The Mega Crop Thread

As I mentioned, I was quoting their website: "Advanced growers can add in a PK booster during flowering phase..." And if you were offended by that phrase, you could have just said so.
I did. You appeared to have stated that I would be better off not trying to be advanced. I am over it now, just know that words do hurt.
I wasn't calling you an amateur Emilya. I was quoting their website. You are not an advanced MegaCrop grower to be sure. And I did not say you had no experience with nutes. I was suggesting that adding the supplements might not be the best approach first time out. Take my suggestions or pass on them.
Thank you Shed, and I know you mean well. I surprised a LOT of people by doing this MegaCrop experiment because I have pretty much perfected the method I have been using for the last 7 years and I stated over and over again that I would never go back to nutes. The science of Megacrop intrigued me so much however, and I saw it as such a momentous advance in the science of indoor gardening, that I had to try it, AS AN EXPERT, so that I could put my official endorsement on it when I advise disabled medical patients how to best grow their home crops. I went into this solely because of my overall expertise in this field, so as to give it MY review. I appreciate your advice, but at the very least I would like to be treated as an equal here, and one capable of reading all of your comments over this past year about this product and its use. I feel that I am caught up, and clearly many of you are still working on figuring this stuff out, so who really is (after a year) an advanced MegaCrop grower anyway? Who holds that magic NPK number? Keep watching my grow journal... maybe it is I who is blazing new ground here? Nobody knows until the final bell tolls... does it toll for you?
So after some digestion, my thoughts:

For “someone like me” a relatively uneducated individual (attained my GED at 32 big whoop what a lovely piece of paper that was), thanks in large part to educators who knew what they knew and just who was I to question their authority and look at things from a different perspective. I find it curious when I see/hear people whom you would think would know better have such a difficult time with reading comprehension.

At no time did I make allegations. I simply mentioned that I had concerns regarding Heavy metals and that the report that is provided on the website does not have the required information to be pertinent. (Perhaps insinuate if one is so inclined as to read it that way) Asking if any of the more knowledgeable members on this forum have looked into this matter.

As for my grousing …..”loving the results from mega crop”, “(best crop I’ve grown yet)” I am flummoxed and can only wonder what the purpose of this forum is. As “someone like me” who does not have the time or inclination to delve into white papers I thought I might come to this forum to ask if somewhere within this 2300 and some odd post thread someone had made this information available.

Having said my piece hopefully In a informative and respectful manner I bid you adieu, anticipating that I am able to log in to give an update at such time as I am able. If not then it’s been a slice.
ignore button can or can not be useful
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Classic! Most movie references are lost on Shed though. He's lived a sheltered life. It's been pretty much 24/7 ballgags, brownie mix and clown porn. Hehehe, see what I did there? Another movie reference (Deadpool).
Where would you recommend I look to get an understanding of all of this, from what ratios for which stage, to the formulas for the actual nute load vs the label ratios? All I know (or think I know) is that you want lots of N for veg, and a bit extra phos for bloom.

There are some good primers on the first 2 pages of my journal. Look at the articles and video/podcast links. They will give you some basic understanding without jumping head first into the deep end.
is mega mass the same idea as mega crop?

don't think this got answered ... a cursory look confirms it is not
No email back yet don't really expect one till next week but I did look on the CDFA fertilizer listing page "Green Leaf Nutrients" is not listed on there. They are a Californa based company and it is my understanding that in order to be sold in CA fertilizers must be registered through the CDFA which involves lab testing for heavy metals. I am no stranger to government bureaucracy so that is not an magor red flag for me at this point but....

hi @JimSaskFarmer - your answer is on their website. mc is tested for heavy metals at three different phases. all their products meet or exceed organic level certification. the results of the testing is posted on the site.
Hi All,

I'm a newer grower. I started growing hydro a few months ago ( RDWC ) and have been using Mega Crop from the start. Plant growth has been very vigorous, but I've been experiencing some deficiencies that I can't quite figure out. They appear to be calcium deficiencies to me. But I have been unable to stop the issues. So I'm second guessing myself.

Currently I'm using 5g/gal MC, and 3ml/gal Calmag ( 2-0-0; I've been increasing this slowly ). Nothing else. This comes out to around 700ppm. I change out ~50 gal of water each week using the nutes above. I am using RO water. My top off water is also RO w/ ~2.5ml calmag only ( using a float switch ).

The tops look fine to me. Mid to lower fan leaves exhibit brown spotting. The lowest fan leaves are hit the hardest and look pretty rough.

Thanks in advance for any help!

System: ~100 gallon RWDC. 6" net pots w/ hydroton. Lots of air blowing in each 5 gallon bucket.
Lights: Mars Hydro TS-1000 ( veg ), 630w CMH ( flower ).
Temp: 75
RH: 50
TDS: 600-750
PH: 5.5-6.5
Water: RO


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All-purpose Pro Mix amended with lots of perlite with Mega Crop and a tad of extra cal-mag. My Qbs are quite strong and demand a little extra. I am not pHing and using hard tap water. So far so good.
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