The Mega Crop Thread

Hi All,

I'm a newer grower. I started growing hydro a few months ago ( RDWC ) and have been using Mega Crop from the start. Plant growth has been very vigorous, but I've been experiencing some deficiencies that I can't quite figure out. They appear to be calcium deficiencies to me. But I have been unable to stop the issues. So I'm second guessing myself.

Currently I'm using 5g/gal MC, and 3ml/gal Calmag ( 2-0-0; I've been increasing this slowly ). Nothing else. This comes out to around 700ppm. I change out ~50 gal of water each week using the nutes above. I am using RO water. My top off water is also RO w/ ~2.5ml calmag only ( using a float switch ).

The tops look fine to me. Mid to lower fan leaves exhibit brown spotting. The lowest fan leaves are hit the hardest and look pretty rough.

Thanks in advance for any help!

System: ~100 gallon RWDC. 6" net pots w/ hydroton. Lots of air blowing in each 5 gallon bucket.
Lights: Mars Hydro TS-1000 ( veg ), 630w CMH ( flower ).
Temp: 75
RH: 50
TDS: 600-750
PH: 5.5-6.5
Water: RO

600-750 seems awful low for 5g/gallon, with calmag included?
That's the overall system tds ( 100-150 gallons ). I've slowing been increasing the amounts for both MC and Calmag. The last 50 gallon water change that I did was 5g/gal + 3ml/gal Calmag. It was 800+ ppm.

When I checked this am, the TDS was 694 with a ph of 5.9.

The extra nitrogen in the 2-0-0 calmag could be throwing things off. This is a guess, as I grow drain to waste. Consider dropping the calmag and increasing the pH to between 6.1 and 6.4 for a few days. This will give you the maximum calcium uptake for hydroponics.

After that try calmag at a lower rate of 1ml per 10-15 gms of Mega Crop. For 50 gal with 5gm/gal Mega Crop that works out to 25-37 ml of your calmag for the batch. This is what worked for me using a 70% coco/ 30% perlite as a substrate. I'm using General Hydroponics' CALiMAGic which is 1-0-0, so half the nitrogen of your calmag.
The extra nitrogen in the 2-0-0 calmag could be throwing things off. This is a guess, as I grow drain to waste. Consider dropping the calmag and increasing the pH to between 6.1 and 6.4 for a few days. This will give you the maximum calcium uptake for hydroponics.

After that try calmag at a lower rate of 1ml per 10-15 gms of Mega Crop. For 50 gal with 5gm/gal Mega Crop that works out to 25-37 ml of your calmag for the batch. This is what worked for me using a 70% coco/ 30% perlite as a substrate. I'm using General Hydroponics' CALiMAGic which is 1-0-0, so half the nitrogen of your calmag.
Noted. Thank you for your response!
All-purpose Pro Mix amended with lots of perlite with Mega Crop and a tad of extra cal-mag. My Qbs are quite strong and demand a little extra. I am not pHing and using hard tap water. So far so good.

Sounds like a winning combo.
They came down week early due to bugsbut heavy heavy yeild n frosty massive buds did a bud wash was really hard to dunk the hole bud in five gal bucket but all in dry tent mc n mars light did there thang I will keep using mc but will up my g in flower trying to work it out this run will b better but I can’t complain on this run one bit a lot of it turned purple pink really wicked
They came down week early due to bugsbut heavy heavy yeild n frosty massive buds did a bud wash was really hard to dunk the hole bud in five gal bucket but all in dry tent mc n mars light did there thang I will keep using mc but will up my g in flower trying to work it out this run will b better but I can’t complain on this run one bit a lot of it turned purple pink really wicked

Hey! They're upside down!

Congrats on the harvest. Hopefully you can get rid of the pests before your next grow.
Yeah sorry was a big mess yesterday washing them I will post pics of full yeild n will nuke evreything befor new plants the prob was my jungle was to thick n I couldn’t attend to them properly or c a problem before it became a bigger one next run half the plants will start with new crop in a few days will keep y’all posted
Hi All,

I'm a newer grower. I started growing hydro a few months ago ( RDWC ) and have been using Mega Crop from the start. Plant growth has been very vigorous, but I've been experiencing some deficiencies that I can't quite figure out. They appear to be calcium deficiencies to me. But I have been unable to stop the issues. So I'm second guessing myself.

Currently I'm using 5g/gal MC, and 3ml/gal Calmag ( 2-0-0; I've been increasing this slowly ). Nothing else. This comes out to around 700ppm. I change out ~50 gal of water each week using the nutes above. I am using RO water. My top off water is also RO w/ ~2.5ml calmag only ( using a float switch ).

The tops look fine to me. Mid to lower fan leaves exhibit brown spotting. The lowest fan leaves are hit the hardest and look pretty rough.

Thanks in advance for any help!

System: ~100 gallon RWDC. 6" net pots w/ hydroton. Lots of air blowing in each 5 gallon bucket.
Lights: Mars Hydro TS-1000 ( veg ), 630w CMH ( flower ).
Temp: 75
RH: 50
TDS: 600-750
PH: 5.5-6.5
Water: RO
600-750 seems awful low for 5g/gallon, with calmag included?

hi @ColonelBlake

gotta agree with multi here. i can't be the only one who feels they look a bit pale and hungry. once you get in to flower you should be pushing over 5g / gal. generally closer to 6 or 6.5 even.
ok, so i read in another thread that using m.c. requires one to locate the little cal/mag pebbles/marbles and crush them up and add the powder back into the mix

i could see how this would be necessary when using small amounts of m.c. as the smallish pebbles might never be included into the mixture.

so,, is this correct?

and, if one was receiving a 22lb bag, would one be required to pulverize the whole darn bag at once?

cheers friends

Has anyone used it in hempy that we know of? i'm thinking about switching when i get low on my gh stuff. would the mega crop replace just the base trio? or would the additives not be useful with it?

lots of beauties in this thread. i see no reason not to try it out.
ok, so i read in another thread that using m.c. requires one to locate the little cal/mag pebbles/marbles and crush them up and add the powder back into the mix

i could see how this would be necessary when using small amounts of m.c. as the smallish pebbles might never be included into the mixture.

so,, is this correct?

and, if one was receiving a 22lb bag, would one be required to pulverize the whole darn bag at once?

cheers friends

I think it is only going to be an issue when mixing up small amounts of the stuff. I got too few of the balls in one of my earlier 1 gallon mixes and ended up with a magnesium deficiency that the next time mysteriously resolved itself when I randomly got a few more balls in there. I tried to grind some up and found that to be a total PITA so I am just going to assume that on the average, we will get what is needed from the mix by just trying to get an average amount of the balls in each scoop. Since moving up to mixing 3 gallons at a time, I have not had another issue.
Has anyone used it in hempy that we know of? i'm thinking about switching when i get low on my gh stuff. would the mega crop replace just the base trio? or would the additives not be useful with it?

lots of beauties in this thread. i see no reason not to try it out.
hey remy

i'm in hempy. on nothing but mc. not even using calmag at present.
Has anyone used it in hempy that we know of? i'm thinking about switching when i get low on my gh stuff. would the mega crop replace just the base trio? or would the additives not be useful with it?

lots of beauties in this thread. i see no reason not to try it out.

@bluter is running a hempy grow with MC as we speak. I'm also just starting one girl in hempy after she runted out and I decided to try and save her. So I moved her from my RDWC setup into a solo cup and she may just make it.

The version of Mega Crop that you purchase now would replace the GH base and its additional additives. You need nothing more than straight Mega Crop, with only a few minor exceptions. Those exceptions revolve around RO/Distilled water and/or LED lighting. As with other nutrient lines, you most likely will need a little calmag to go along with it under those circumstances.

Now when you add calmag, you're going to increase your nitrogen and throw your nitrogen/potassium ratio out of whack a bit. However, fret not. There is a solution, and it's pretty dead simple.

First, CALiMAGic (from Gen Hydro). It has a 1-0-0 ratio.
Second, Pro-TeKt (from Dyna gro). It has a 0-0-3 ratio.

Notice that combined that makes for 1N and 3K. Right where it should be. :)

I've been following @farside05's schedule:


With RO water and LED's, I had a need for some calmag. However I didn't want to throw off the N->K ratio. So a gallon of CALiMAGic and a gallon of Pro-TeKt, and I'm good for a while. There is also the added benefit of a little more silica, which isn't a bad thing.

The schedule is really pretty simple. 1g/1ml/1ml is pretty much the ratio. Every gram of MC add 1ml of calimagic and 1ml of protekt. This is without getting into making your own and all of that. That's up to you. Farside also has some links in his sig to make your own with the same ratios, and can save you a couple bucks if you want.

Anyway, I'm following the above schedule with MC in promix, RDWC, and now hempy. It works. You don't need a ton of other stuff, just MC. If you need calmag, you can add it along with the protekt to keep the ratio right.
i think i'm sold. have a gallon of each of the trio to use up but i'll try out mc next time for sure. tonight i finished making the solution and looked at all the bottles and told myself, "this has to change" lol.
i think i'm sold. have a gallon of each of the trio to use up but i'll try out mc next time for sure. tonight i finished making the solution and looked at all the bottles and told myself, "this has to change" lol.

I think that's why a lot of us are here. Simple, cost effective, and it works really well.
Well it’s officially been 2 full weeks and 6x feeds with both MegaCrop and Bud Explosion! I can report my garden is loving it and producing the best buds I’ve grown to date with the most frost and fastest bulking I’ve seen!

Day-36 Flip/Flower yesterday and this is what the garden is looking like!

I’ve got to get another defoliation done this week to remove any blocking fan leaves and open up any Budsites to maximum lighting. After the defoliation it will be a full strength push to the finish!

Hope your all enjoying the weekend !
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