New Member
Another question, I am getting ready to transfer the cracked seeds into rockwool, should I put them in the res, even though it's DWC, or should i put them in the clone dome covered in the nursery?
Question about the Home Defense. Do I spray it on the walls, will it make drip lines? Can I put it on a paper towel with gloved hands and wipe it down that way???
Another Question, the rockwool will be done soaking in 2 hours, the seeds are just starting to crack just the teensiest bit in the 1/8th inch of water in a coffee cup. Temps around the plants in soil and the beans in the coffee cup are a steady 82 degrees. Humidity is less than 30 percent in the grow area now. Can I wait a couple more hours on transplanting the beans to rockwool, or do I have to do it right now? I can do it in soil if I have to.
Thanks in advance everyone!
Galadrieldreams how ya doin? You don't HAVE to transplant them now but make sure that the taproots don't dry out on the seeds that've already popped. I would put them into the rockwool cubes ROOT DOWN and start your pump, and adjust to a slow trickle as needed vs. letting them stay in the cups. If your more comfortable putting them in soil, then you could take that route as well. Also make sure you keep that humidity up, at least 40% they'll grow at 35% but a lot slower. You could add rolled up towels, cups of water, or just soak a big towel and let it drip into a 5 gallon bucket, all of which work great. I hope that helps, my friend, good luck!