Well Spiderfarmer says they are sending a new ballast but it must come from China so 2-3 weeks.

Today is day 40 of Flower for the clones so it looks like they will pretty much finish under 100 watts of LED grow strips.

lol This isn't going to be good, but we can watch.

Hopefully bugs don't show up.

I guess I will have to turn one of the programmers into a mother plant so I can try RVDV again some day.

Poor Gal. She has been jinxed since Day 1🤣
Day 41, 41, 27, and 24 of Flower.

They are not happy under 450 PPFD. This was 1 minute after lights on, so I'm sure as the day goes by they will react a bit better, but they aren't drinking much at all. I didn't get to topdressing yesterday so I will do that today.




These ones are doing the same thing that RVDV from seed did, and thats turn brown at the 6 week mark. I'm not sure if thats an RVDV thing or if it's a Gaia Green thing, or if running low on calcium triggered it.


It got cold last night. 9C and the poor little buggers in the pots aren't happy about it but the one in the big pot is quite content.





The revegged BK is plugging along nicely. She has The Look and should start to grow faster now. Her revegging still has a ways to go tho.



The manifold.
Mine do the same. Super orange. You probably have at leat 3 more flushes of pitstils before ripening.
I know its probably a ball ache but, could you put them all outside untill the light arrives? Or, are the daylight hours too long?
Daylight is at maximum right now, about 18 hours a day. June 20th was our longest day of the year. It would mess them up bigtime.

Thats good to know about the orange. The 2nd flush is starting now.

That puts my brain at ease, I've been trying to figure out what caused it. Now I know😊👍👊
Day 41, 41, 27, and 24 of Flower.

They are not happy under 450 PPFD. This was 1 minute after lights on, so I'm sure as the day goes by they will react a bit better, but they aren't drinking much at all. I didn't get to topdressing yesterday so I will do that today.




These ones are doing the same thing that RVDV from seed did, and thats turn brown at the 6 week mark. I'm not sure if thats an RVDV thing or if it's a Gaia Green thing, or if running low on calcium triggered it.

That last pic is incredible :bravo:
The red pistils still sitting proud.
Then Snow White waving hello.
Amazing :drool:
Have a great long weekend my friend :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
That last pic is incredible :bravo:
The red pistils still sitting proud.
Then Snow White waving hello.
Amazing :drool:
Have a great long weekend my friend :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
lol I never thought of that Bill. Just in time for Canada Day on Monday🤣
Just keep her going she is full of red hairs if you were from SA, you would be talking about rooibaart which is possibly the best strain from the continent. It's not rooibaart though. I'm still looking for the origional, I have the origional genetics but I've only grown the proper one once and never saved a cut. I'm such a douche. It does not exist anymore except for a few privileged circles. I am growing a 100 this summer to find the origional. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than any Durban or Malawi, or, pretty much most landrace strains from Africa.
First I'm waiting for the Holly's Harvest, Malawi, Miss Sticky 1 and the Holly's Malawi seeds to be ripe and I'm on the rooibaart.
Just keep her going she is full of red hairs if you were from SA, you would be talking about rooibaart which is possibly the best strain from the continent. It's not rooibaart though. I'm still looking for the origional, I have the origional genetics but I've only grown the proper one once and never saved a cut. I'm such a douche. It does not exist anymore except for a few privileged circles. I am growing a 100 this summer to find the origional. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than any Durban or Malawi, or, pretty much most landrace strains from Africa.
First I'm waiting for the Holly's Harvest, Malawi, Miss Sticky 1 and the Holly's Malawi seeds to be ripe and I'm on the rooibaart.
Let me know Matt, I'll gladly buy some from you.

It's so cool what you are doing here. The world needs this. All the designer strains are pretty cool, but the landraces got lost in the designer explosion. What you have is so rare.

When I meet my maker I'm going to look around for your Gramps and give him a high 5!
I think thats so honorable, to keep a rare strains alive. Dedication and commitment. Love it.

..when I get to the big surprise I know where my grandpa's hanging out at 🤭, he mentioned something along the lines of a field of big titties that he could run and bounce into... I'm sure he is still there, propped between his 2 favorites. 💚💚💚
Azi how are the girls? Any usual 4-5 week detriment creeping in?
End of week 5, still look pretty good, aside from the mites and thrips damage, so the drying out of the pots got me over the 4 week mark that I've had issues with. It looks like I'll get to week 6 and the end of which I typically drought, though I think I'll let this one go another week and see if I can get the brix level to rise.

Brix is still stuck at 11, fuzzy calcium line. I'm hoping the extra P I'm giving it with my Fruit & Flower can increase the dump trucks on the road, but so far no joy. It's only been about a week so maybe the extracts require the 2 week microbe cycle to be taken up. They're supposed to be plant available but who knows.

So, it's getting a bit too late to see any noticeable improvement in this plant, but if I can get the brix up over 12 after I hit the 2 week window next week, then that will help inform the next round.

I'd really like to get it up over 12, since I want to test whether I can have high brix while utilizing the reservoir capabilities of the SIP. The next round's been flipped and its the one using the smaller, center column wicking footer (the old what's old is new again as that's the style of SIP I started out with).
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