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Nice. I have been thinking about going to a 600w or 1000w hps here soon. I love CFL's and the little electricity I pay for em, but sure would love to have a mini-sun running in there.

Roseman's way kick's butt. I would stick with that. When the roots grow long enough you can disconnect the ffeder tuber, but keep the pump in there. You can have it move water. Then when drain time comes, just use it to pump the water out.

:yummy: Looks amazing!!!

This is true. Organics are tough in DWC especially. But I run FF nutes. Despite how they advertise, they are not really organic. They are completely safe to use along with h202. I have done three grows with it in the SH tote, and this time around is the first time I am having issues. And I think these issues came with the plants (clones).

You can run organics, but its a chore. You can get back life in the root zone and have a battle like I am having. I am thinking about switching nutes for my indoor. But I do love FF for outdoor, and have had GREAT results indoor, for the most part.

Sad to say, I have committed a mass Genocide over night. I had no mercy! :ganjamon:

Yes! I did! Thank you guys for all the help. I called on some old wise men to ask for advice. LOL Got some supplies last night. Physan 20 for the Brown Slime Algae. For the Root Aphids I got Bayer tree and shrub with 1.47% Imidacloprid. Nasty stuff, but its the most effective against these super hard to kill aphids. They are black, with little hard shells. They look more like a tiny beetle when you check them out close with the microscope. DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT IF YOU ARE CLOSE TO HARVEST. It is only for early veg. Lucky for me, I started treating it early and kept things somewhat in check. The h202 was working, but it was overmatched!

Last night I started with plain water and the Bayer product. 1.5TBLSP per gallon. You can use up to 2.5 but that seemed a little much to me. Ran that mix for 12 hours. Came back to check... I had some winged adults who escaped, but were met with squishing fingers! Inside the roots were a clean white again. A decent amount of bubbles from the bayer had formed, and really helped to clean everything. I can see little dead bodies floating in the bubbles. Drained and remixed the same stuff. Will let it sit for another 12 hours. Then it will get a flush.

Tomorrow we fight the Algae. This is some hard to kill algae, and does not require much if any light to flourish. They deprive your roots of oxygen, leading many to misdiagnose as root rot. It is not root rot when temps are never above 62*. Yesterday water was 58*. Physan is some seriously hostile stuff. You only run a super diluted mix for a max of 6 hours. Drain and flush twice to make sure it is out.

After this, I can resume normal feeding, and should be rid of any pests.

I got my camera ready. I will take pics of the progress tomorrow. I also still plan to do a ice hash run, so I will try and remember those pics as well.


Nice. Just got my Dad an Olympus SLR for Christmas. Got him the E-600. So far he seems to love it. :bongrip:

Holy Crap Batman, you had things going on here! this should be placed on in a tutorial with product and step by step instruction nice work, hope all works out for you bro, GN flora nove makes it real hard to tell if you have any problems with roots, have watch the plant for indications of problems, best of luck.
Holy Crap Batman, you had things going on here! this should be placed on in a tutorial with product and step by step instruction nice work, hope all works out for you bro, GN flora nove makes it real hard to tell if you have any problems with roots, have watch the plant for indications of problems, best of luck.

Ya man, learned more about these critters then I ever cared to know. They have been the death of many a plants. They are related to a grapevine type root aphid. They are everywhere out here. I guess some dispensaries are complaining about root aphids and brown slime algae growth on the new clones. Then infecting the other plants in the store. All bad.

That algae is what really sent me for a loop. I had no idea how to fight this stuff. Its not a quitter! lol

Hopefully I can put up a decent fight. I guess I'll be able to say in a week or so.
As far as the aphids go, permethrin man. Get a bottle from any local store. Look for permethrin. Any pyrethroid would work, but permethrin has a more effective synergist. Get that as concentrated as you can out in CA. I know you have some VERY strict pesticide laws out there, but permethrin is 2 steps away from organic and should be readily available. That stuff kills EVERYTHING. With absolutely no harm whatsoever to your plants. As long as you don't spray on the leaves during lights on under a hps or mh (which only hurts the plant because of the light - phytotoxicity). But you can make a solution right for your res if you have the concentrate. Then just spray your roots above the water and you can wave goodbye to those little bastards forever. Or mosquito dunks... break it into a 1/4 and drop it in a clean res. Run it for a day and drain and replace with your regular nutrients.

Also If you have aphids I have no doubt whatsoever that the slime is a bi-product of the aphids excrement reacting with the nutrients in the res. Just like Black sooty mold on roses...

If it's unrelated I would do a higher strength 35% peroxide treatment to kill the slime ,then drain and replenish the beneficial bacteria with something like aquashield.

I know you leave it a few days at least.

Thanks, Roseman! I have had it in there for about a day at present and see a few dead bugs floating and it's kind of foamy. The roots seem whiter and stronger. The whiter part is probably from the oil. I treated it at 2 tbsp (1 fluid oz) per gallon or 6fl oz per res. I've have to give it a good rinse on the res change that I have now delayed until at least tomorrow.
As far as the aphids go, permethrin man. Get a bottle from any local store. Look for permethrin. Any pyrethroid would work, but permethrin has a more effective synergist. Get that as concentrated as you can out in CA. I know you have some VERY strict pesticide laws out there, but permethrin is 2 steps away from organic and should be readily available. That stuff kills EVERYTHING. With absolutely no harm whatsoever to your plants. As long as you don't spray on the leaves during lights on under a hps or mh (which only hurts the plant because of the light - phytotoxicity). But you can make a solution right for your res if you have the concentrate. Then just spray your roots above the water and you can wave goodbye to those little bastards forever. Or mosquito dunks... break it into a 1/4 and drop it in a clean res. Run it for a day and drain and replace with your regular nutrients.

Also If you have aphids I have no doubt whatsoever that the slime is a bi-product of the aphids excrement reacting with the nutrients in the res. Just like Black sooty mold on roses...

If it's unrelated I would do a higher strength 35% peroxide treatment to kill the slime ,then drain and replenish the beneficial bacteria with something like aquashield.

I had been battling this for some time now. I have tried anything "normal" you can think of. I was ready for drastic measures and a TRUE fix.

permethrin. Man, didn't even think about it. Have tried neem and other kills. Nothing was working. Decided to step it up a notch. Imidacloprid is no joke. These are not normal aphids. They are not lettuce root aphids. There are literally millions of different species, and some more tolerant of certain chems. Not sure how permethrin would work, but you are probably right. I didn't think or try it! doh! This bugger, I believe, is somewhere related to the Phylloxera family. A professor at UC davis has written some good material on this little pest. HARD TO KILL!

Masquito dunks don't work. Been tried. Even in heavy dose.

h202 didn't work, but helped a little. Tried.

No light leaks.

This algae is specifically called Brown Slime Algae. It is not a by product of the pests. The pests came because of the algae/bacterial growth, the gas it gives on and the eviroment it provides. It is more closely related to a bacteria. 35% h202 at 2 tablespoons a gallon does NOT kill this stuff. Its wicked tough. The list of treatments I have seen is endless, and Physan 20 is the ONLY real fix. I have tons of links, reading, info, species info, everything but most is found on another forum. Not sure if they'd take kindly to that here. If you are truly curious maybe PM or something would be a better method for me to show you.

I have used aquashield in the past with great results, but I am getting away from organic anything. Nothing but issues. Aquashield can actually end up feeding this Brown Slime Algae.

I have already started my treatment. Almost all critters are dead. Algae is being brought to a crawl, due to lack of nutes. Now I will finish it off with the Physan 20 6 hour bath.

By next saturday I will be able to tell you if this treatment worked. Until then, cross my fingers! Google: Strange slime build up on roots and Brown Slime Algae. You can see some more about this crazy stuff.

Jonny - Owe ya some rep man. Thanks for the advice. Wish I would have thought about it sooner, would feel better using the more organic pesticide. Stuff I am using now is toxic! Rep ya when I can brother. Take it easy.
eh imidacloprid isn't so bad. Its just systemic. So it works better... Also as I'm sure you know costs about 10x what permethrin does. But works, very well.

Ever hear of Bidren??? now THAT is nasty stuff...
I hope they come around soon RPsmoke. looks like you will have gained some knowledge after this ordeal

Thanks man. I hope so too. Plants still look good on top, its their bottom half that was getting me worried.

And thanks for the advice yesterday. First thing I did when I got home was check res temps.

eh imidacloprid isn't so bad. Its just systemic. So it works better... Also as I'm sure you know costs about 10x what permethrin does. But works, very well.

Ya, well it isn't anything I would normally use! Can work its way into the plants from what I gather, so you need time to let it work its way out too. Maybe that was something else in the Bayer, but thats what I was told.

It also really messes with Honey Bee's. Its banned in Germany for seed treatment due to what it does. I've read:
Imidacloprid is receiving increased attention as a possible factor in Colony Collapse Disorder, a mysterious condition that causes sudden death of honey bee populations
. I usually stick with neem. Have used AzaMax in the past, but was told it wouldn't work for me here, in this case.

and yes, sure wish I would of thought about it. Didn't even cross my mind. Your post had me hitting my keyboard. lol

Ya, well it isn't anything I would normally use! Can work its way into the plants from what I gather, so you need time to let it work its way out too. Maybe that was something else in the Bayer, but thats what I was told.

It also really messes with Honey Bee's. Its banned in Germany for seed treatment due to what it does. I've read: . I usually stick with neem. Have used AzaMax in the past, but was told it wouldn't work for me here, in this case.

and yes, sure wish I would of thought about it. Didn't even cross my mind. Your post had me hitting my keyboard. lol


Ha! Sorry i didn't reply sooner. yeah Imidacloprid is systemic and is normally injected into the soil around plants and drawn up through the root system , through the xylem, out the branches, leaves, flowers or fruits. Killing anything and everything that attacks any part of the plant. That's why its so broadly used and why so many bees are dying.

Real catch 22 for orchard growers. great stuff protects everything, unfortunately kills the little guys that are necessary for them to make your fruit ;) wonder how many bees died before they figured that out...
Thanks man. I hope so too. Plants still look good on top, its their bottom half that was getting me worried.

And thanks for the advice yesterday. First thing I did when I got home was check res temps.


good luck on your fight rpsmoke unfortunatly i dont have the funds to keep fighting the brown slime on my airstones that appeared after 3 daz n the fresh rez i moved my ww seedlings n 2 the foxfarm happy frog organic soil:peace:
Ha! Sorry i didn't reply sooner. yeah Imidacloprid is systemic and is normally injected into the soil around plants and drawn up through the root system , through the xylem, out the branches, leaves, flowers or fruits. Killing anything and everything that attacks any part of the plant. That's why its so broadly used and why so many bees are dying.

Real catch 22 for orchard growers. great stuff protects everything, unfortunately kills the little guys that are necessary for them to make your fruit ;) wonder how many bees died before they figured that out...

Makes some fricking sense now! Thanks a bunch man.

I was overwhelmed yesterday and didn't fully understand what was meant by having to let it work its way out.

Looks like this stuff will only be for indoor extreme cases. no need to be killing bee's outside!

It's suppose to provide 12 month protection. Is this because it is being absorbed and brought through the plant? Or does it actually last that long...say as a barrier type product?

Basically, if I am low on Home defense, can I use this product to pre-treat a room and kill the bugs? Just curious. I got a lot, and no other use for it! lol
good luck on your fight rpsmoke unfortunatly i dont have the funds to keep fighting the brown slime on my airstones that appeared after 3 daz n the fresh rez i moved my ww seedlings n 2 the foxfarm happy frog organic soil:peace:

Sorry to hear brother. Thanks for the kind words though. I was right about there with you. Figured I would give this battle plan a try, as a last ditch effort. Fingers crossed.

Hopefully that soil will let them ladies THRIVE! and give you some fat buds
Finally...Day 1 of 12/12


Pretty sure I am gonna be in BIG trouble - already about out of room. Had to wait until their mother was finished, which took FOREVER!
By water logged, I think he is saying they are being overwatered.

Are the feeder tubes still hooked up? pumping water on to them? How are their roots?

To me, they just look crowded. You have a fan blowing on them? I bet its hard to get fresh air past those outer leaves! Thing is one thick bush o' cannabis!

That will become one mean monster! You should be ok, just have patience. My first couple plants, I let get too big. You gotta be ready to move things around, and lots of LST. Gently bending them over to allow more light penetration and let the inner leaves breathe some more.

Super cropping might also be something you consider. I know MostlyCrazy knows more about this method. I have tried it, but am far from pro with it. Google supercropping. Also check out youtube. They have tons of videos that actually let you see what the gardener is doing. Basically pinching the stem so it is weak, and foling the top part over. Research it before trying!!

You could bend the current tops out of the way some, and really open her up. I know the chief will chime in for ya!

Those THC bomb look GREAT! good job

Best of luck hubebaba! :peace:

And happy friday everyone!!! :slide:
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