The Mega Crop Thread

At this point you should send me a trial bag of Sweet Candy!
I hope the UK will get discounts and giveaway events also :ganjamon:
this shipping company is on crack, not sure what they are doing. Been in UK since August 11.
Green Leaf: I currently am using Bud Explosion on my flowering autos. They are now 2 weeks into flower and I am wondering when can I add the Sweet Candy? Do I use it with the Bud explosion? If so, how often should I add it to the watering format, daily weekly, every other feed? Instructions are somewhat vague on this area of need. Thanks for any advice.
Use Sweet Candy for soil and Bud Explosion for coco/hydro, not both. They are basically the same except sweet candy also contains soil conditioners. Here is my flowering schedule using Bud Explosion and Epsom:
Lizzy Nutrient Plan.png
Green Leaf: I currently am using Bud Explosion on my flowering autos. They are now 2 weeks into flower and I am wondering when can I add the Sweet Candy? Do I use it with the Bud explosion? If so, how often should I add it to the watering format, daily weekly, every other feed? Instructions are somewhat vague on this area of need. Thanks for any advice.
@LKABudMan has the right idea on that. You can use either or. If you have both products now, you can do 50% dosage on both of them at the same time so you don't overdose. They are pretty strong PK Boosters, and Sweet Candy does have soil conditioners as mentioned, so you wouldn't want to use both at full strength (it might be a little too much)
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