The Quest For Midnight Sunshine: Dabber Begins Breeding Bodacious Botanicals

Yeah no tugging! Well I mean do as you please but I agree after watching sheds transplant catastrophe, I wouldn't risk it.

Ok kids. Photo dump...

Going to try and clean up the house some. Wife has been grumpy, snd it seems to help her feel less stressed and down.

Pistils look great. How do you know when is the best time to sprinkle pollen?

I hope that time was already! I suppose I could do a little more..... but i have brown pistils so I'm confident, but your right wouldn't hurt to maybe q tip a few just in case!
Looking pretty sweet in the garden!

Thanks penny! Firat time I've felt with big sativa stretchers like these. Honestly the widows look kinda sad next to the aft and stankberries, but I guess that's good... add the short tight node spacing to the sativa-y ATF.
As long as you have extra because you're young...

[extra q-tips that is]
I always have q tips on deck
Nice oil Dabs.
Oooooo what a beautiful chunk you've got there!! The bathtub is looking gorgeous as always Dabber, hope you're having a wonderful evening

Evening went okay. Trying to get some deep cleaning done around the house. But It hard to be inside when its 70° and beautiful out!

Hope your doing well Shorti
Very nicely done mr.D I trust you'll be blessed with many fine offspring...
Heya there mr smeeegs! Man I sure hope so! But whoever said too many strains too little time was correct. That or I need a bigger grow op!
And now it's time for....

***$%"ROCK OR ROOT"%$***


I don't think these are roots. Just crap on the rapid rooters....

But root watch is in effect. And I will say now I'm with derby on the over. Mainly because of the low temps... but maybe that's a good thing? Idk. All I know is they look like CHAMPS!

the stankberry is still growing though... so that's a sign of baby roots or that rooting hasnt begun. I mean how does a plant grow without roots? I get it like giving a last breath but the damn things just chugging along like I topped its branch and side growth is booming!

I'm thinking ok adding a drop or 2 or liquid karma, bloom nutes, and cal mag. However, I dont wanna ruin a good thing.

Thoughts, comments, bad dad jokes?
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