The Quest For Midnight Sunshine: Dabber Begins Breeding Bodacious Botanicals

I can hear Derby singing...
I'm in the money

I have no idea what that thing is but congratulations and I'm glad it makes you happy! Congrats on the sprout as well :thumb:.
It's a big steel tube filled with nugs. but I'm excited cause it's now a BIGGER steel tube. Just means I wont have to make dabs as often. Less work. More play :cool:.

Man there's a brain wave drifting about. I been rolling around a very similar idea.
My biggest roadblock is as always the feds. I'd have to buy the land and or building. Due to banking restrictions....

Then theres the fire martial inspections. Everything has to be outfitted explosion proof. The fans water heater. That's not too bad but takes time and money.

I think I may see if I can work up a grow and a processing plan. The more I think of it the more I feel a grow would be a cheaper start up...

Ugh. So many ideas. So little time!
I been leaning the live rosin way for a lot of those reasons. I miss AZ too bad the wife's not interested haha.

With the new laws here you can't do more than one portion of the process, if you grow you can't process, if you transport you can't grow etc but if rec goes in November I can still have enough plants for me n the missus and do an extraction company
WTF you talking about diamonds? You been to the crater down Arkansas way? But I do think your talking weed....????? But AZ is a mining area?
WTF you talking about diamonds? You been to the crater down Arkansas way? But I do think your talking weed....????? But AZ is a mining area?

It's a kind of hash Mr. Woody. Some of the most pure in the world. The Crystal stuff is nearly pure THC-a crystal and the juice its sitting in is mainly terpenes
I been leaning the live rosin way for a lot of those reasons. I miss AZ too bad the wife's not interested haha.

With the new laws here you can't do more than one portion of the process, if you grow you can't process, if you transport you can't grow etc but if rec goes in November I can still have enough plants for me n the missus and do an extraction company
Rosin is a great way to go!

So we have growing processing retail and testing. The only conflict of interest is owning or operating one of the first 3 with the testing. They do that to insure integrity of the samples.

Interestingly in some states the dispensary has to do everything from seed to bag sale...

Dude. It would be awesome if you're up an running by the end of year or even the next. Making moves!!!!
I think I like rosin just because it gives me an excuse for a freeze dryer lol. I'm super excited to see your diamonds. I love the purity and range.

This harvest should take a lot of weight off ,it's looking promising. Most of the gear for the growing is bought now so I'll be able to play around a bit more.

On a side note my pops tells me yesterday he's going to Alaska for 3 weeks the end of August. Bastard.
I see crystals growing.. I'm gun shy of the more err least say potent of the herb situation. I overindulged in my youth with stronger drugs. Rode the horse for 15 years. I can't say I didn't need the help with this chronic pain,,, but I do think I destroyed my ability to get high from weed to present. And I don't want to repeat. BUT Maybe that's what I need and I could cope a buzz?
I would totqlly rosin, but I already had probably a grand sunk into my gear already. Honestly jealous. I need to make more friends up here. I think a few dudes have smashers.

And I'm not sure what to expect from this diamond run lol. My buddy makes them out in LA along with lots of shatter so I have faith. It's just I get a little scared doing a new process. I'm not familiar with everything so promise not to judge lol.

Alaska, Nice! It's a bit rainy later in August but beats the heat of most anywhere else honestly.
I see crystals growing.. I'm gun shy of the more err least say potent of the herb situation. I overindulged in my youth with stronger drugs. Rode the horse for 15 years. I can't say I didn't need the help with this chronic pain,,, but I do think I destroyed my ability to get high from weed to present. And I don't want to repeat. BUT Maybe that's what I need and I could cope a buzz?
Maybe? Have you tried a vape pen from the dispensary? Like a real potent one?

I do know what you mean though. I always felt like smoking on an opiate intensified the opiate but offered little in the way of a good stone.
Dude you got it made up there.... And looks like some scary dope................... Man,, IF I was in better health I'd love to live up those ways........ I busted my neck up back in 86'. Did great for alot of years. Dredged the rivers, fished every chance and loved to run my dogs,, I did beagles, had 20 of them, once,,,,, for rabbit and squirrel.

But I haven't really tried other options... LOL and here I live in Portland... I got a close friend that even has afew shops local here.... I been to two stores,,,, Period. Once just to see Tommy Chong once after hours'.

But that dope looks to grow back,,,, like a real crystal. Kind of like well something else,,, cept different color......... JK Kind of
Yeah if it wasn't sitting in juice I may think it was meth lol...

Only it doesnt keep you up for a week, it puts you out like a baby.

So I grabbed this pic for shed.


The seeds are a'forming. But I expected to see more. The AtF and untopped stankberry flowered later. So I'm going to go feed them, then find a few little nuts to pop over them again.
Thanks! Let no pistil go unfertilized is the new MadDab motto. :thumb:
Lmao. Well I q tipped a lot more sites. I wouldn't mind SOME buddha for extraction. In some form.... but a seed is worth more than its weight in nugs so.....

But I'll check the pistils again tomorrow, but Wednesday will be my final pollen chuck. The stankberry and atFs stretched enough to where only their lowers got pollinated which is cool! So I'll do more on their lowers.

The topped stankberry seems to be a little faster to bloom than the untopped. Just a note for later. But the untopped its putting out some serious frost now (finally) the aft as well. this may or may not be a deal breaker when I decide which stankberry to continue to cube.

Oh the GG4a has bugs...


I think they're mites.... the GOOD ONES!!!

Gg is growing just fine not a trace of bug damage. I'll give her a few days before she goes back in the bathroom.

But DAMN those mites cost like 50 bucks for 1000. Just scored some free post control!!!!!! If this is really the case, I am ecstatic. I hope the population will survive until I run my VC this fall. Organic goodnessssss
Oh the GG4a has bugs...
I think they're mites.... the GOOD ONES!!!
Gg is growing just fine not a trace of bug damage. I'll give her a few days before she goes back in the bathroom.
But DAMN those mites cost like 50 bucks for 1000. Just scored some free post control!!!!!! If this is really the case, I am ecstatic. I hope the population will survive until I run my VC this fall. Organic goodnessssss
Time to start a new breeding operation! Some bugs, bugs for sale, they're going cheap...only seven guineas.
Okay gang. Believe it or not today marks the end of week 4.

Day 28

Everything's coming along just peachy. The topped stankberry aka "Lanky (AF)" Continues to impress. I'm not sure yet if that's just because its maturing faster than its sister. What I assumed would be a weak stem with a few golf all sized nugs, is turning out to be some serious cola-age.

The size difference in the indica dominant plants is staggering. Where 4 weeks was sufficient veg time for aft and stankberry I think the widows could have been a bigger producer with another 2 weeks of veg.

Ok now pics....

I will re pollinate again tomorrow.

Hope your all having a terrific Tuesday.

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