Morning :)
Do you think I could use corn starch instead of tapioca starch? These ingredients are hard to find so far.
I am not sure. I have not tried it. Both are used as thickeners in cooking liquids.
I've read that corn starch has a very low solubility in cool liquids, but it should do fine in hot liquids as the tapioca or maltodextrin do.
This site explained the two pretty well:

Maybe halve or quarter the recipe for the THC powder and try it with the cornstarch?

This afternoon I'm going to run a test between the Maltodextrin and Tapioca Starch THC powders in room temperature and cold liquids to see which one dissolved better, and how much residue settles to the bottom of the glass, If any.
I had left the glass of water mixed with the Tapioca starch powder on the counter for a couple of hours yesterday, and when I checked it there was residue in the bottom of the glass. I had to stir it up again.
Hot liquids are not going to be a problem, I want to see just how well cold liquids can be used for this.
I ran a test this morning on the solubility in room temperature water with Maltodextrin THC Powder vs. Tapioca Starch THC Powder. I used 1/4 tsp each in 16 oz. water.

Once poured into the water, the Malto seemed to dissolve much faster than the Tapioca and the water remained much clearer. I shook them both up well and waited about 45 minutes. The second pic shows that the Tapioca Starch bottle has a large amount of undissolved residue gathered at the bottom. The Maltodextrin bottle showed none. (what you see in the photo there on the malto one is just light and counter reflections. There is no sediment)

So, based on these so far, I think I would stick with the Maltodextrin for solubility purposes.

Maltodextrin VS. Tapioca Starch Solubility-1.jpg

Maltodextrin VS. Tapioca Starch Solubility-2.jpg
I ran a test this morning on the solubility in room temperature water with Maltodextrin THC Powder vs. Tapioca Starch THC Powder. I used 1/4 tsp each in 16 oz. water.

Once poured into the water, the Malto seemed to dissolve much faster than the Tapioca and the water remained much clearer. I shook them both up well and waited about 45 minutes. The second pic shows that the Tapioca Starch bottle has a large amount of undissolved residue gathered at the bottom. The Maltodextrin bottle showed none. (what you see in the photo there on the malto one is just light and counter reflections. There is no sediment)

So, based on these so far, I think I would stick with the Maltodextrin for solubility purposes.

Maltodextrin VS. Tapioca Starch Solubility-1.jpg

Maltodextrin VS. Tapioca Starch Solubility-2.jpg
Awesome, I'm gonna go with Maltodextrin. I reckon I swallow enough cannabinoids of a day to kill a dragon, so what's another lol.

EDIT - that was a Freudian Slip people. I swallow enough cancer causing shyte. The cannabinoids are the good guys 🤭
Awesome, I'm gonna go with Maltodextrin. I reckon I swallow enough cannabinoids of a day to kill a dragon, so what's another lol.

EDIT - that was a Freudian Slip people. I swallow enough cancer causing shyte. The cannabinoids are the good guys 🤭
We completely understand. LOL
My plans today changed drastically. I was supposed have "Tea Time" with shroom tea and a friend. The family decided they were having a cookout, so I have to go to that instead.
Ah well....another day...another "trip". :laughtwo:

Note: I just checked those test water bottles and the Tapioca Starch one, despite shaking up again, still has a lot of residue at the bottom. So I will use that one up in cooking or in hot liquids, then stick with Maltodextrin in the future.
Let us know how you did with this and how quickly the effects happened for you, if you can.

I would like to get more feedback as users experience it to see if the bioavailability is indeed faster.
How are you guys finding the effects of the powder? Onset in minutes as suggested? And how about length of high, more like smoking/vaping in that it's shorter or does it have lasting effects like traditional edibles?
Final test of Maltodextrin vs. Tapioca Starch solubility.

Well, for my purposes in hot or cold liquids or drinks, I will stick with the Maltodextrin powder.

I did this test this morning using hot water (coffee hot), and no matter how many times I tried to stir in and dissolve the Tapioca Starch sample, it had a large amount of sediment that settled to the bottom.
I did the slurry test as well and got pretty much the same. The malto slurry turned a pretty clear gelatinous, the tapioca starch just looked like a flour slurry.

The other thing is, the Tapioca starch mix left a slight film of oil at the top of the liquid. Not a lot, but enough that you could see it. The Malto did not do that.

I also tried a tsp. of each plain Malto and Tapioca in hot water and got the same results. The Tapioca starch would just not completely dissolve.

So, on to recipes and incorporating the powder. YUM

Hot liquid Malto Vs. Tapioca Starch THC powder.jpg
THC Powder Infused
Sweet Potato Soup

We're starting to get some chilly weather already here, especially evenings. This nudges me to comforting soups, and this is one of my favorites.
Infuse however you like, I used my powder in this one and sprinkled a little on top as well.

This soup is satisfying served hot or cold.

This recipe Serves 6


1 tablespoon olive oil
1 medium white onion diced
3 cloves minced garlic
2 tablespoons grated ginger
2 pounds sweet potatoes peeled and cut into bite-sized pieces
4 cups reduced sodium vegetable broth
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground white pepper
2 tablespoons sliced chives to garnish
3 Tablespoons or more/less of your THC powder depending on your tolerance levels and strength of your powder or infusion. Use a dosage calculator to assist if needed.


Place a large soup pot on the stove over medium high heat. Add in olive oil and onion and saute until tender, about 7 minutes. Add in garlic and ginger and saute 1 minute more.
Add in sweet potatoes and season with salt and pepper. Pour in vegetable broth and bring to a boil over high heat. Once boiling, reduce the heat to medium and simmer until sweet potatoes are tender, about 10-15 minutes.
Add the THC Powder or your other infusion method.
Once partially cooled, transfer the soup mixture to a blender and blend in batches until smooth, or use an immersion blender. Be careful blending hot liquids!
Serve hot or cold. You can add a little cream and swirl it in, or sour cream. Top with basil, chives, or any of your favorite herbs.

Note: I cook and puree my sweet potatoes in advance, and put them in zip lock bags in the freezer for quick use when they are out of season here.
That soup looks amazing.

Boy did I go on a wild goose chase today in my quest to find ingredients for the powder. On an empty fuel tank I drove out of town from place to place. I came home with wrong size Grove Bags and otherwise empty hands. I can't even find lecithin online. As for maltodextrine ... I found tapioca flour which to me is second best but at least it's available. My quest continues. EDIT I located some online Yippee
That soup looks amazing.

Boy did I go on a wild goose chase today in my quest to find ingredients for the powder. On an empty fuel tank I drove out of town from place to place. I came home with wrong size Grove Bags and otherwise empty hands. I can't even find lecithin online. As for maltodextrine ... I found tapioca flour which to me is second best but at least it's available. My quest continues.
Wow, you are seriously limited where you are. I would be so frustrated!
Yeah, I think Tapioca flour would be suitable if not ideal.
I wonder why Lecithin is so hard to find there?
I searched for lecithin alternatives and came up with this:

What is the best substitute for lecithin?

When substituting for lecithin, one yolk can replace one tablespoon of lecithin. Soy Lecithin: An excellent lecithin alternative for those avoiding animal-based products, soy lecithin is plant-based and offers the same emulsifying properties.Sep 18, 2023

I know that xanthan gum is an emulsifier as well, but I have no idea how it would work for this powder.
I would have misgivings about using raw egg yolk, unless you are going to incorporate the powder into cooking. Even then, I'm not sure how that would work.
That soup looks amazing.

Boy did I go on a wild goose chase today in my quest to find ingredients for the powder. On an empty fuel tank I drove out of town from place to place. I came home with wrong size Grove Bags and otherwise empty hands. I can't even find lecithin online. As for maltodextrine ... I found tapioca flour which to me is second best but at least it's available. My quest continues. EDIT I located some online Yippee
Oof! Sorry for your day. Do you have Amazon where you are Carmen? That's where I get mine from.
Wow, you are seriously limited where you are. I would be so frustrated!
Yeah, I think Tapioca flour would be suitable if not ideal.
I wonder why Lecithin is so hard to find there?
I searched for lecithin alternatives and came up with this:

What is the best substitute for lecithin?

When substituting for lecithin, one yolk can replace one tablespoon of lecithin. Soy Lecithin: An excellent lecithin alternative for those avoiding animal-based products, soy lecithin is plant-based and offers the same emulsifying properties.Sep 18, 2023

I know that xanthan gum is an emulsifier as well, but I have no idea how it would work for this powder.
I would have misgivings about using raw egg yolk, unless you are going to incorporate the powder into cooking. Even then, I'm not sure how that would work.
Thank you for doing the research LCF! I found liquid Soy lecithin at a specialty online soap making store. I'm going to order that.

Oof! Sorry for your day. Do you have Amazon where you are Carmen? That's where I get mine from.
Thank you Boo. Amazon has just started here in South Africa and we have very limited products available. I searched lecithin and it's not available on South African Amazon. I can order from the USA but then I have to pay import costs and shipping which literally doubles the cost. I'm really glad I eventually found a soy version.
I've sent the recipe and instructions to some friends who are regular Cannabis users/growers, smoking and edibles.
I will be anxiously waiting on how they react to the powder and it's effects.

What is your go-to strain for CBD?
In the coming spring I will be growing just for CBD. I'm on the market for the best strains.
I'm interested to know how long the high lasts. If it is shorter periods than oil and flower based edibles I'll be very excited. One of my concerns about all day highs from edibles is that I like different kinds of highs at different times of day and if I can't moderate that it gives me less control. One of the big pluses of smoking or vaping is that you can decide when to stop and know that it's not going to last as long as edibles as we've known them until now.
Morning :)
Do you think I could use corn starch instead of tapioca starch? These ingredients are hard to find so far.

Note: I saw that Carcass has used corn flour successfully. I think he mentioned it in Stunger's thread. Good to know that another option exists.
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