The Emerald City

pretty rose!

I walked into the green house and they had maybe 50 of these varying pot sizes. Took me round 10 minutes of lifting and looking and turning and oooooh yeah... That's the one! Been watching Bonsai video's all day and Plumeria too. I'm geeking out...
Heya Agemon,
Plants looking awesome.
Watch that block coco, have lost whole mum collection due to the salts in that shite. Make sure there are no added ferts and flush forever while stirring..
Lost 6 of the best mums I had, all Barneys strains....sad face....
Cool, hate to see someone mess up like I did. Lol.
Plants are looking great, as usual.
Soon my man, soon...

I am reluctant to post non cannabis pics on 420, I know we're a gardening forum but we specialize in the Magic Plants... I'm creating my own veg spot and loving it. #GeekingOnGardening
Soon my man, soon...

I am reluctant to post non cannabis pics on 420, I know we're a gardening forum but we specialize in the Magic Plants... I'm creating my own veg spot and loving it. #GeekingOnGardening
I here ya what ill do sometimes is lay a pipe a joint a bud anything cannibus somewhere in the pic and mention something about it and your good lol!
Picked up a Madagascar Palm today. Is more like 3 in 1. I dropped her in today too, had to use bonsai wire to hold the one in place. Jammed a good sized stone under it too. Shes got white flowers.

3 days to go ULH, ULH, ULH!
Soon my man, soon...

I am reluctant to post non cannabis pics on 420, I know we're a gardening forum but we specialize in the Magic Plants... I'm creating my own veg spot and loving it. #GeekingOnGardening
As long as you upload them to the "Off topic" section, you will be fine, the issue comes when non plant related stuff is uploaded to the "members gallery" where folks get into trouble. I think.

Well, I mean I'll be keeping a few around, but I mean.... Shed, they're palm trees, what the hell i'm gonna do with 10 of em?

I think considering the obvious anytime is a good time.

You want one in solo cup or a to go cup?
Ok, so Ive got this Kush Auto, shes been in veg for over 40 days, i know its an Auto, growin just the same as the other one. No hairs, i keep checkin and she just keeps pushin out more greenery.

She got bed head but she dont sleep.

No hairs...

Feeding is fun, i tip the container up so i dont have to undo all ghose ties

Still waiting for my seeds from Seedsman. Hope they get here.

Hi Age - you can show off your non-420 garden in my Lounge thread if you like, Or any thread in the off-topic forums actually ;). We’re not supposed to do very much of it (if any) in the growers forum. For this reason, dynamo1 actually keeps his grow journal in off-topics, so he can be realigned about what he includes (i dont think it’s publically accessible either)

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