I hear ya Stone. I don't sit well, I need to putter around.
It's hard to shut our heads off! Meditation has been the only thing to do it for me. I've not kept up a regular regimen but it never goes away once we get it.
You need to get off all those S African sativas and grow a few good indicas.
That makes up a battle for me. My head says go and my body says no!
Hiya Gee
I got the gizmo and calibrated it. Easypeasy.
The ladies are sleeping until 6 tonight. What time of the day should I check their sugar?

How many more weeks do you think for the outdoor ladies. Their looking Voluptuous.
You should wait at least 9 hours after lights on, and 10 is better. As for the outdoor gals, something strange is happening this year. They are just starting into flower now but it's a full month late. We had a lot of forest fire smoke this summer so I'm wondering if that has them delayed.
You should wait at least 9 hours after lights on, and 10 is better. As for the outdoor gals, something strange is happening this year. They are just starting into flower now but it's a full month late. We had a lot of forest fire smoke this summer so I'm wondering if that has them delayed.
Wow I thought they where further along. That's crazy.

I'll check at 10 hrs after lights are on. I may just try it earlier and see what the difference is.

I did some homework. Looks like a fuzzy line is way better than a crisp line for calcium content.

And what do you think is an acceptable % of sugar?
Your welcome. I'm not an expert on brand. I haven't bought one for 15-20 years, so I apologize for not being able to recommend a brand. If you need a hand using it, or if you are curious about reading it or anything like that, just ask. There's a few around here that use them so you will get some help quick.

I'm glad your grabbing one👍👊😊.

Organics is a lot easier if you can stay ahead of calcium, and brix itself is a direct indicator on your level of photosynthesis, so if you make a change you can measure it.

So it's a two-fer tool. Money well spent.

Let us know what your readings are, and only test the leaves for the reading you are looking for to avoid bugs. Don't include stems.

I only leave enough of the petiole to hold all the blades on, so a quarter inch at the most.

Then roll the leaf in a nice neet ball, place it between your thumb and fingers, and roll it around while squeezing until it goes mushy and your fingers get wet. Then squeeze it really hard to get a small drop out onto the refractometer.

Let us know what new swear words you invent trying to get that drop out please🤣
In this regard, I’m with you on the swear words invented! MothereffinCguzzlingTwaffleHohohobag is one such invention that comes to mind :) Years ago when I was first testing with kits I got so tired of fighting to get the juices flowing that I took a pair of channel locks and had a friend with a welder help me weld a couple pieces of steel onto the jaws, 2x2” squares. Then I would slice the fans down the middle vein and roll as you say then put on the steel plate and compress to get the juice, way faster and easier. Planning to do that again when I get around to it :) cheers

If anyone else is inclined to try, grind down the jaws on channel locks by the thickness of the steel plates first so when compresses it’s perfectly flat with no material :)
It will work on any plant. Organic or synthetic.

It can. All it does is tells you the sugar content, and the state of calcium, in the plant.

If you see calcium starting to get low you can add more before you see a calcium deficiency, which makes the whole plant run better, and then you can track sugar levels and if you make a change, or add something to the soil, you can see if it raised brix.

Yes, just a single leaf. I try for a fan about two thirds to three quarters the way up that is not in direct light so I'm not pruning off one of the plant's favorite leaves.

Pick it, cut the stem off, fold the blades together, roll it up, then start squeezing that ball of leaf, rolling it around between your fingers tightly until it goes mushy and wet.

It takes a good 90 seconds, maybe more.

Then squeeze the daylights out of it until a small drop is forming and dab it onto the refractometer right in the middle. You need a drop to form on the prism. Then close the flap tight and hold it to the light and look in.

The eye piece should rotate to adjust focus.

Stoners.... Sheesh! 👊🤣🤣🤣
I'm sure i saw a pic you posted somewhere with a description of how to read the refractometer...
Fuzzy line indicates good CA, about the middle of the fuzziness is the brix level but I always err on the side of low so pick # slightly lower than mid fuzziness as not to overstate the value.
Wow I thought they where further along. That's crazy.

I'll check at 10 hrs after lights are on. I may just try it earlier and see what the difference is.

I did some homework. Looks like a fuzzy line is way better than a crisp line for calcium content.

And what do you think is an acceptable % of sugar?
Fuzzy is definitely better, and once you get used to checking it will let you know when you need a shot of calmag.

13% or better is considered high brix, at which point pests pretty much pack up and leave.

Grasshoppers are A-holes and may still nibble a bit, and at 17 you are doing great with room to spare, as you can get up to a 6 point drop if a nasty fast moving storm rolls in, but most inclement weather fronts only drop 2-3 brix.
In this regard, I’m with you on the swear words invented! MothereffinCguzzlingTwaffleHohohobag is one such invention that comes to mind :) Years ago when I was first testing with kits I got so tired of fighting to get the juices flowing that I took a pair of channel locks and had a friend with a welder help me weld a couple pieces of steel onto the jaws, 2x2” squares. Then I would slice the fans down the middle vein and roll as you say then put on the steel plate and compress to get the juice, way faster and easier. Planning to do that again when I get around to it :) cheers

If anyone else is inclined to try, grind down the jaws on channel locks by the thickness of the steel plates first so when compresses it’s perfectly flat with no material :)
2 electrical slugs, or even nickel or quarters, and a pair of vice grips will work too.
Thanks guys for all the input here. Maybe this will help with my less than stellar grows. This is my 5th grow going now.

First 2 where ff trio and ffof. Last three have been with ffof and geoflora nutes.

I usually do good thru veg but about week 4 or 5 in flower I always run into trouble. Can't put my finger on it. It's happening again on my current grow but it's rearing it's ugly head early this grow on my blue sunset sherbert girl.
Thanks guys for all the input here. Maybe this will help with my less than stellar grows. This is my 5th grow going now.

First 2 where ff trio and ffof. Last three have been with ffof and geoflora nutes.

I usually do good thru veg but about week 4 or 5 in flower I always run into trouble. Can't put my finger on it. It's happening again on my current grow but it's rearing it's ugly head early this grow on my blue sunset sherbert girl.
What type of pots are you using?
What type of pots are you using?

Solo cups to 1 gallon pot to 3 gallon pot. Then uppotted from plastic pots to 5 and 7 gallon fabric pots.
Fuzzy is definitely better, and once you get used to checking it will let you know when you need a shot of calmag.

13% or better is considered high brix, at which point pests pretty much pack up and leave.

Grasshoppers are A-holes and may still nibble a bit, and at 17 you are doing great with room to spare, as you can get up to a 6 point drop if a nasty fast moving storm rolls in, but most inclement weather fronts only drop 2-3 brix.
You can test anytime to see how the calcium is, but brix build as the day progresses.
It was crusty up till I gave the pots a top dressing of compost the other day.
Ok I kind of thought it might be. Thats the 1st sign of a calcium deficiency creeping in, and it could very well be your recurring issue. Do you use any forms of CalMag or dolomite water? And not to worry, your refractometer will tell you for certain and then you can decide what comes next.
Miss Sticky and the LC-18's - Day 41's & 32.


The root drench seems to be correcting the magnesium (calcium) issue. Everyone is greening up and the chlorosis has stopped.


This is a leaf on Miss Sticky that was damaged before the drench.


This is a leaf 1 node above that was saved by the drench.


Little LC's lower leaf.


and a node above.

The new growth looks unblemished in the tips.


QuadMumma. She's back to growing. She recovered fast.

Miss Sticky clones - Day 3.


They are still perfect. 4 to 6 more days and hopefully we will have roots. They are under an 18" 17 watt T5 Sunblaster HO hung 5' above them at 16/8.

Fingers crossed, these are primo cuts.
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