The Emerald City

If you find a sativa that gives you that effect when smoked, the capsules should as well. Harvesting a bit on the early side with no amber should help keep the uplifting traits dominant.

For topicals, strain matters not. Just THC content.

Indicas for topicals seem to work really well. What do you like and why?

I've made gel caps and edibles with Indica dominant (Blackberry Fire) and got mostly sedative effects - which was fine for a sleep aid. When I switched to Sativa dominant (Sour Diesel) for edibles -- gummies, I liked the effects better for socializing and just getting high. But to be honest, I still prefer smoking over ingesting for the "up-lifting" effects.

I was wondering, soinds like stronger edibles will be in order!

True! No one wanted my AK-47 gummies, they all wanted sleepy-time ones :(.

I would’ve tried’em!
I like whatever I have a lot of because of the quantity it takes to get the high THC in the topical oil. That's been AK-47 as my top producer.

Have you made topicals from Indica?

Do you mix and match your topicals, Sativa & Indica?

BTW: if you had those gummy's in SD, I told myself before I left, "no edibles!"
Have you made topicals from Indica?
Do you mix and match your topicals, Sativa & Indica?
BTW: if you had those gummy's in SD, I told myself before I left, "no edibles!"
I don't think terpene content matters all that much for topicals but I'm willing to be proven wrong. All that matters to me is that I get to at least 15mg THC/ml oil.

I think I have a few gummies in the fridge still but most of them molded before they got et. Were you partaking of the brownies or did you just bring some home?
I don't think terpene content matters all that much for topicals but I'm willing to be proven wrong. All that matters to me is that I get to at least 15mg THC/ml oil.

I think I have a few gummies in the fridge still but most of them molded before they got et. Were you partaking of the brownies or did you just bring some home?

I brought a few home and was so wound up from the drive home and that 'burnt ass' coffee from K's that I ate one just to knock out.

No offense to anyone, but mine are better...

I'm a sinner and "PROUD" of it!!!
Auto Tent Update:

Candida in a cup. Shes shaping up nice, ive got some interesting ideas for her. Maybe flower outside mid summer, everybody sayin higher chance of Sativa right?

Next up is Purple Amnesia Auto. She showed some hairs yesterday, im gonna alternate veg and transition for a week.
Got those branches wired tonight.

Now for Kush Auto, shes cruising right along, i cant believe shes still vegging, born 4-1, day 46 veg!

And The Cherry Bomb Auto, i am truly happy i kept her around, shes wily and fluffy, smells like berries, i cant touch her without sticky fingers.

And last but not least Ultra Lemon Haze Auto. Vertical growth stopped right after the back building session. The colas are fat, sticky, and fox tailing like crazy. I think it looks great, cant wait to taste one of those, ice hits in the bong!

And the group photo, it changes from day to day, except for the ULH.

I got some Coir, gonna be time for another auto as soon as i harvest tiny in the corner.

Stay Baked!
I only had amended soil when i upcanned her, she loving it, the roots are already close to the bottom of the cup, same clear cups, i spray painted black. Gonna let her get super root bound, shouldn't take long. BTW been treating the amended like coco, feed drains straight through, but still some moisture retention. I may switch to once a day. Waiting for her to bulk up.
Flower Girlz Update:

Berry Bomb 1.1, ive been noticing my plants starting to resemble other peoples plants. Consider it a compliment if you recognize one!

Heres the Trinity Kush, shes got a lot of smaller bud sites, i think shes bout 4 weeks in.

Berry Bomb 1.2, shes gotta be roung 5-6 weeks in flower. I clipped a coupla sucker branches over the past few days. Samples...

And Northern Lights. Shes almost ready.

Group Shot.

Candida roots in Amended Soil.

And a new Desert Rose.

Im using rocks for LST.
Excellent looking autos - especially that ULH - maybe the nicest I've seen. :adore: How old is the ULH?
Excellent looking autos - especially that ULH - maybe the nicest I've seen. :adore: How old is the ULH?

ULH will be 8 weeks of flower the 23rd. Thank you, i cant believe i grew her. Will be fun to grow her again, ive got 3 more.

I think i finally found a spot for the Berry Bomb on the rocks, milk crate in background.
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