We had lunch yesterday and I ate 1 around 3:30pm....we had an hr plus drive to get home and left at 5pm

The mrs laughed her ass off all the way home and kept asking me to slow down doing 35mph in a 40mph zone.

I don't think one would dare try these for breakfast or lunch....:cheesygrinsmiley:

I have to laugh at this one. That 40 MPH zone is full of curves where you would plunge to your death if you missed a curve, LOL. J/k, that's a 60 MPH stretch actually.
Lunch was good, the company was great and 2 desserts, UH OH! :yahoo: I'm just glad I didn't have to drive.
I am a couple of months away from having the trim I need to make butter but when I do I will try a triple ginger cookie I make. They are time consuming, you have to candy the ginger and all. But, they are to die for. Heck, now I need some trim!
I have to laugh at this one. That 40 MPH zone is full of curves where you would plunge to your death if you missed a curve, LOL. J/k, that's a 60 MPH stretch actually.
Lunch was good, the company was great and 2 desserts, UH OH! :yahoo: I'm just glad I didn't have to drive.

I was really wondering how you guys did on 2 each :smokin: add the concentrate vape session before lunch probably didn't help.

Next time I think we'll bring sleeping bags :high-five:
Hey Canna, I just made Rice Krispie Squares with Hemp Hearts. Does that qualify for this thread. I don't have any trim or butter either so I used real butter :(

I also made Energy Balls using Hemp Hears etc.. Other than the two recipes I posted before, you've now seen the extent of my cooking repertoire :):peace::circle-of-love:
Hey Canna:byebye:

For decarb I noticed that I neglected to tell you that I also blend in some ground up

soy lecithin (available in health food stores usually around $10), this is supposed to

increase the potency of the THC by up to double the regular dose.

I also throw in a ground up Niacin tablet, this helps your body assimilate the THC better

Sorry for my oversight :ciao:

I tried to look up impotence on the internet,

but nothing came up.
Thanks for this info blue fly. I have been using soy lethithin in my budder because magical butter recommended it but I wasn't sure why. Now I know why I get so ripped on my cookies. :)
Hey Canna:byebye:

For decarb I noticed that I neglected to tell you that I also blend in some ground up

soy lecithin (available in health food stores usually around $10), this is supposed to

increase the potency of the THC by up to double the regular dose.

I also throw in a ground up Niacin tablet, this helps your body assimilate the THC better

Sorry for my oversight :ciao:

I tried to look up impotence on the internet,

but nothing came up.

Good info bluefly! I will add that to the blog recipe I posted for doing the decarb.
My dinner this evening:
Smashed tators, using cannabutter in them..then mix in some sour cream. I have regular butter on the tators melting.
One chicken breast baked with tomatoes and some garlic/onions, then shortly broiled for golden with the fresh grated Parmesan. Served with a drizzle of canna olive oil.
Homemade sweet corn muffins using cannabutter.


I do love having "free" cannabutter to play with. LOL
This my recipie for Hemp Hearts Energy Balls. Obviously you can do a lot of substitution here; for example, you don't need to use chia, flax etc and the various cereals can be mixed to taste. The important thing is that 3 to 4 tablespoons of Hemp Hearts has more than your neutritional needs for the day. I have had an amazing increase in energy since eating them.

substitute hemp Hearts for Flaxseed.

1 cup (dry) oatmeal (I used old-fashioned oats)
2/3 cup toasted coconut flakes
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup ground flaxseed or wheat germ
1/2 cup chocolate chips or cacao nibs (optional)
1/3 cup honey or maple syrup
1 Tbsp. chia seeds (optional)
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Mix it together, refrigerate for 1/2 hour and form into 1" dia balls

I didn't use peanut butter but bought unsalted macadamia nuts and unsalted cashews and made my own macadamia/cashew nut butter. DELICIOUS
but I destroyed my wife's blender mixing the nuts so it was a little expensive peanut butter substitute.
Thanks Mick! I have never used hemp hearts, but a little research last night tells me that they are very good for you!
If anyone else has not used them, or know little about them here's a page that has great info on them:

About Hemp Hearts

I think I'll stop at my local health food shop after work and see if they carry this. YUM

And I have a question for those who make Cannabutter, what do you do with your "mash"...the leftover stuff after straining the butter?
Dennise mentioned she will use it in brownies, any other good uses for it?

Have a great Monday everyone!
Here is a picture of one of my last remaining Energy Balls and a Hemp Hearts Rice Krispie square. For the RKS, I just used one fewer cup of Rice Krispies and replaced it with Two cups of Hemp Hearts. I also substitute a few drops of lemon essential oil for vanilla

Have not made these, just found recipe today..

Chocolate Oatmeal No Bake Cookies
1/2 C Butter
2 C Sugar
1/2 C Milk
4 Tbsp Cocoa
1/2 C Peanut Butter
3 1/2 C Quick cooking Oats
2 tsp. Vanilla
Add the first 4 ingredients in a saucepan. Bring to a rolling boil, and boil for 1 minute. Stir in the next 3 ingredients and drop onto wax/foil paper. Let cool until set.

cana has caught up to cron! :cheer:

I still think about my confession I decided to share with you when I see that Lion!

some friendly FYI for a great member changing the red text to pink in your brilliantly crafted signature,

will stop those (private) messages you get from members like me! lol ! good luck cana
cana has caught up to cron! :cheer:

I still think about my confession I decided to share with you when I see that Lion!

some friendly FYI for a great member changing the red text to pink in your brilliantly crafted signature,

will stop those (private) messages you get from members like me! lol ! good luck cana

:scratchinghead: my signature changed over a month ago. I don't think I have any pink there.
How are you liking the recipes here Trichomes? Do you cook with cannabutter or do any kind of edibles? Maybe you have some yummly's to share. Always looking for new recipes. :high-five:

Ahhh...I haven't had enough coffee this morning. I get your message now. You think changing my signature to pink text would identify me as a female because the lion avatar is so manly. LOL
Naahhh, I'll leave it be. I'm not a pink fan. :laughtwo:
I like my Lion, took the pic myself!
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