I asked Lerugged if any of them would make my season and he said IKLWA would/could finish in 63 to 70 days. That pushes my season to the limit but with a little luck will work.

Boy did he ever! I'm going to try to reverse a branch and make some fems to preserve her.
I have my fingers crossed 🤞 for you bro, hopefully a long summer or speedy flowering. CL🍀 :goodluck:



Heres what I have going on right now. 4 Durban Poisons from seed. They will be 6 weeks old tomorrow. 15 more days minimum until flip. They have all been manifolded to 8 tops. One pheno is very small and delicate. The other 3 are more vigorous. I just cut the 2 clone branches off each plant and put them into the aero cloner this morning so they are pretty clean shaven. Later today they get fish ferts and EWC.
Day 44

The canopy is shaping in nicely. Soon it will be 32 tops going in to flower. 12 more days minimum but I'm just starting to see staggered nodes and no preflowers yet so it may be a few extra days.


The 8 tops per plant are slowly flexing into position. A few more days and I can tie the final ties to get them equally spaced and flat.


I also delarfed today. The bottom branches growing from each of the 8 mains got plucked. I left the fans, just snipped out the branches.
The clones I cut 7 days ago were 8 clones cut from 4 Durban plants started from seed. Before the nodes became staggered I topped both clone branches on the 1st plant, 1 clone branch on the 2nd plant and the other 5 clone branches were left untopped.


This is yesterday, Day 6, and if you zoom in on the very bottom of the clone you can see roots starting.

Today, Day 7, I checked on them and all 3 that had been topped into 2-headed clones are popping roots but none of the 5 single headed ones have started rooting yet.

Its hard to keep a 2 headed cutting happy, maybe that promotes the roots.

Perplexing,... or a coincidence.
Certainly interesting.
Looking good Gee. I love the way you experiment with everything!
Yolo Baby👊👊👊👊🤣🤣🤣🤣

Why not though really? It keeps it fun and increases the odds of stumbling onto something cool. I'm going to try something this grow but I'm not quite exactly sure how I am going to do it yet, but I need to decide a path by tomorrow.

When I get the plants, which are top watered, really revving and I am about 10 days from flipping to flower I am going to put them, or at least one, in a perlite bed and by then it will have already developed good feeder roots, so it can put down water roots and then go into stretch.

I will keep the drip feeders that do the top watering going, just not as much.

Probably a fair bit less actually, just enough to keep the top dressing moist.
As for the clones I'm not sure what I will do but outdoor season is here. 😎.

Maybe a cool 2 headed Durban Poison in a pot out in the yard🥰.

Its Day 50 since sprouting. 6 more days minimum but I am not seeing any preflowers yet so it may be a bit more. The canopy is pretty much ready.

Screenshot_20230608_145150_VPD Calculator.jpg

VPD is right where I like it for late veg.


The PK's for the outdoor grow are 11 days old and doing well. I am using a swick but every 2nd day I pull the wick out of the water.

They are a wee tad damper than perfect but it seems to be working quite well.

They are also getting EWC top watered in (spoon fed actually) and getting fish ferts.

Once again all were started in spagnum moss. 4/4.

My outdoor soil will be ready for planting on June 21st, the 1st day of summer. I'm using 20 gallon pots this time, my 2200 gallon pot is my super-hot pepper bed this year😈 Reapers, ghosts, white ghosts, habaneros, tighs, and cayennes.

This is my outdoor soil mix. After its cooked I will add 6 gallons of coco, 6 gallons of EWC, 6 gallons of compost per tub, and then perlite it to how I like it, and mix it all up for a bit over 80 gallons of finished soil.

2 tubs that are each:

20 gals recycled soil
2 gals coco
5 cups prilled dolomite
1 cup blood meal
.5 cup bat guano
1 cup glacial rock dust
3 cups feather meal
3 cups bone meal
1.5 cups greensand
.3 cups SRP
2 cups organic basmati
.75 cups gypsum
3 cups kelp meal
2 cups alfalfa meal
1 cup oyster shell flour


The clones are on day 9 and all 8 have at least some roots starting. The 3 largest sets of roots are on the double headed clones.
Interesting. Do you think it's because they rooted earlier or do you think they are just more robust?
They rooted 1st. In a few days they will all be rooty.

I need to decide on a pot size.

I think probably 1.6gals and see if I want to keep any of the phenos.

Maybe try some weird science on some.

Grafting tweaks my interest, I may try that.
DAY 51

The canopy is close but there are a few runt-ish tops that need a boost. I stripped all the side branches off the runts so they should shoot up a bit now.


Here is how I adjust my light to keep an even canopy.

Screenshot_20230609_153028_VPD Calculator.jpg

VPD said they were getting too close to the light so every plant got lowered 1 milk crate and had all their tie-downs adjusted.


Day 9 and roots are growing nicely on all clones.

Day 12 for the GDP's. I need 2 more weeks for half the soil to finish cooking and 3 more weeks for the other half to finish.

Day 11 for the clones. Roots are really coming now.

Day 13 for the outdoor kush.


If you zoom in you can see roots popping out in the jars.

I need to uppot them.

Tuesday or Wednesday will be a good time to pot the clones so I will likely do all 12 at the same time.

I am going to grow the clones on perlite swick beds again but I am going to feed freely and topwater them too. All the top watering will be done with a sprayer.
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