Daily Update:Tiny Closet - Week 13, Day 7
Let's work our way up chronologically, from the baby.
Auto Jock Horror x Auto Amnesia (Day 5)
Dark Devil Auto (Day 17) She gets transplanted tomorrow.
Thunderpaws #2 (Day 31)
Thunderpaws #1 (Day 32) Isn't it amazing how different they are from each other? I'm hoping what I'm seeing is phenome distinctions and not sexual orientation. I'd prefer these both be female.
Dark Devil Auto (Day 32)
Jamaican Dream (Day 32)
"You imitate the best and the rest you memorize. You know the times you impress me the most are the times when you don't try." -Joni Mitchell,
Woman of Heart and Mind
I spent my evening putting these posts together lost in Joni Mitchell. She's like a balm to my soul. I can't listen without singing and these are all old friends. I know all the little nuances well enough to switch between the melody and harmonies without thinking about it.
"I could drink a case of you darling, and I would still be on my feet."
" I remember the time you told me, you said love is touching souls. Surely you touched mine, 'cause part of you pours out of me in these lines from time to time. "
Yeah, I'm pretty lost. Time to wrap it up and get some visiting time in before Callanetics. I hope your day was filled with a cascade of joyful moments. I know mine was, and I didn't even have to try. I should knock on some wood when I say this, but no rough moments at all today. Whew! Yesterday was enough emotional overdrive for a while, thank you.
I'm gonna reinforce this buzz (saving the brownies to start tomorrow) and drop in to visit a few. Then I need to work on this trophy wife-body-in-the-making. Somewhere in my future is the husband whose arm this trophy wife will drip off of, and he'd probably appreciate my staying the course