The RVDV Gang Days 24, 24, 10, and 7 of Flower.




Everyone got tea today, including the Programmers.
Has anyone here played around with blogs? I was just reading a bit on them. They are actually really cool.

There are 2 kinds it seems, one type where the author is the only poster, and one where it's a community blog.

What do you guys think of something like this?
If anyone can post to the blog I don't see how it's much different. Sure you can ask people to follow your rules but there's no guarantees they will.

Interesting idea but there's probably a reason they haven't really caught on.
@Azimuth it's 4 weeks since the initial root drench, so 2 weeks since the 2 week mark.

How are the plants doing?

How long until you harvest one.

Are you seeing your regular deficiencies popping up? it must be close to the usual time for it.
That's the plant I keep updating on. Looks pretty good, but darker green than I'd prefer, brix of 11ish, working on week 3 of actual flower so this week or next is when I'd typically start to see deficiencies, though none apparent yet.

It's on a two day-ish watering schedule, top, top, bottom according to the stick. No noticeable smells yet, at least to me.
If anyone can post to the blog I don't see how it's much different. Sure you can ask people to follow your rules but there's no guarantees they will.

Interesting idea but there's probably a reason they haven't really caught on.
I think it's because they are so darn hard to figure out.

You can set them to community or private. They are actually a great way to have your own collections of anything.

The blog is the book, the topics within the blog are the chapters, and the articles in the chapters are the posts.

Each layer can be set to public or private for entries.

They don't quite work how I originally thought, they are more of a way for each member to catalogue whatever they like all in one shell. You can even make chapters or entries that are only seen by you.
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