Well there's different recipes but a simple one is take 4 or 5 cups of that fungi/Worm casting about 1/8 cup of alfalfa meal put that in a paint strainer bag (local hardware store) fill a 5gallon food grade bucket with non chlorinated water at room temp or whatever ever temp your grow room is put 1tbs humic acid and 1 tbs Good fish hydroslate I use Pacific Gro with 10% Bio char in the bucket and mix well until the humic acid is mixed in the water good no clumps take the bag and slowly put it in the bucket don't let the contents fall in the water then massage the contents in the bag for a couple minutes to get out into the water, the fungal hyphe, tie up the bag and hang it on the inside of the bucket in the water and add air and then brew for 24 to 36 hrs anything under 72 degrees brew longer fungi take longer to multiply than bacteria here's a pic of my set up it's called ACT aerated compost tea and what you are doing is multiplying the microbes. Dr Elaine Ingram on YOUTUBE she's got some good info on this and it seems like alot of work but I got to tell you it's worth it but after the alotted time brewing takes and strain the contents so no solids get in your solution you don't want the bio solids it's usually anerobic and BAD SHIT! when you're done you can dilute 50/50 for a foilar spray or I use it full strength for a French but after you Brew take your Black owl char and soak it in the tea that will absorb ALL THOSE GOODIES into then incorporated it into your soil. Ingram has some good food casts on YouTube about Bio char as well!! You'll dig it once you get the hang of it and your soil and plants will Digg it even better KIS organic (Keep it Simple. Com) has a good tested brew kit but you don't need that but research it I think you'd like it if you're an organic grower ALOT of benifiets using that Bio char ,✌️ Ron from Michigan



SG This thing looks awesome!

I have thought about building something like this, I love the dual intake. I need a pump tho😪

The lid? is that just a slot for the air line or is it more? Got a better pic of the lid?

I still use airstones as I generally only make 2 EWC teas per grow but cleaning them is a bit of a pain.

I would love to see a picture of it in action with tea gushing from the top.
Gentlemen, Start your Engines! The seedling is breaking ground so I move it to the flower box under 12/12.

That brings up the next question, 10 days from when? Breaking soil, first leaves, first true leaves?

@StoneOtter do you remember the detail? I looked in the TLO book but didn't see it listed there.
Sweet! I wasn't going to mention it but.... I don't think the last guy to try this knew how to count very well. 🤣
Everyone is HAPPY HAPPY my soil and ladies REALLY like that Bio char in my soil, it helps with storing water so less watering and microbe and nutrient storage within the air pockets of the char I'm a LAZY farmer what can I say!!



They look very happy😊 You're a good Dad!👊😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰.

I have never tried BioChar. I may have to put it on the list.
Humm never tried that with the lights that is food for thought honestly I just do it in my veg room right with everything thing else clones beans tomatoes pepper marijuana I just keep em away from the light my thoughts are if I keep them on the same schedule 18/6 it'll keep the stress low I've tried 24 hrs on to sprout ,works ok but I found going through All the trouble to set up for seeds and clones you know white spectrum 6,000k or mixed spectrum 4000 k I can just do it in the veg room with the mixed spectrum just as well as for outside hrs here in Michigan it like 11 hrs daylight now but we're gaining I made the mistake of putting the ladies under natural light alone to early w/out any supplemental light like in April ha they started to flower CRAP! They turned out ok but they grew all weird like when they do if you re veg one outta flower I've flowered a plant 2 times you can do them up to 3 times I budded it once Harvested ,turned lights back on 18/6 and put it outside in the spring grew it all summer long BIGGEST and BEST harvest I ever had one 1 plant almost 3lbs cut hung and bottled that was a northern lights back in the 90's!
This one is to get them to sex early. I have only read on it. I do trust the author.
Ok Cool what do you mean by early?? You can usually tell what sex they are in about a month or so without 12 /12 cycle
I find 45-52 days is when I usually see pistils or pollen sacs but I only grow sativas. Indicas may be different.

The conversation turned to an article stating a 12/12 light cycle for seedlings for the first 10 days of their lives, and then to 18/6 after that, they should show their sex at about 30 days.

I inadvertently went 13 days at 12/12 and Azi is trying a 10 day 12/12.

We can compare results.

The seeds I tried it with are a 50/50 hybrid.
Ok Cool what do you mean by early?? You can usually tell what sex they are in about a month or so without 12 /12 cycl

I find 45-52 days is when I usually see pistils or pollen sacs but I only grow sativas. Indicas may be different.

The conversation turned to an article stating a 12/12 light cycle for seedlings for the first 10 days of their lives, and then to 18/6 after that, they should show their sex at about 30 days.

I inadvertently went 13 days at 12/12 and Azi is trying a 10 day 12/12.

We can compare results.

The seeds I tried it with are a 50/50 hybrid.
Ok that's cool I just look for pre flowers about a month or 2 in if there's no preflowers at the nodes they are male

Should I cull it?
I hope not.

Photoperiods Growing Cannabis Indoors
What I do is transition my plants slowly through their own seasons by changing my photoperiods more subtly. Now, if you look at your regular outdoor daylight hours around springtime, you will see they are actually well below 16/8 and closer to 12/12 actually. Let’s have a look at my lighting schedule next. Then I’ll break it down for ya…
  1. Sprouts always get a 12/12 photoperiod for their first ten days above ground.
  2. After those ten days, I use an 18/6 photoperiod.
  3. About ten days before flowering, I use a 16/8 photoperiod.
  4. During flowering, I use a 12/12 photoperiod unless I am flowering heirloom/landrace sativas.
What do you do differently with the Sativas?

I have tried a few different hole patterns to see how they work in the swicky-pot canning jar setups.

The ones with more holes grow faster and healthier, and the holes around the bottom make the biggest difference.

This will be my new minimum standard. The Gee49.

48 holes around the sides and 1 for the wick.


Is it ventilation that does the trick? I'm guessing so. The Gee49 I will remember that.

I dumped a bit of my favorite myco down the hole and pulled the tube. It came out perfectly.


14" into a 12" hole. It slid right in. I dusted it with myco first.

I poured regular potting mix down the hole, with regular sprinkles of myco and some sprayed water.

A little more to spray in.

It settled well. So I topped it up.
Here it is.

Thats a big clone. The pot is 14" diameter.
Lets see if it Swicky's.
Ok Cool what do you mean by early?? You can usually tell what sex they are in about a month or so without 12 /12 cycle
Sometimes, sometimes not.

I dumped a bit of my favorite myco down the hole and pulled the tube. It came out perfectly.


14" into a 12" hole. It slid right in. I dusted it with myco first.

I poured regular potting mix down the hole, with regular sprinkles of myco and some sprayed water.

A little more to spray in.

It settled well. So I topped it up.
Here it is.

Thats a big clone. The pot is 14" diameter.
Lets see if it Swicky's.
Well done!
What do you do differently with the Sativas?
Hehe, good question! He has slight twists to lots of things. If I see it I'll let you know.

I dumped a bit of my favorite myco down the hole and pulled the tube. It came out perfectly.


14" into a 12" hole. It slid right in. I dusted it with myco first.

I poured regular potting mix down the hole, with regular sprinkles of myco and some sprayed water.

A little more to spray in.

It settled well. So I topped it up.
Here it is.

Thats a big clone. The pot is 14" diameter.
Lets see if it Swicky's.
Nicely done... and that gorgeous root, is that from the Kratky setup?
Everyone seems to be doing fine today but they all look a bit cold. I may spoil them with heat mats. We shall see...


These guys are heading to the worm farm today. I may plant 1 more.

The 12/12 gang is 17 days old, looking cold but happy.


The bubble clone looks happy but the race is on, the biggest leaves are looking light. Come on myco! Link Baby Link!!....

I always try to harvest my crop with the bottom clone leaves still there.

It's a lot easier to do when you clone into soil solo's.


The Mutant is happy but cold looking too.

Its day 4 in the big pot so a few more and we should see some action.

Its wicking really well in the perlite bed. A bit too well, so I will let the gradient drop a bit.
I love the mutant, and your grow looks like a proper botany experiment. Okay, I wondered about that gradient. Mine were swicking well from about a third of the way up the perlite. I wedged the pots firmly into the perlite. I'm interested to know where you settle.
I love the mutant, and your grow looks like a proper botany experiment. Okay, I wondered about that gradient. Mine were swicking well from about a third of the way up the perlite. I wedged the pots firmly into the perlite. I'm interested to know where you settle.
Its going to take a bit to find out.

Perlite is much easier than a swicky pad and a bucket.

Within a week the myco should have the Mutant linked and then we will get a better idea of the sweet spot for it.
The soil clones in the swicky-cups were taking way too long to show roots. Today is Day 12, so I pulled one out to see.

This is what I found, and figured, as its too wet.


So I plucked another, and found this.

I repotted it into a fresh G49 SwickyCup.

We shall see.

I then flipped a 3rd cup over to pop it out and it popped out perfectly clean, so I popped a G49 on that one too, and went through the rest.

One popped out less than perfect but almost perfect, and in the missing piece on the bottom of the rootball you could see roots. All the rest were clean transfers.

Then I lowered all reservoirs to 1".

Back into the bag.

The Kloneking cuts are still looking great and the roots are still growing, however I don't have room for them so they go to the worm farm later today. Too bad, they are prime cuts.


The soil clones didn't notice me changing there solo cups at all. In fact they look noticeably happier in the new cups with lower reservoir levels.

The one I rinsed off yesterday to show the baby roots, is as happy as the rest of them.


The Kloneking clone is 48 hours in the soil now and starting to perk up already.


The Mutant looks a little perkier today too, but still overwatered. I may have to lower the reservoir level.
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