
So I'm watching a black screen on the webcam app, waiting for lights-on to grab a sunrise VPD reading, and a flash goes off in the dark. Then 60 seconds later it goes again.

It's the sending unit for the wireless weather station that I circled. I have always used it, and never had hermies, and the red led on the front is duct taped over, but as it turns out, the flash of the light, even taped over, lights the inside of the unit too and it flashes out the back side.

So more duct tape today I guess, and then a 60 second trial before it goes back to the tent. Lesson learned. I will be more dilligent in the future.

If you are getting unexplained hermies, something like this may be screwing you.
Durban Poison - Day 45.


I found 5 leaves on the floor today so thats not good, but for 4 plants it's still manageable.

In 13 days, I will be into the last 2 weeks. If I get an early finisher maybe even less.

I think I can get there without a tea. I think. They are bulking quickly. Hopefully the topdress/ewc/fish water will be enough.

The top of the soil still isn't crusty, so the extra calcium is working, but I need to manage it better.







Durban Poison - Day 45.


I found 5 leaves on the floor today so thats not good, but for 4 plants it's still manageable.

In 13 days, I will be into the last 2 weeks. If I get an early finisher maybe even less.

I think I can get there without a tea. I think. They are bulking quickly. Hopefully the topdress/ewc/fish water will be enough.

The top of the soil still isn't crusty, so the extra calcium is working, but I need to manage it better.







Deja vu all over again!

So, 4 weeks then or about halfway.... :laughtwo:
They usually finish on day 72, so just over 10 weeks, but they all start finishing at different times for whatever reason. Some start to senesce as far as 21 days out.

Once they flip they don't eat much from the soil, they just pull from the leaves to ripen up. I may have to do another root soaking to push them but I think I can get there.

So I'm watching a black screen on the webcam app, waiting for lights-on to grab a sunrise VPD reading, and a flash goes off in the dark. Then 60 seconds later it goes again.

It's the sending unit for the wireless weather station that I circled. I have always used it, and never had hermies, and the red led on the front is duct taped over, but as it turns out, the flash of the light, even taped over, lights the inside of the unit too and it flashes out the back side.

So more duct tape today I guess, and then a 60 second trial before it goes back to the tent. Lesson learned. I will be more dilligent in the future.

If you are getting unexplained hermies, something like this may be screwing you.
I lost an entire 5x5 scrog my second grow. Once they were in flower, I put one piece of duct tape over the small light on my little dehumidifier, and placed it in the middle of the tent under the canopy. I never knew it was bleeding enough light through the tape to make a difference. Next thing I knew I had the beginning of my immense kief stash. Lmao!!!
Heres a few cola shots.





These next 2 are the larfiest 2 in the tent. They are out of the light next to the wall in the corner.

So frosty! Are the two “flat tops” from back building g or they just grew like that?
Once in awhile I need an actual get-off-my-ass photo to prove I'm not AI? Yeah, that's it! I'm going with that🤣. Final Answer!
I meant the difference between your coffee and Azi’s!
Damn Gee, some of those colas are ridiculous. Most of them actually, but there’s a group of three that are front left which are making me crazy. Insanity. Now I have to let go of yet another apparent myth I’ve been operating under, ie, coco will beat soil every time. I see this, I’m not so sure anymore. Wow.
Damn Gee, some of those colas are ridiculous. Most of them actually, but there’s a group of three that are front left which are making me crazy. Insanity. Now I have to let go of yet another apparent myth I’ve been operating under, ie, coco will beat soil every time. I see this, I’m not so sure anymore. Wow.
Pretty spectacular and still a beautiful colour on the leaves 💚
Damn Gee, some of those colas are ridiculous. Most of them actually, but there’s a group of three that are front left which are making me crazy. Insanity. Now I have to let go of yet another apparent myth I’ve been operating under, ie, coco will beat soil every time. I see this, I’m not so sure anymore. Wow.
Thanks Jon. They still have a ways to go. Hopefully they get a fair bit bigger still.
Where does this grow stand in your pantheon of grows?
Well that's a tough one. The light died, and I lost my brix, and I can tell just by looking at them that they aren't firing on all cylinders, and then there is the drastic tip burn, which I chock up to the extra calcium, or the fact that it was added last minute, but the leaves are ghetto now, however, the added calcium made the overall grow very easy, just top dressing and fish water, and the pots aren't tight at all, and then there's the buds. Some hairs got browned when the tips burnt, but the overall quality of the buds are exactly what I was hoping for, so..... Considering what these plants have been through I think the results are excellent! I love this soil for a first run.

But to answer your question, on a scale of 1-10, an 8 or 9 on buds for what this strain can do, and a 4 for how the grow is going.

I also learned a lot about light, and where the too much line is, so that's a plus. I am happy at how easily I adjusted to the new light. Maybe a 5.
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