What does Geoflora look like? Is it in a pellet form?
Its in a pellet form
Holy Moly lol. First off, to both of you, thanks for the time involved in those MOST EXCELLENT responses!🙏🙏👊👊You 2 should set up shop🤣.
You are welcome, G. Looks like you have two different techniques to experiment with. And a couple of weeks to experiment before harvest.
OK I'm not familiar with a lot of what you both said, but in about 2 more days I should have all my house painting done, and I am going to go through both these posts and itemize them, then start decipering, then give it a whirl.
Giving the ideas a whirl is exactly what you should do. :thumb:
When I try something in particular, can I tag you two so we can critique it?
You betcha.

Oh, I apologize for the late response, I was not well last week. Very fatigued. Intense brain fog. Likely my cancer therapy acting up. I'm feeling better now.

OK @MicroGrowerMan @Roy Growin , I found the manual setting. Things just got a lot easier. There are settings all over that I can adjust now. So I went with ISO 100, Shutter 100, and F8.0. Just to see what the F's were all about, I took the same pic over and over on all 6 available F settings.
Outstanding. I've often felt it is easier to learn manual settings, and thereby learn more about photography than spending days with a manual learning how to operate all the various auto settings.

Manual settings are a universal language.

I like all of your photos.


You might choose to overexpose for a certain effect, so maybe you shoot 4.5.
F4.5, F5.0, F5.6, F6.3, F7.1, F8.

White balance is 3200k. Tungsten.

I see how the F's work now. I like 8.0 the best.
You should notice how that cola in the foreground becomes more in focus as you increase the f-stop. You are manipulating what is called Depth of Field (DOF) -- the area that is perceived in focus.

As I mentioned earlier, all may have some value. You appear to like keeping your highlights strictly in line. This is a photographic technique called Expose to the Right (ETTR). This makes you an excellent candidate for shooting and processing in the RAW format.

You are welcome, G. Looks like you have two different techniques to experiment with. And a couple of weeks to experiment before harvest.

Giving the ideas a whirl is exactly what you should do. :thumb:

You betcha.

Oh, I apologize for the late response, I was not well last week. Very fatigued. Intense brain fog. Likely my cancer therapy acting up. I'm feeling better now.


I'm glad you are feeling better. Cancer is a terrible evil. I hope your in a region with top notch treatment.

No hurry MGM, I really appreciate you helping me. Please don't let that be taxing on you. You take care of You 1st right now, that's how it has to be.

I'm still painting rooms for the Wife anyways so I haven't digested everything yet, but I understand F stops now👊, so there is that😎.

I do need to brush up on it this week, as I would like to get the plants out of the tent at harvest and take some pictures under better light.

I just figured out last night that Manual Mode on this camera isn't really manual. I had to click a button on the lens to gain control of manual focus.

I think I can get in really close now. I couldn't get within 18" before. I will give it a go later today.
Here ya go Gee man,

Canon has excellent free software here

I shoot everything in RAW, which gives me more pixels to work with.
It doesn't actually increase pixels, but increases the data you have to work with. I've learned there is usually a couple of stops of data I find hidden in Raw files--either highlights or shadows -- that I can bring out when shooting RAW.

RAW is not a photo file. It is a data file that must be processed into a photo file.

The big deal with shooting RAW is gathering optimal data.

That actually requires that you do some photo editing. If you shoot in jpeg, the camera does the editing for you.
It also steals data through compression. Shadows and highlights that you can't get back.
If you shoot in RAW you have to set the values yourself and this is done by eye. There is a setting on the camera to select the format.
:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

The good news for @Gee64 is that his Samsung camera can store and process RAW files.

The good news for @Gee64 is that his Samsung camera can store and process RAW files.

Oooooooooohhhh😊😊😊😊😊. I did not know that. I was actually thinking I would need more software. I will figure raw out on my phone. If I can just swap the sd card straight from camera to phone, that would be a lot easier👍.
I'm glad you are feeling better. Cancer is a terrible evil. I hope your in a region with top notch treatment.
Thank you, Gee.
No hurry MGM, I really appreciate you helping me. Please don't let that be taxing on you. You take care of You 1st right now, that's how it has to be.
Oh, I enjoy helping. It is one of the few things I can do that is taxing.
I'm still painting rooms for the Wife anyways so I haven't digested everything yet, but I understand F stops now👊, so there is that😎.
You have made a big step in learning and confidence.
I do need to brush up on it this week, as I would like to get the plants out of the tent at harvest and take some pictures under better light.

I just figured out last night that Manual Mode on this camera isn't really manual. I had to click a button on the lens to gain control of manual focus.

I think I can get in really close now. I couldn't get within 18" before. I will give it a go later today.
Hmmmm ... If you set to single-point auto focus you should be OK. You just want to be sure you hit what you are aiming at, rather than have the camera make that decision for you.

Good luck on your next effort.


A strange turn of events today.

Both Shorties are ripening way ahead of schedule. I think they will be ready for harvest tomorrow. Day 65.

I have had them ripe by Day 67 before, and it's usually the shorter ones, but not at Day 65. I wonder if it is the added calcium or the UV?

The tall one isn't far behind either, probably Day 67, and the final pheno, the one I think will have the best buzz, is still crystal clear on the trichs, so she should be normal.

Damn, that means I have to scramble to get a bud washing station set up, and a photo shoot area, and learn how to take photos lol. No pressure.
I'm a nostalgic old sod, I shoot digi same as film when we didn't have the option to post shoot edit apart from filters on the enlarger
Methinks I'm gettin old :hookah:
We had so many choices ... film stock. It didn't look anything out of the camera except a perforated plastic ribbon. We had to be chemists, choosing our developer, it's temperature and time in the soup to get the effects we wanted on the negative, and then to increase our control we chose our paper very carefully, we may have had dodging and burning tools to keep highlights and bring out shadows, and then into a very carefully set of soups they'd go to give us the proper amount of exposure, contrast, grain, shadow and highlight. We had a lot of tools and it took all day to use them. Today those tools are built into post-processing software to help us get the most out of optimally collected data.

Yes. I do remember the old days. Thank you for the trip down nostalgia lane.

Oooooooooohhhh😊😊😊😊😊. I did not know that. I was actually thinking I would need more software. I will figure raw out on my phone. If I can just swap the sd card straight from camera to phone, that would be a lot easier👍.
You might need to download a special app. Here is a video about storing RAW files.

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