Mixed the gallon at...

8 ml AN cal mag xtra

8 ml sensi grow for coco part B

630 something odd ppms.

They have definitely been under fed, but this is kinda the strategy for the next while until the tub space begins to free up, then we will start them on higher feed, up the light and pots drop some ATF beans and off to the races! Crazy it's almost 2018....


If your last name was Chambers would you name your daughter Veg?

I was going to say "NITROGEN" but then you said it was all part of the plan so nmind!
Yep they are being starved. But maybe a little tooooo much!

I upped their nitrogen some for today's feed. However, the 3000k light makes them look much more yellow than they are in actuality....
Hey Dabs..... I'm not sure if I'll get the opportunity to come on tomorrow or not so I just wanted to stop by and say tell you that since I joined the Forum in late April of this year, I looked up to a lot of people, yourself included. With the thousands of members on the Forum, I'm glad to have met you and thrilled to be included with you in a short list for motm.

All the best my friend, merry Christmas to you and your family please be safe, we'll see you in a couple of days.
So I adjusted the QB 120 up some 2 days ago and the wilting has stopped... growth is greening, and everyone seems much happier. Ivy is taking the topping like a champ. Mama G seems to be in cruise control (Gloria clone 1.1)

Here is baby G (Gloria clone 1.2.)


She's going into a solo cup today.

That's all really to report. The Lilly stick is pretty much a goner.... 3 total gals in veg.

Headed out to the garage to look for some ATF soft pots to rinse. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas Quanza or Chanukah, or a good month at least!

Catch ya around everyone!!
Transplant successful! Feeding the girls

5 ml cal mag xtra

5 ml sensi grow for coco part A

6 ml sensi grow for coco part part B

600 ppm of feed

Trying to get them on the mend for when we can throw them in tub to swim with the big fish .

Damn Dabber, What a journal already! Sorry for liking almost all four pages of you guys, Its just SO DAMN EXITING!

All these crosses sound just like heaven... but can you "just pollinate" Two different strains? Looking at the fire coming of my cmog it would be a amazing cross with ATF! On the other hand I have Acapulco gold seeds... cross that with ATF.... or cmog... or Acapulco mint OG... Damn Could you just go with it and see What happens or does it gets Some rules when you start doing that?

The clones are doing good! I would be way to scared to let them turn yellow on purpose.. with me it turned out to be ph problems... it was to low so the nutes Could not be taken Up by the plants. Here I was trying to outsmart the world by ph-ing my water with a ground meter... Well I just got started lol.

Anyway This journal is the bomb and I am exited! Did I tell you that I was exited about all of This already?.

Spirit over and out✌️
Damn Dabber, What a journal already! Sorry for liking almost all four pages of you guys, Its just SO DAMN EXITING!

All these crosses sound just like heaven... but can you "just pollinate" Two different strains? Looking at the fire coming of my cmog it would be a amazing cross with ATF! On the other hand I have Acapulco gold seeds... cross that with ATF.... or cmog... or Acapulco mint OG... Damn Could you just go with it and see What happens or does it gets Some rules when you start doing that?

The clones are doing good! I would be way to scared to let them turn yellow on purpose.. with me it turned out to be ph problems... it was to low so the nutes Could not be taken Up by the plants. Here I was trying to outsmart the world by ph-ing my water with a ground meter... Well I just got started lol.

Anyway This journal is the bomb and I am exited! Did I tell you that I was exited about all of This already?.

Spirit over and out.️

Well a cross would be just that. Strain a and strain b first gen cross. But from what penny was explaining when you start crossing the first gen you see a lot more phenos the further you get. Then from there your line breed (again just going off my memory from stuff penny has said, think that's what it's called) breeding the like phenos to stabilize the genes. And or back cross with the original cross. I'm going to really dive into the reading after the new years so I will have more info.

Here's a shot of the gals yesterday I think


New growth looks good. Just hoping they don't take off tooooo much.

Happy New Year's everyone
Well a cross would be just that. Strain a and strain b first gen cross. But from what penny was explaining when you start crossing the first gen you see a lot more phenos the further you get. Then from there your line breed (again just going off my memory from stuff penny has said, think that's what it's called) breeding the like phenos to stabilize the genes. And or back cross with the original cross. I'm going to really dive into the reading after the new years so I will have more info.

Here's a shot of the gals yesterday I think


New growth looks good. Just hoping they don't take off tooooo much.

Happy New Year's everyone

Awesome so we Will be learning together eh? I am exited for the ride! I might have discovered Some Tiny pollen sacks to be. Ill wait with pics till I am Sure and it Will be late for the flowers, but I can use them on their clones(I am so happy with the clones!)
Hey Dabber! I know I haven't been around in a while but I wanted to wish you and yours a belated Merry Christmas and a very Happy New year. Congratulations on your win in MOTM last month, very well deserved brother!!
Awesome so we Will be learning together eh? I am exited for the ride! I might have discovered Some Tiny pollen sacks to be. Ill wait with pics till I am Sure and it Will be late for the flowers, but I can use them on their clones(I am so happy with the clones!)
I'm a learn as I go kinda guy. Once I feel I have the basic principles down anyways. It will be a fun adventure this year that's for sure! Glad to have you along for the ride NS.
Happy new year MD
Happy New years ninja! Hope you had a great holiday season and are ready to kick off an awesome new year
Happy new year.
Right back at you NS!!! ...
Hey Dabber! I know I haven't been around in a while but I wanted to wish you and yours a belated Merry Christmas and a very Happy New year. Congratulations on your win in MOTM last month, very well deserved brother!!
Thanks van!!! The dabber household had a very blessed Christmas and new year. Hope you enjoyed your trip to Florida, and had a nice holiday. 3 ATF popped yesterday . let the fun begin!!!!
Congratulations on MOTM here as well Them! :cheer:
Thanks shed. My number one fan .. Dunno where I'd be without all your help and support my friend ...
Congrats Dabbs. You have made me feel welcome and set me up with some great folks. It has to start somewhere! Keep up the good work and pass the blunt!
Hey low. Just happy to help honestly.

Puff on and puff strong my friends .
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