A side note...
Whenever dealing with any issues in the res. a good idea is to get a new reservoir. They are cheap, and its super easy to swap everything over.
I have found a company that sells these exact same 10 gallon totes. I have ordered them, and can confirm they are the EXACT same tote the SH ships out. Comes with a lid, but no pre-drilled holes. Drill four holes up by the handle and you are set. You can simply reuse the lid from SH, or better, cut new holes and make a new lid. For the little work, and the low price, I figure why not? Helps keep things clean.
Look here for single orders:
10 Gallon Lapis Blue Storage Box | U.S. Plastic Corp.
Places like amazon also sell them, as does Wal-Mart and other "big" stores but from what I find, they sell them as "packs" usually ten totes and lids. Its a better deal, but that's a lot of bins! lol
Just something I thought might help some fellow Deep Water Culture!
Good post, RP.
Those look great, and SH does ship out the STERLITE brand, but the ones I got are 8 gallon, not ten gallon.
That post that I post alot about algae says the best thing to do is toss the old tank and get a new one.