The Quest For Midnight Sunshine: Dabber Begins Breeding Bodacious Botanicals

Hello 420 family!

It's time I begin the next leg of my growing, growing adventure!

It has always been a dream of mine to design and develop my own personal hybrid strain offering a little piece of everything sweet cannabis has to offer.

And that dream has FINALLY become a reality for this dabbing daddy!

The first part of the cross I intend to incorporate is a strain called LILLY.


The info regarding this strain is quite inconsistent from what I have found. All I know is she packs a very distinctive fuel/ tobbaco taste initially and finishes with a sweet vibrant flavor many relate to pina colada, hence it's nickname. Flower time is supposed to be quick... arctic bowl had some go 16 weeks though, so again inconsistent info.

I recently was gifted some regular seeds that are a ATF Durban poison cross. They should give me a quality male to pollinate the Lilly with. They Indica qualities can hopefully decrease flower time and incorporate the ATF into this Alaskan inspired hybrid I plan create!

I am currently running strawberry kush and if there is a strong colored pheno I desire I probably won't be able to resist adding it to the mix, to bring some color to the strain. Although the DP and Lilly seem to color nicley in late flower, so hopefully the initial cross will contain a good color.

Lastly I should be getting some white widow to potentially cross. I am unsure if I will want to incorporate this strain as of now, but I will grow one out and see what she has to offer.

That's about it for now...

I have a clone of the strawberry kush, vegging and waiting to be reversed. And here in a few weeks we will drop the ATF x DP in search of a quality male. And a few weeks after that, if the Lilly cutting I took DOSENT root, I will bug Arctic bowl for a Lilly bean.

Just wanted to have the journal up and running for when the fun starts here for the new year! .... New Year, new goals, new crosses


Are you sure those are the ATF x Durban Poison and not just ATF? Please check those again brother.....I think they are just ATF if I am not mistaken
Are you sure those are the ATF x Durban Poison and not just ATF? Please check those again brother.....I think they are just ATF if I am not mistaken
Awwwww, did Van just shatter your dreams.......
It's ok you'll get there! girls knocked up. Lol

Are you sure those are the ATF x Durban Poison and not just ATF? Please check those again brother.....I think they are just ATF if I am not mistaken
Are they?!?! SWEET! They are labeled as atf.... but I thought they were crossed with DP? OOPS! I guess you would know .
Awwwww, did Van just shatter your dreams.......
It's ok you'll get there! girls knocked up. Lol

congrats buddy!

Actually Van just made my day . I really wanted a pure ATF to cross initially, so.... JACKPOT!
The ATF is almost pure Sativa....and a much better yielded. I think u will ba happy with it. I do also have ATF x Durban, but I just harvested them.
Nice! Dude both your ATF and Durban poison looked amazing in flower. Such beautiful strains both of them!

The Lilly is a near pure sativa also. So the cross should be really nice. I had some Kilimanjaro regulars in my basket yesterday but the sold out.... darn! I think I will cross the Lilly with ATF then decide where to move from there. Ideally I would like to add a nice hybrid or indica and then back cross with the Lilly × ATF

One step at a time though!
Some pretty evident thrip damage on mama G. She got a spinosad shower just after these pics. I'll alternate with NEEM few times to extinguish the menaces....



Sorry for the blurry second pic. The clone kinda self topped which is pretty Sweet!

She will get up potted today.

Ivy needs daily feeds and I've been neglecting that duty. Also probably ready for the next up pot also. I may hold off as we still have 4 to 6 weeks until flower space is avalible, and the smaller container should help limit her growth some...
I also pulled out IVY and gave her a huge drink....

Then out to the garage for a spino-shower. Facking bugs . Good news is it's mostly damage and not a lot of actual bugs... next week I'll remove the infected leaves and top both gals.


Mama g only lost the tippy tip of one little root... the transplant went smooth as it possibly could have...




Ivy is looking a little sad... as she always does when I skip a Day of watering / feeding. She should perk up a lot in the next hour or 2!

Tomorrow will be some coco rising and hosing off the fabric pots for the ATF.

I think I will do better to plan ahead more this cycle. My anxiety gets the best of me when I procrastinate too much. But I do my best work under some pressure, so just need to keep at it!

Arctic bowl pulled the trigger on some dj short and dynasty beans yesterday! Pretty stoked for him! The strains look out of this world

Thanks for stopping by. Hope everyone's having an awesome day!
Okay topped and trained IVY and mama G





Going to mix up their own gallon of nutes today. Neglecting to get readings and feed water daily has really upset them.... but ya know, star wars.

We have another member of the gang


Roots have shown on the monster cropped Gloria 2.1 cutting. May try to get her into a solo cup today.... or just wait until she has roots busting out all over... need to conserve space all I can!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Lookin good dabber.
Thanks illi! I mean they're alive and in veg so I think we're okay.... haha can always turn it around when they're still growing!
They look great Dabs
I just checked on them and they're doing better. The wilting combined with training had them looking sad. Still a little droopage but the are turning towards the light
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