The Blue Experience - Kharma Reborn

I think a 2 quart pot would work better than a pan for that.

Could you imagine growing the biggest most amazing specimen that won all kinds of contests and then having to explain that shit? (see what i did there?) :high-five:
On a more serious note, In my calcium research struggles, I stumbled across a super soil recipe that included adding salmon. I have some in the fridge right now and I will be placing 1/2 cup in my vita mix blender with some water and adding it to my soil outside, along with my oyster shell flour. I hope it doesn't stink to high heaven.
Don't underestimate the value of shit. On the wastewater treatment facility the tomato seeds that people shit out get stuck in the step screening treatment stage and grow so big in the sun you wouldn't believe. Going to snap a foto next time we have morning meeting there.

I think I'm going to be sick.
week 6.3 flower
Calcium, Magnesium, and the Fade

@InTheShed @Bonsaiweed @Derbybud @CraZysWeeD @Pjs420 @Lady G2HM @MagicJim @Pennywise @Kismet

If I have forgotten anyone, charge it to my head, and not my heart. You can also blame MOC's Blue Amnesia. It's working as intended.

If you guys don't know yet, I tend to obsess over things not being perfect which is why we are here I guess. In a few posts back, I mentioned that I don't really like the flowering period because of the stress. And it couldn't be more true right now. I have always had problems every single time I have flowered a cannabis plant. Thanks to @Derbybud I managed to save Kharma from certain death due to Calcium deficiencies. And because of this constant problem with me, calcium, and my plants in flower, I started doing some really exhaustive research. Jesus, I feel like I'm a fucking chemist now. But, as a result of that tiring, and obsessive research, I managed to learn a few things. The purpous here, is to have a discussion about these findings and run them through the experienced grower bullshit detector, and then see where we come out on the other side.

I recently read an article on The Fade by SubCool. In the post he talks about how plants fade in flower and how we should let this process occur naturally because it helps with potency and flavor due to the plant stepping down chloraphil productuin in flower. But the problem with me, is the worry and rumination from my plants not looking perfect and green, hence my problem.

How much of the yellowing is from natural fade? How soon should the plant start fading? What if this isn't fade at all, and the plant is trying to tell me something? Is fade real? Is it too early for my plant to be fading? WTF? And so you see what goes on in my head reading all of this.

I read an article about the use of Cal/Mag and to do it properly, It should be introduced in the early stages of Veg and fed heavily between 5ml and up to 7ml per gallon all throughout Veg. The Cal/Mag dosing should stop once the plant has entered into early flowering. The reason why, is because Calcium interferes with Potassium uptake right when the plant starts to need it most. If we continue to use it during flower, the plant starts to exhibit signs of potassium deficiency evedinced by yellowing of the leaves between the veins.

In organic growing, the process is different. In a super soil mixture it states that we should add 1 to 2 tbsp of Oyster Shell Flour per gallon of soil.

This must sit for at least a month before planting to give the microbes a chance to start breaking it down into bio available calcium for the plant. Then a solution of 2 tbsp of Epsom salt per gallon of water should be applied as a foliar spray once, early in veg and then once more at the start of the flowering period. The rest of the solution should be watered in. No more magnesium should be given to the plant after the second application. And as another note @InTheShed, to make a soluble Calcium treatment for foliar feeding, or dosing at the roots, We must mix 1 cup of oyster shell to 5 cups of vinegar, and that must also sit for at least 20 days before it can be used at 2 ounces per gallon.

So apparently from what I have learned, is that Calcium supplementation is something that must be prepared for, and If we make a mistake and not add calcium or Cal/Mag early in the plant's life and get a Calcium deficiency, then there will be problems when it is given during flower. And I believe that this is partly what I'm experiencing.

Look at these pictures. My Camera seems to be correcting the yellow and making the leaves look more green:

I removed Kharma from the tent and placed her under a different light to try and get the Sony to take a more accurate color representation:

As you can see from the second set, the leaves look more accurate, however the camera is still compensating a little so in real life these leaves are probably 2 to 3 shades more yellow than the picture depicts.

So how much of this is Natural Fade, and how much of it is a potassium deficiency? One thing that I have noticed is that @Pennywise Even though the leaves are turning very yellow, the buds are exploding with new pistils and they seem to be getting bigger, however, I'm not noticing a lot of new resin. Could this be because of the potassium deficiency, or am I just being a nervous, worrying fucker? And what do you guys think about the stopping of Cal/Mag during flower? I don't know how accurate these articles are, but it certainly seems plausible that I am having a potassium lockout due to my Cal/Mag dosing from what I can see in my pictures. But what do you guys think?

Also, since we're all together, please enjoy and endless supply of delicious Cheddar/Caramel Corn
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