The Mega Crop Thread

At this point you should send me a trial bag of Sweet Candy!
I hope the UK will get discounts and giveaway events also :ganjamon:
this shipping company is on crack, not sure what they are doing. Been in UK since August 11.
Green Leaf: I currently am using Bud Explosion on my flowering autos. They are now 2 weeks into flower and I am wondering when can I add the Sweet Candy? Do I use it with the Bud explosion? If so, how often should I add it to the watering format, daily weekly, every other feed? Instructions are somewhat vague on this area of need. Thanks for any advice.
Green Leaf: I currently am using Bud Explosion on my flowering autos. They are now 2 weeks into flower and I am wondering when can I add the Sweet Candy? Do I use it with the Bud explosion? If so, how often should I add it to the watering format, daily weekly, every other feed? Instructions are somewhat vague on this area of need. Thanks for any advice.
Use Sweet Candy for soil and Bud Explosion for coco/hydro, not both. They are basically the same except sweet candy also contains soil conditioners. Here is my flowering schedule using Bud Explosion and Epsom:
Lizzy Nutrient Plan.png
Green Leaf: I currently am using Bud Explosion on my flowering autos. They are now 2 weeks into flower and I am wondering when can I add the Sweet Candy? Do I use it with the Bud explosion? If so, how often should I add it to the watering format, daily weekly, every other feed? Instructions are somewhat vague on this area of need. Thanks for any advice.
@LKABudMan has the right idea on that. You can use either or. If you have both products now, you can do 50% dosage on both of them at the same time so you don't overdose. They are pretty strong PK Boosters, and Sweet Candy does have soil conditioners as mentioned, so you wouldn't want to use both at full strength (it might be a little too much)
LKABudMan and Green Leaf, thank you. I'just started this today before even reading. I lowered the dose in half for both. My others are just now going into flower so I am providing Mega Crop & Bud Explosion at half dose as well, these 2 were on just MC until this feed. Thanks guys much appreciated.
I wouldn't feed the Mega Crop at half dose.
Just Bud Explosion & Sweet Candy.
I'd be feeding Mega Crop at 1 gram/ liter minimum. :Namaste:
Until you see pistils then increase as recommended.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
i always make head room for BE when i use it. i drop the regular amount of MC i use and add in the BE. i don't just add the BE on top, it will burn your plants up if i do.

at finish on my last grow in hempy i ran :
10ml calmag
9g mega crop
2g bud explosion
10ml h2o2 at 27%
ph to 5.8

in US measurement it works out to just under 4.5g MC/gal and 1.0g BE/gal for a combined 5.5g/gal
i always make head room for BE when i use it. i drop the regular amount of MC i use and add in the BE. i don't just add the BE on top, it will burn your plants up if i do.

at finish on my last grow in hempy i ran :
10ml calmag
9g mega crop
2g bud explosion
10ml h2o2 at 27%
ph to 5.8

in US measurement it works out to just under 4.5g MC/gal and 1.0g BE/gal for a combined 5.5g/gal
So far using what I have been, I have noticed no browning tips, so hopefully a good sign. I actually for the first time used both BE and SC together with half doses of each and my plants seemed to love it a of this morning! I always add a very light dose of MC just so it has some nitrogen. My other 2 will now start getting the same treatments as they both came into flower as of last night. I am really liking the Green Leaf products, organic, easy to use and mix, and my girls seem to appreciate it as well. The hardest part is figuring out the schedule, no issue with the mix ratio, just the feed schedule. So far I am providing the mix every time I water and no issues, but I am sticking to half to 3/4 doses as well since I am in very good soil to begin with. Thanks for your feedback.
i always make head room for BE when i use it. i drop the regular amount of MC i use and add in the BE. i don't just add the BE on top, it will burn your plants up if i do.

at finish on my last grow in hempy i ran :
10ml calmag
9g mega crop
2g bud explosion
10ml h2o2 at 27%
ph to 5.8

in US measurement it works out to just under 4.5g MC/gal and 1.0g BE/gal for a combined 5.5g/gal
Bluter, what do you mean when you say you don't add the BE on top?
i always make head room for BE when i use it. i drop the regular amount of MC i use and add in the BE. i don't just add the BE on top, it will burn your plants up if i do.

at finish on my last grow in hempy i ran :
10ml calmag
9g mega crop
2g bud explosion
10ml h2o2 at 27%
ph to 5.8

in US measurement it works out to just under 4.5g MC/gal and 1.0g BE/gal for a combined 5.5g/gal
I've had no issues so far maxing out at 5.5g MC/gal + 1g BE/gal in weeks 3&4 of flower. Ladies are loving it!
One more attempt :lot-o-toke:
They delayed it again to Sept 23. They said the local warehouses are having issues receiving cargo recently and keep delaying shipments. We are kind of at the mercy of the UK warehouse providers we use unfortunately :( You can signup on the website for email notifications to be the first to know! Also I don't think we are shipping any Sweet Candy to UK in this shipment. We will have a lot of Bud Explosion though!
So far using what I have been, I have noticed no browning tips, so hopefully a good sign. I actually for the first time used both BE and SC together with half doses of each and my plants seemed to love it a of this morning! I always add a very light dose of MC just so it has some nitrogen. My other 2 will now start getting the same treatments as they both came into flower as of last night. I am really liking the Green Leaf products, organic, easy to use and mix, and my girls seem to appreciate it as well. The hardest part is figuring out the schedule, no issue with the mix ratio, just the feed schedule. So far I am providing the mix every time I water and no issues, but I am sticking to half to 3/4 doses as well since I am in very good soil to begin with. Thanks for your feedback.
Thanks so much, I hope you have good results! just FYI, our Seaweed/Kelp is technically OMRI Organic qualified (if we wanted to pay the fees), the other products have lots of organic ingredients in them, however are not OMRI organic certified because they also contain normal nutrient salts (like Calcium Nitrate, Potassium Nitrate, Potassium Phosphate) which are considered traditional fertilizer salts and cannot be recognized as organic. We like to see our products as the "best of both worlds" getting organic ingredients to help benefit the plant and benefit and restore soil structures, and also using traditional fertilizer ingredients for maximum absorption and effectiveness for plant growth.

All of our products greatly exceed all OMRI, Organic Program and State guidelines for heavy metal and contaminant safety, so this is not a worry at all. In my opinion organic "fertilizer" are less effective. The main benefit for "organic" farming is the avoidance of pesticides and PGR's which would potentially get into the plant.

They delayed it again to Sept 23. They said the local warehouses are having issues receiving cargo recently and keep delaying shipments. We are kind of at the mercy of the UK warehouse providers we use unfortunately :( You can signup on the website for email notifications to be the first to know! Also I don't think we are shipping any Sweet Candy to UK in this shipment. We will have a lot of Bud Explosion though!
Ah mannnnnn, that's just taken the biscuit.
Sweet Candy is literally what I've been waiting for.....well I guess my MegaCrop era has been short-lived...
Bud explosion is a bit lack-luster....
was a good run

Goodluck and happy growing all.
Heya folks. Long time indeed. I just got delivered my second 25lb bag of m.c. First was maybe 6 or 7 years ago. I was down to the end of the first bag with pretty much only the black balls left. Not a good ratio at all

So I ordered from Amazon cuz of free shipping. They apparently lost track of the package during shipping so I cancelled my order any got my money refunded. All good I spose.

Then five days later the package gets rudely dumped off at the front door. Box in shambles but bag is fine

Yay for free shipping and bigger yay for free mega crop.

I am amazed how much white powder is in the mix. I had forgotten

So I guess I am now a mega cropper for life

Heya Bluter, heya from kelowna
Bluter, what do you mean when you say you don't add the BE on top?

i don't run the full dose. i balance it depending on the plant reaction.

I've had no issues so far maxing out at 5.5g MC/gal + 1g BE/gal in weeks 3&4 of flower. Ladies are loving it!

on previous grows i've run less MC/gal and more BE/gal. it changes a bit depending on the plants. i haven't checked the BE schedule but i doubt i ever get close to a full dose.

Heya folks. Long time indeed. I just got delivered my second 25lb bag of m.c. First was maybe 6 or 7 years ago. I was down to the end of the first bag with pretty much only the black balls left. Not a good ratio at all

So I ordered from Amazon cuz of free shipping. They apparently lost track of the package during shipping so I cancelled my order any got my money refunded. All good I spose.

Then five days later the package gets rudely dumped off at the front door. Box in shambles but bag is fine

lol that's exactly how mine arrived. the delivery drivers hate it cause the bag is heavy

Heya Bluter, heya from kelowna


love your neighbourhood.
Thanks! The current version is low in magnesium for me (I prefer 2:1 Ca:Mg) but I appreciate that you've been aiming for the best results.
Shed, @InTheShed
Have you run the "latest" Part 1 recipe using the MC online nutrient calculator ? At 5.5 gms it shows Mg at 43.7 ppm and Ca at 116.6 ppm. That's much higher Mg than what I get using the 11-5-14-7.5-1.4 on the bag ?
It does not match to the ratios ?? What gives ?
Shed, @InTheShed
Have you run the "latest" Part 1 recipe using the MC online nutrient calculator ? At 5.5 gms it shows Mg at 43.7 ppm and Ca at 116.6 ppm. That's much higher Mg than what I get using the 11-5-14-7.5-1.4 on the bag ?
It does not match to the ratios ?? What gives ?
Using the numbers on their bag at 5.5g I get 160-32-169 with Ca:109 and Mg: 20 running it through the calculator, so no idea why they're online numbers would be different.

The current listed bag has a Mg:Ca ratio of 1:5.3 rather than the 1:2 ratio I prefer to run and I stopped using their calculator shortly after I found a legit on for free online. :)
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