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By water logged, I think he is saying they are being overwatered.
And happy friday everyone!!! :slide:

Are the feeder tubes still hooked up? pumping water on to them?

No feeder tubes for quite awhile.

How are their roots?

Verry healthy.

To me, they just look crowded. You have a fan blowing on them?

2 fans, one over & one low.

I bet its hard to get fresh air past those outer leaves! Thing is one thick bush o' cannabis!

That will become one mean monster! You should be ok, just have patience. My first couple plants, I let get too big. You gotta be ready to move things around, and lots of LST. Gently bending them over to allow more light penetration and let the inner leaves breathe some more.

Super cropping might also be something you consider. I know MostlyCrazy knows more about this method. I have tried it, but am far from pro with it. Google supercropping. Also check out youtube. They have tons of videos that actually let you see what the gardener is doing. Basically pinching the stem so it is weak, and foling the top part over. Research it before trying!!

You could bend the current tops out of the way some, and really open her up. I know the chief will chime in for ya!

I know I gotta do something, just scared of killing them. Will check youtube,etc.

Those THC bomb look GREAT! good job
Best of luck hubebaba! :peace: (actually end of quote)
A better picture of the flower room.


Thanks so much for all the replies!:thankyou:
Ya man, learned more about these critters then I ever cared to know. They have been the death of many a plants. They are related to a grapevine type root aphid. They are everywhere out here. I guess some dispensaries are complaining about root aphids and brown slime algae growth on the new clones. Then infecting the other plants in the store. All bad.

That algae is what really sent me for a loop. I had no idea how to fight this stuff. Its not a quitter! lol

Hopefully I can put up a decent fight. I guess I'll be able to say in a week or so.

Yeah bad news all around there! My problem here is those little dam spider mite mother buttafucco's, what is the cause! water temps, is in the water contaminated? do you know where their coming from, I guess what I am asking is! what is the source? wherwe are they coming from? I know a hitman if you need one oh wait wrong forum sorry never mind! lol.
I agree with RP, she's thick one!! Never a bad thing, but you can certainly maximize your light with some type of training. Supercropping is by far the quickest and easiest way to open up your canopy and get it even. I'll tell you tho, it's scary as hell at first! But as soon as you see that top perk up, you'll get the idea. LST(low stress training) also works great but I also find it to be labor intensive. I'd say pick out a lower branch you're not terribly attached to, and give it a nice bend to see what develops! Good luck. =)
Sorry to hear brother. Thanks for the kind words though. I was right about there with you. Figured I would give this battle plan a try, as a last ditch effort. Fingers crossed.

Hopefully that soil will let them ladies THRIVE! and give you some fat buds

thanks smoke and hope u get rid of those bugs :peace:

ima give it another shot when this grows done with some ro water:cool:
i just posted some pics of my rez and airstone n my thread with the brown stuff on it anybody wanna take alook and tell me if its normal or what

im using flora nova nutes
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