Hi Bluefly, I heartily agree 'cannacaps' are the way to go for sure. I did make them with coconut oil without decarbing first in the beginning. I've come a long way in a short time ..... 6 months. Not bad for a granny whose previous career included some drug and alcohol counselling :) I'm treating SLE (daughter) and autism, ADHD, OCD, Tourette's (grandson) and learning more every day. The main problem is we have to buy the stuff at the moment ... and take a punt on what we get. Obviously my daughter needs indica heavy and my 19 yr old grandson needs a more uplifting and creative sativa heavy for the day. He's a brilliant musician and artist. Having said that we have a new family member (called Tabitha .... yes it's a girl!) who has been on solids for three whole weeks:) She is a white widow and we have a promise of big bud, Pineapple Express and blue dream seeds coming. RSO is definitely THE way to go but that's still a little way off at the moment. When my grandson needs to be urgently medicated he's too far out of control for drops under the tongue but the ecig works well there. I have finally perfected the ejuice recipe using 70/30 pg/vg. Unfortunately he's never hungry on his current poxy meds. which includes Ritalin, the great appetite killer. He doesn't have much of a sweet tooth so I thought a heavily cannabutter laced savoury biscuit might start his day well. Truth be told I just love to cook! Maybe we'll settle for a dropper or ten! of my alcohol tincture in Apple juice. We can't wait to start both of them on a 90 day RSO course and chuck out all the meds if possible. The success stories for lupus and Tourette's are amazing!
Ahhh. Thanks for the clarification Joyle. Junket is pepsin, not renet. I was wrong! Pepsin is the same enzyme that keeps gelatin from setting up if you add uncooked pineapple to it, and is the primary ingredient in bottled meat tenderizers. I know that off the top of my head. I'll spare you the rest of what I know about pepsin since none of what I've told you so far has anything to do with what's going on in this thread, lol.
I'll spare you the rest of what I know about pepsin since none of what I've told you so far has anything to do with what's going on in this thread, lol. Ha ha PeeJay ... I was thinking the same thought as I was writing that stuff. Cannafan, how would melted cannabutter go drizzled on the waffle and maple syrup over that I wonder? Working my way up to trying those salted caramels .... as if I need extra calories ... NOT!
I'll spare you the rest of what I know about pepsin since none of what I've told you so far has anything to do with what's going on in this thread, lol. Ha ha PeeJay ... I was thinking the same thought as I was writing that stuff. Cannafan, how would melted cannabutter go drizzled on the waffle and maple syrup over that I wonder? Working my way up to trying those salted caramels .... as if I need extra calories ... NOT!

Made a batch of toffee tonight, using the same recipe as the salted caramels, except I took the temp up to about 260F. Basically hard tack.
It came out hard and is just cracked up in pieces to eat and store. If any of you have British Food stores in your area, they sell Walker's Toffee. This turned out tasting amazingly like Walker's Treacle Toffee. Looks the same and breaks up the same way when you hit it with a big spoon or knife handle. Or hammer :). No cannabutter yet. Getting close.
Morning Canna,:cheer:

Adding this reply to your canna thread as well :high-five:


My crockpot on low gets to 175 on my stainless steel meat thermometer......

I use the high setting on mine and don't worry about the temp.

Also, very important.
Some people just can't get buzzed off medibles no matter what.

My Mrs took 5 batches to begin feeling effects while other would tell me they can't feel their face....my other friends tried my triple threat brownies(3 doses per brownie) and said they barely felt a buzz.

A quick 5 min exercise about 1 hr into digestion also helps get it into your blood stream for full effects.

Have fun with, it's great when you get it figured out.

My crock pot temps are 175* on low and approx 200* on high
I do the same as far as bubbling boiling.

If it simmer boils around the edges I am fine with that.....but if it boils or bubbles across the entire surface then I add a little water or turn it to low, sometimes even warm....you do not want to boil the butter, but a mild simmer has yet to effect my yield or results.

I only comment here as I make about 4lbs of butter each week and so far this is working best for me.
I do the same as far as bubbling boiling.

If it simmer boils around the edges I am fine with that.....but if it boils or bubbles across the entire surface then I add a little water or turn it to low, sometimes even warm....you do not want to boil the butter, but a mild simmer has yet to effect my yield or results.

I only comment here as I make about 4lbs of butter each week and so far this is working best for me.

Totally appreciate your comments Heady!:high-five:
This has helped me to know that mine is going on a normal basis. ;-)
I'm just really curious what temp my crock pot is going.
Does anyone know how long cannabutter and cannabutter treats last in the fridge?

I made a large batch of cannabutter about a month ago...I used half the batch of butter and put the rest of the butter in the fridge because I was planning to bake something else very soon but I never did...I put half of the treats in the freezer but left the other half in the fridge...I ate a good amount of them but there's still a bunch in the fridge. I was wondering how long can they be in the fridge before they go bad or lose potency?

PS: I just ate one 5 mins ago so please don't tell me I did something wrong LOL

Thanks for any advice :)
Does anyone know how long cannabutter and cannabutter treats last in the fridge?

I made a large batch of cannabutter about a month ago...I used half the batch of butter and put the rest of the butter in the fridge because I was planning to bake something else very soon but I never did...I put half of the treats in the freezer but left the other half in the fridge...I ate a good amount of them but there's still a bunch in the fridge. I was wondering how long can they be in the fridge before they go bad or lose potency?

PS: I just ate one 5 mins ago so please don't tell me I did something wrong LOL

Thanks for any advice :)
Okay system, second try here.
Jay, it all depends on what was in the treats. What were they? Did they contain any dairy products or any ingredients that would normally spoil in a short time refrigerated?
I cut my cannabutter into 4 oz. sections like the sticks you get with butter/margarine. I keep only one 4 oz. section in the fridge and the rest gets frozen. I have some in the fridge that's been a couple weeks and still tastes fine and is still potent.
If I'm going to make a large recipe I take it out and let it thaw, doesn't take long.
So the biggest question is what was in the treats. LOL
Does anyone know how long cannabutter and cannabutter treats last in the fridge?

I made a large batch of cannabutter about a month ago...I used half the batch of butter and put the rest of the butter in the fridge because I was planning to bake something else very soon but I never did...I put half of the treats in the freezer but left the other half in the fridge...I ate a good amount of them but there's still a bunch in the fridge. I was wondering how long can they be in the fridge before they go bad or lose potency?

PS: I just ate one 5 mins ago so please don't tell me I did something wrong LOL

Thanks for any advice :)

Hey Jay,

I have left the butter processed undrained in the fridge for up to 3 weeks..never had a problem.

I have frozen that sits up to 2/3 months....again no problems.

I refrigerate candies and have froze cookies, brownies, cup cakes...for many weeks and still no adverse affects in potency that I have noticed.
Okay system, second try here.
Jay, it all depends on what was in the treats. What were they? Did they contain any dairy products or any ingredients that would normally spoil in a short time refrigerated?
I cut my cannabutter into 4 oz. sections like the sticks you get with butter/margarine. I keep only one 4 oz. section in the fridge and the rest gets frozen. I have some in the fridge that's been a couple weeks and still tastes fine and is still potent.
If I'm going to make a large recipe I take it out and let it thaw, doesn't take long.
So the biggest question is what was in the treats. LOL

Thank you for taking the time give that reply...the treats were the no-bake smores

Do you think it is too late to add some from the fridge to the freezer? Also is it too late to put the canna butter in the freezer now?

Thanks again
Hey Jay,

I have let the butter processed undrained in the fridge for up to 3 weeks..never had a problem.

I have frozen that sits up to 2/3 months....again no problems.

I refrigerate candies and have froze cookies, brownies, cup cakes...for many weeks and still no adverse affects in potency that I have noticed.

Thank you for that info Heady
Yep, a gentle simmer is the way to go. It's just an extraction process isn't it? The decarb happens when the treats are cooked in the oven doesn't it? Does anyone have a youbeaut homemade device for squeezing the last drops of butter from the dregs? We've bent the handle of one garlic press and snapped the handle off another. I'm wondering about a screwable vice .....?
Yep, a gentle simmer is the way to go. It's just an extraction process isn't it? The decarb happens when the treats are cooked in the oven doesn't it? Does anyone have a youbeaut homemade device for squeezing the last drops of butter from the dregs? We've bent the handle of one garlic press and snapped the handle off another. I'm wondering about a screwable vice .....?

I cool to a solid and remove the chunk and what ever sticks to it....reheat in microwave to liquid then strain and flush with boiling hot water and strain again.

After the double strain and hot water flush I have yet to get more than 2+ TBLS from the dregs on the second rinse, and often just a couple teaspoons.
Hi Jay,
funny you mention the smores. LOL I just took another pack out of the freezer last night because I had finished up mine in the fridge. The only thing the smores get from sitting longer in the fridge is a little harder texture, I have found. Not too late for the freezer for either one. ;-)

Thanks Canna :thanks:
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