The Blue Experience - Kharma Reborn

week 6.1
fo·li·ar spray Cal/Mag

Oof, I avoid getting the buds wet whenever possible unless it's an unavoidable BT or spinosad emergency.

Yes you are right Shed. In ordinary circumstances I would too. However under the circumstances it is necessary. Her soil is still a little locked up from last week and is just now starting to come around. Under this light though, she dries out within 10 minutes. I also have a full size box fan in the tent and I turn it up to med for the rest of the day after foliar sprays. Look at how her leaves turn green almost instantly.

week 6.2 flower
pistils errywhere

So pretty! And it must sound like a hurricane with a 2 foot box fan in that tent :).
The box fan is quiet. The exhaust fan sounds like a jet engine however. I leave it off in the day time because the tent is open.
So I have done a lot of research into all different types of calcium, from calcium nitrate,calcium carbonate, calcium chloride, to calcium acetate. The problem with all of these is the process to break down the calcium adds too much nitrogen to feed your plant, not to mention to havoc that they will cause on the micro biology in the soil. I found one water soluble calcium that is pre made that would work well in soil from Down To Earth but it costs a whopping 47 bucks per quart. Perhaps it costs so much because they know that it can take almost a month to make your own water soluble calcium and most people like me, need it right now, not a month from now. After much research I have discovered that the best way to add calcium for organic growing, is to put 1 cup of oyster shell flour per cubic foot of soil into your mix and let it cook for a few months. The granules are like microscopic sand and the beneficial bacteria will adhere to and live on them and slowly break it down into calcium for your soil. This should provide more than enough bio available calcium to your plant for 4 months. To make readily available calcium, mix 1 cup of oyster shell flower to 5 cups of vinegar. gently stir until mixed and leave in a sealed 1 gallon mason jar for 4 weeks. Then mix 2 ounces per gallon of water for a foliar spray, or as a watering agent. When growing your plant you should mix 2 tablespoons of epsom salt to 1 gallon of water. pour enough of this mixture into a spray bottle and do a foliar spray until the leaves are dripping. Pour the unused liquid back into your watering jug and mix in 1 teaspoon of sugar (I like to use organic honey) and drench the plant. The application should be given once early in veg, and once right when the plant starts flowering. The sugar will add a boost to the bacteria in the soil to help break down the calcium to make it available to your plants. Unfortunately in my case I will have to use cal/mag because I don't have the time to do either of these methods right now. Oh but my next grow........
Oyster shells or ground eggshells, vinegar, shaking all the time. I'll stick with cal/mag! I'm not making my own nitrogen from urine either ;).
Lmao Shed. You don't think peeing on your plants would help them grow better?
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