"smoke report" of sorts.....LOL
Just a little update on the caramels. I had frozen a bag of them and took them out to do a recipe this weekend (which I have not done yet)
I am happy to say that freezing them did not take ANY potency away from them. They are just like they were the day I made them, melt in your mouth type chewy and potent. :thumb:

All this recipe stuff has me wanting to try to make fudge. From what I've read so far, it looks like my caramel recipe may work but cooking to a little higher temp. Any suggestions Canna, I've got the munchies but no butter for a couple of weeks. I hope my Diablos are ready by then :)
"smoke report" of sorts.....LOL
Just a little update on the caramels. I had frozen a bag of them and took them out to do a recipe this weekend (which I have not done yet)
I am happy to say that freezing them did not take ANY potency away from them. They are just like they were the day I made them, melt in your mouth type chewy and potent. :thumb:

We have froze them to but find putting in double bagged ziplocks (so they don't absorb any unwanted smells in the wax paper) and store in the veg crisper works great to.

I have had them in there up to 1 month and notice no degrade in them at all. :high-five:
All this recipe stuff has me wanting to try to make fudge. From what I've read so far, it looks like my caramel recipe may work but cooking to a little higher temp. Any suggestions Canna, I've got the munchies but no butter for a couple of weeks. I hope my Diablos are ready by then :)
I am sure you can do a good fudge. I am not sure on using the caramel recipe to do it, I haven't done that. I'll check that recipe over tonight and see. My mom is the fudge queen of the family. LOL
Until you get some cannabutter going or at least something with some goodies in it....geez I don't know what to tell you except grab a napkin for the "drools". LOL
I might have a fudge recipe on my blog. I will check that later and post it here if I find it. :)
Hi Mick,
I didn't forget about you. I did find a recipe for Cannabis Fudge that makes sense. Here's what I got, and I think you could probably add some fine ground decarbed cannabis to it at the end if you want more potency:

Cannabis Fudge Recipe:

4 cups sugar
½ cup cannabutter
1 (12-ounce) can evaporated milk
16 ounces dark chocolate, coarsely chopped
1 (7-ounce) jar marshmallow fluff
1 teaspoon vanilla


Line 13×9-inch baking pan with aluminum foil, extending foil over edges. Lightly butter foil. Set aside.

Combine sugar, butter and evaporated milk in heavy 4-quart saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for 17-20 minutes or until mixture comes to a full boil. Then continue cooking, stirring constantly, 15-17 minutes or until candy thermometer reaches 234°F.

Remove from heat. Gradually stir in chocolate until melted. Stir in marshmallow fluff until well mixed. Stir vanilla.

Spread fudge into prepared pan. Cool completely. Cover; refrigerate. Remove fudge from pan using foil ends. Cut into 1-inch squares.
Hi guys, I'm a newbie to this whole mm thing but I love to experiment and cook! I use 14 grams (1/2 oz) ground bud to 250 grams unsalted butter ... 1/2 lb. Sorry, I'm Australian so converting as I go. I have two family members as my willing patients :) I make a batch of basic dough and after I finish I then add more flour so the total weight is 1kg or 1000 grams or a little over two pounds. I then divide the batches in two. To one half I add 2 teaspoons ground ginger mixed with an extra 100 grams of flour for my daughter and to the other 2 teaspoons cinnamon mixed with an extra 100 grams of flour for my grandson's cookies.

I then take the ginger dough and weigh the 600 grams of dough out into 18 cookies each weighing 33 grams as I need the dosage to be predictable. AFTER weighing carefully I then add crystallised ginger and a square of cream cheese and roll each cookie into a ball. The cinnamon cookies are made by the same procedure and finished with sultanas, walnuts and cream cheese. These 36 cookies live happily in the freezer until I cook them fresh every second day or so. I take them straight from the freezer to the oven and cook them for 11 minutes.

The last batch I made directly after making some vg/pg tincture for my daughters ecig and some cannabutter and was feeling ripped off by the return harvest compared to the amount of fats I'd used. I thought, ' I just know there's good stuff left in that squeezed out weed so I tossed all the now squeezed out bud into the mixture and cooked it in the cookies! Guess what? They loved it! The dried out stuff weighed 40 grams ... Well over an ounce. Yes, the cookies were stronger. Don't throw out that good bud .... cook it! I had already experimented with some weird 'chocolates' and figured it might do in cookies too. Yell out if you'd like the chocolates recipe.

N.B. The basic mixture can also be made up with white choc bits and dried cranberries which is also good.

Basic dough mix.

225 grams cannabutter
150 grams sugar
160 grams dark brown sugar
2 large eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon bicarb soda ... ( baking soda )
1/2 teaspoon salt
295 grams all purpose flour

Soften the butter in microwave oven. Add the sugars. Mix well. Beat eggs with the vanilla and mix through. Add any squeezed out bud you may have in the freezer .... I used 40 grams bud to this quantity. Sift flour, baking soda and salt together and add to the mixture. Bake cookies on glad bake lined oven tray for 11 minutes straight out of the freezer. I'll add photos next time I'm on the laptop as my iPad doesn't seem to want to :)
Thank you so much for that info Joyle and welcome! Sounds like a really good way to go - I will try it next time I'm gonna roll out a batch probably next week
. And I will try using the cannabutter leftovers - seems such a waste to throw it away.

A very nice friend gave me a 1/2 cup of budda and we got some caramels from him as well. So I was thinking what to make. I was going to make triple ginger cookies. I bought over $6.00 worth of fresh ginger and they some how didn't make it home. So I though about cookies and caramel. I then though about chocolate chip cookies with caramel. Ok, I had to kick it up a notch and made dark chocolate chip cookies made with canna butter and spiked with a bunch of cut up caramels. I baked up a couple for me and a couple for the missus. We'll see how much work she gets done this afternoon.
A very nice friend gave me a 1/2 cup of budda and we got some caramels from him as well. So I was thinking what to make. I was going to make triple ginger cookies. I bought over $6.00 worth of fresh ginger and they some how didn't make it home. So I though about cookies and caramel. I then though about chocolate chip cookies with caramel. Ok, I had to kick it up a notch and made dark chocolate chip cookies made with canna butter and spiked with a bunch of cut up caramels. I baked up a couple for me and a couple for the missus. We'll see how much work she gets done this afternoon.

Too funny! Sounds great too. YUM You will have to let us know how she did with them....and yourself too. :) Any pics? Or did you scarf them all down already?
Hi guys, I'm a newbie to this whole mm thing but I love to experiment and cook! I use 14 grams (1/2 oz) ground bud to 250 grams unsalted butter ... 1/2 lb. Sorry, I'm Australian so converting as I go. I have two family members as my willing patients :) I make a batch of basic dough and after I finish I then add more flour so the total weight is 1kg or 1000 grams or a little over two pounds. I then divide the batches in two. To one half I add 2 teaspoons ground ginger mixed with an extra 100 grams of flour for my daughter and to the other 2 teaspoons cinnamon mixed with an extra 100 grams of flour for my grandson's cookies.

I then take the ginger dough and weigh the 600 grams of dough out into 18 cookies each weighing 33 grams as I need the dosage to be predictable. AFTER weighing carefully I then add crystallised ginger and a square of cream cheese and roll each cookie into a ball. The cinnamon cookies are made by the same procedure and finished with sultanas, walnuts and cream cheese. These 36 cookies live happily in the freezer until I cook them fresh every second day or so. I take them straight from the freezer to the oven and cook them for 11 minutes.

The last batch I made directly after making some vg/pg tincture for my daughters ecig and some cannabutter and was feeling ripped off by the return harvest compared to the amount of fats I'd used. I thought, ' I just know there's good stuff left in that squeezed out weed so I tossed all the now squeezed out bud into the mixture and cooked it in the cookies! Guess what? They loved it! The dried out stuff weighed 40 grams ... Well over an ounce. Yes, the cookies were stronger. Don't throw out that good bud .... cook it! I had already experimented with some weird 'chocolates' and figured it might do in cookies too. Yell out if you'd like the chocolates recipe.

N.B. The basic mixture can also be made up with white choc bits and dried cranberries which is also good.

Basic dough mix.

225 grams cannabutter
150 grams sugar
160 grams dark brown sugar
2 large eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon bicarb soda ... ( baking soda )
1/2 teaspoon salt
295 grams all purpose flour

Soften the butter in microwave oven. Add the sugars. Mix well. Beat eggs with the vanilla and mix through. Add any squeezed out bud you may have in the freezer .... I used 40 grams bud to this quantity. Sift flour, baking soda and salt together and add to the mixture. Bake cookies on glad bake lined oven tray for 11 minutes straight out of the freezer. I'll add photos next time I'm on the laptop as my iPad doesn't seem to want to :)

Excellent! Thanks for the contribution to the edibles, I will be trying this myself as well! :thumb::circle-of-love:
Thrilled you liked my contribution .... shucks :) The creamcheese is Philladelphia ... do you have it in the U.S? When the cookies are eaten hot they are deliciously gooey. Here are some photos. The 'chocolates' are bud infused coconut oil, nutella and chunky peanut butter and a dose of pre squeezed bud material. Heat it a little and spoon it into tiny chocolate patty papers. Enjoy!
Yep, we have Philadelphia cream cheese here too, Joyle. Those chocolates look great and the cookies as well. A friend recently gave me a couple of chocolate cream candies. They were like soft centered chocolates, pure chocolate enrobing a creamy chocolate filling. It seemed like there was butter sludge mixed in with the chocolate filling. I don't know what all went into the filling, but I know one of 'em knocked me on my arse!
PeeJay I wonder if the choc filling contained canna oil. This could explain the sludge consistency you describe and the potency too. If your friend had combined butter or coconut oil for the centre it would have set harder, yeah? Hhhmm, might give that a go with indica oil. What a tasty sleeping pill for my daughter, ha ha
Last of the cooking for the weekend.

We all know about those pizza mixes in a box that kids seem to think are excellent treats. Let's kick them up for adults, shall we?

Chef Canna-rdee Pizza


Start with one boxed pizza, I actually have a double pizza box. Mix the dough according to the package directions. When it says to drizzle a tablespoon of oil on the dough and let it sit, use the canna infused Olive oil.

When the dough is ready, prepare your pan by spraying it lightly. Spread your dough out and then sprinkle some Canna Olive oil on it.


Now the only thing I think the packaged grated parmesan that comes in the box is good for, is to soak up grease or oil. So I sprinkle it over the olive oil to soak it up a bit before I put the sauce on. Then a little on the sauce too.

My can of sauce has been mixed with about 1/8 c. of fine ground trim.
Spread it on the dough. Then add black or green olives, pepperoni, a few torn basil leaves. And anything else you like.


Then your cheese. I used mozzarella and some colby.


Bake according to box instructions, till crust is browned and cheese is bubbly.

I ate 3 pieces of this. I'm rockin!

I love pizza but this looks really good !!!!!!!!:circle-of-love:
I got curious about the chocolates because they packed such a wallop in a small package and called my friend this morning. He didn't make them, a friend of his I don't know does. He did know what she was doing. She makes a chocolate and cream ganache and adds some decarb cannabis and glycerin tincture to the mix. She chills and rolls that mixture into balls and then dips the chilled balls into melted dark chocolate that has more tincture added to it. The ones I got were double chocolate, but she also flavors the ganache with grand marnier, ameretto, kahlua, etc. They are a very tasty treat.
Aha! I knew it PeeJay .... Good one. I am sooo doing this. MsBadger, I'd like to party with you for sure! Any chance of the Philly recipe PeeJay? But not of it starts with, 'first milk the cow'. .... been there, done that :)
Thinking lemonade canna scones, jam and cream be a nice Sunday afternoon with friends. Great thread canna and all contributors
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