The Quest For Midnight Sunshine: Dabber Begins Breeding Bodacious Botanicals

Yep G2, I'm dancing to that beat everyday lol. I need a really good Sativa in my stash that doesn't take the better part of a year to grow out.

"Dancing...With...The...Seeds!!!" hahahahaha

According to the knowledge I learned from you... if you bred a Sativa Auto with a Sativa Fem, couldn't you speed up the flowering process, or am I waaaay off?

I remember in your thread you were talking about mixing an auto with a fem and how it would take characteristics from both, thus speeding up the growth stages. That's how much I have learned, I swear there is a section in my brain that is marked "Pennywise." Whenever I need that info you taught, I go to the PW filing cabinet in my brain and open the drawer with a massive selection of experiential knowledge. And hopefully it applies, sometimes I'm just off my
"Dancing...With...The...Seeds!!!" hahahahaha

According to the knowledge I learned from you... if you bred a Sativa Auto with a Sativa Fem, couldn't you speed up the flowering process, or am I waaaay off?

I remember in your thread you were talking about mixing an auto with a fem and how it would take characteristics from both, thus speeding up the growth stages. That's how much I have learned, I swear there is a section in my brain that is marked "Pennywise." Whenever I need that info you taught, I go to the PW filing cabinet in my brain and open the drawer with a massive selection of experiential knowledge. And hopefully it applies, sometimes I'm just off my

The way it would work with an auto and a photo is the first generation will be all photos.

2nd generation will give you 25% autos, 25% photos and 50% would be "fast"

Fast strains act like photos but the growth cycle is much shorter.

So that would be one way to decrease the flowering period of the Malawi. Actually I hadn't thought about making a "fast" malawi. Thanks for the idea!
I think that is the best experiential information about breeding right there. There are just so many layers, but totally doable, just calculated. Which I'm sure TMD will reign supreme. Me? I question the amount of each step to be done. Sometimes I overdue it, underdo it, drop it, like anything can happen. But customizing a growth period for a strain just blows my robotic mind there. Watching this process is a treat...

GO PW! So funny... I have the need for breed...s...:reading420magazine:

You got this TMD...:Namaste:
Lol I'm praying for you and the Malawi, you may forget why you planted them before they're mature. G2 this is a long term project so I'm in it for the long haul.
Awww, you said, long haul. :Namaste:
Yep gotta be sure you can find you the best meds for you possible! I think you'll do great with your breeding and we won't quit till we get ya there !
Just put two Malawis into flower today ya maybe by spring I can chop them lmao.

Lol I'm praying for you and the Malawi, you may forget why you planted them before they're mature. G2 this is a long term project so I'm in it for the long haul.
Those 20 week sativas . Hopefully this ATF can shorten that some for us right?
So I'm hoping to grab a quick update of my veg cab today, where IVY (the 4th of my 5 initial strawberry kush seeds) and Mama G ( a clone from Gloria, my most robust kush grower) are currently housed.

We did a nice family visit at arctic bowl and miss Js yesterday and he was able to grab me a few fabric pots (as they just kicked off flower and have everything in 25 gallon pots).

So just after the new year the 4 regular ATF x Durban poison will be planted. Courtesy of stank genetics .

When is it too late to monster crop?

AB also grabbed me his rapid rooters and I've had good success cloning with them but am not sure when it becomes too late to take cuttings in flower?

Also in found some CS that is 45 ppm but it runs 25 a bottle and for that much I can make STS and my source ( penny) tells me it's way better. So we'll get that ordered up asap!

Anyways hope everyone had a great weekend!

In as well
Great to have you!
Ahhh, A journal I can keep up with!
Won't miss a beat on this journey.
Good luck Dabs!
Are you preserving genetics on the tub or crossing the cookies and AOG?

I wanted to find a cookie or cake strain to cross with the strawberry kush to make some strawberry shortcake
I'm keeping the AOG going.
I may have inbred....if the seeds came from the same plant...???we'll just say they came from would just be expected.........

The Sativa Christmas Cookie and Bamboo Girl clones (1 each) have been pollinated.
Small, revegged not a big root plants. 1 finger reveg when flipped again. We shall see what developes!
Missed your other journal (sorry bout that) slowly catching up.

subbed for this baby.
Hey crash great to have you along! I won't judge you for skipping to the fun Part. Tomorrow marks 3 weeks so things are getting hairy. In a good way.
Hoping to find some good crosses here in the coming year!
Here is a quick look inside the "veg cab"


My poor rejected children . I've been slacking with them to be totally honest. Probably jumped into this whole perpetual breeding adventure prematurely, but shoot if not now then when?

MAMA G the is a clone of Gloria my strawberry kush in flower now (shown here)


and is in dire need of a transplant. Tomorrow hopefully!

Ivy the big...... bigger plant is another strawberry kush that already I can see is a different pheno from Gloria or her twin. The idea is to find a nice pink color to eventually cross with.

I did some seedsman searching and there was a purple strain that caught my eye, Mendocino purple kush (I think). Here is one review....


I'm sold. God's gift is my favorite strain and they are sold out so this is a substitute I can certianly live with .

Next goal it finding a high cbd strain to add to the list and potentially one more if I can squeeze it.

Anyways thanks everyone for stopping by and supporting my dream ✌
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