The Blue Experience - Kharma Reborn

This plant looks very good to me. I usually don't get concerned about low leaf damage as this can occur if a watering is missed slightly. I usually miss very badly and have something like this. Heat or lack of air flow is usually my enemy.

This plant looks very good to me. I usually don't get concerned about low leaf damage as this can occur if a watering is missed slightly. I usually miss very badly and have something like this. Heat or lack of air flow is usually my enemy.

Sony has a way of making everything look great in pictures. In real life all of those leaves are pretty yellow Jim.
I think we all have been there. In and out the grow room ten times a day checking on progress and if any thing are going the wrong way. But just like @Pennywise said. What they need and want most is time. Changes from this tweak you have done today will take at least 24h to fully have affect on her. Just like the process at work, purifying water is a slow process and when changing variabels in that it can take up to a hole day to see the full effect of that too. While some think the changes take full effect as soon as you press enter. :cool:

In my experience it takes about 3 days to notice anything significant. I know one thing though, If this were an Auto it would have been a dead plant a long time ago. lol
week 5.3 flower

I noticed that the buds on Kharma have started getting swallowed up by more leaves and vegetation and since a lot of her leaves were burned to a crisp, the timing could not be more perfect for a prune. Cleared away more LARF and bottom facing leaves and underdeveloped buds from the bottom of the plant. Found 10 more flower sites that were buried.

I am quite sure that the bacterial population was culled significantly when i flushed 12 gallons of water through her in the bathtub. To remedy, I placed a solo cup full of my Super soil mixture that has been cooking for the last month on top of the pot. Watered in with 5 ML of Cal/Mag and 1 tsp of honey.

There are still tiny spots on most of the leaves from the calcium deficiency, but at least it does not seem to be getting any worse. The buds are getting bigger and a few of the leaves have even started turning blue.

Thank you all for diagnosing this problem for hopefully, a full recovery.

She really is looking good right now. Nice save bud
Thank you Derby, yes her leaves have finally started turning green again so I think we are safe. Just have to keep giving her Cal/Mag.
Nice trim and great shape! I'm going with 8 oz + on this beauty.
Shed thank you very much for the compliment and well wishes. In my experience and from looking at this things size I'm thinking between 3.5 and 4 oz. Which is very good considering I consistently got between 2 and 2.5 oz with my Vipar Spectra.
I have also analysed and diagnosed my problem with the calcium deficiency. I believe that my plant was over fertilized with that last application of Flower Girl. The tips of some of her leaves are dark brown to black which is exactly what happened when I transplanted her into that hot soil way back in veg. In hind site, when I saw the first signs of calcium deficiency, I should have just started dosing the Cal/Mag and left the fertilizer out of it. But you can bet that the next grow will be better because I know what to do now thanks to you guys. And who knows @InTheShed maybe the next one will be 8 OZ. LOL
Looks to be about the same size as the AK but your middle buds seem to be taller and denser than my leafy tops. AK was 6.3 ounces so I went higher. Of course, I am a notoriously bad weight-guesser :oops:.
Yeah its hard to estimate from pictures because they don't depict the girth of the buds very well. My buds are a little bit thicker than a BIC lighter right now, but they are putting on weight daily so you never know.
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