The Blue Experience - Kharma Reborn

85 degrees is doable, not ideal but doable

Ok so maybe there is hope yet. I haven't had to deal with high temps before now. I will add that the buds have begun growing again thank God.
My standard is 3ml cal/mag+/gallon. More if they start showing signs.

Yes, but the Flower Girl supplement has 7% calcium in it already. I don't want to over do it. I use between 3 and 5 ML per gallon in Hydro though for sure.
Yes, I believe 80º is pretty close to the top of the scale for ideal. Growth = good! Deep breaths...the plant can use the CO2 ;).

I'm just going to leave the damn tent open and let the whole house smell like, er wait, I almost forgot to tell you. This plant smells like grape bubblegum when I get it on my fingers. My 420 blueberries although smelled very delicious, didn't smell like this one.
I need a good grapey strain.

It is very interesting and I hope it stays. it is very citrusy and smells just like that Grape Bubble Yum that we used to chew the hell out of when we were kids.
week 5.1 flower
Houston we have a problem.

There are some issues going on right now and I am at a loss as to what is causing them. So I guess the best way to attack this problem is to go back and figure it out step by step.

Last week, I noticed:
1. two small spots on a few leaves with what looked like powdery mildew.
2. ten to twelve fungus gnats hanging around the soil surface.
3. a few brown spots on one leaf.

4. The claw, which is caused by over watering, over fertilizing, over heating. Or all three.

What I did:
1. Made a solution of neem oil and sprayed the entire plant
top and underside as well as the soil surface in the pot.
2. Applied 1/2 cup of Dr. Earth Flower Girl as per instructions for a 5 gallon pot.

Also, as everyone reading knows, I disassembled my old light and rebuilt it replacing the damaged cob as well as adding 2 additional cobs with an additional driver. Now I am having heat issues. But why is this heat problem so pronounced now?
I have a theory.
My old light had inefficient heat sinks and cooling capacity which I believe was causing my driver to not run at full capacity from diminished efficiency. Once I installed properly sized heat sinks, The Vero's started to run cooler increasing the drivers output. Now the light is running at maximum and putting out way too much heat. For as much shit that i talked about "runnin em wide open" I think that I am going to have to install dimmers now.
I don't know what is causing the problems that the following pictures will show.

My camera is certainly doing its best to make the plant look better than it really is so you can be assured that it looks even worse than the photos in real life. I don't know what is causing this. Is it due to the over powered lighting that I have moved all the way to the top of the tent? Is it because I added the Dr. Earth? Is it because of the neem oil treatment? Is it all three?

I don't know the answer. All I know is that this isn't looking good for me. I removed Kharma from the tent which reminded me of just how big this plant is when I wrestled with her trying to fit through the doorway to the bathroom. I placed her in the tub and flushed 12 gallons of water through the soil and let her drain. I placed her back in the tent and have the doors wide open on the tent to dissipate heat. The moonshot has raised the temps in my room 2 degrees higher than the rest of the house just because the tent is open.
And at this point, I don't know what else to do so any suggestions, ass chewing, or constructive criticisms are welcomed.

It actually looks like calcium deficiency, the new more efficient lighting is driving photosynthesis at a higher rate increasing the calcium demand. If you look closely the bad leaves will be directly exposed to to the light. Which is classic calcium defiency.
It actually looks like calcium deficiency, the new more efficient lighting is driving photosynthesis at a higher rate increasing the calcium demand. If you look closely the bad leaves will be directly exposed to to the light. Which is classic calcium defiency.

I have noticed that this happens to a lot of my plants when they start flowering. So per yours and Sheds advice, I'm going to start with 3 ML per gallon of Cal/Mag with each watering.
I have noticed that this happens to a lot of my plants when they start flowering. So per yours and Sheds advice, I'm going to start with 3 ML per gallon of Cal/Mag with each watering.
How much cal mag are you using now? You could go up to about 5 ml/ gal. And if your light is that efficient now can you disable a driver and run fewer cobs and seeif that helps any before buying dimmers and such? A quick fix to see how the plant reacts.
Looks like the problems I had a week or so ago. My issue was over feeding them with Rhizotonic and cal/mag. Went down in Rhiz and gave them 2mg cal and mag and the issue was solved. The more variabels you add in to the equation the more problems can occur. I stil think it looks impressive!

No. This is entirely new to me. This is the first time I have grown a photo period plant ever, and I got thrown into it head first because I didn't find out it was a photo until after the plant was 2 months old. First time growing in a amended soil. The only other time I used soil was my first grow, Miracle grow moisture control LMAO. The plants came out great though. But very strong and had me hacking and coughing due to unflushed weed. And finally, This is the first grow that I actually got serious about my lighting and upgraded it probably way too much. And now I don't know how to manage the heat. Every grow is an adventure. :rolleyes:

There you go. Much about a successful grow is continuity. Learn one method first and then change variabels to get more/better than the previous. You are getting there anyone can see that!
How much cal mag are you using now? You could go up to about 5 ml/ gal. And if your light is that efficient now can you disable a driver and run fewer cobs and seeif that helps any before buying dimmers and such? A quick fix to see how the plant reacts.

I haven't been using any before now. I started with 5 ML per gallon seeing how fast this deficiency is developing. I will drop it down to 3 ML next watering. I have thought about disabling a driver however they are wired up to 2 cobs on each side. So If I would need to rewire the light differently to get even coverage. for now I am just leaving the tent open to get rid of the heat. I think it will be ok once winter comes because that room stays cold.
I'd like to add a thought unrelated to the spots, which is that there is anecdotal evidence that neem in flower turns pistils brown. Beyond that, it tastes like crap when you smoke it, so most people don't use neem after buds start forming. Spinosad would be a replacement, though fungus gnats are not usually a problem for mature root systems unless it's a swarm!
Thanks for the advice on the neem. I won't use it on the plant anymore. I was worried that the fungus gnats larvae would be eating the roots. As far as the pistils, I can't remember if they were turning brown before, or after I used the neem. But the flowers have started growing again so hopefully I'm out of the woods at least as far as that is concerned. The problem with calcium deficiency is that it can kill your whole plant in a short time because all the affected leaves dry out and die. I am hoping that i can just keep her alive for another month.
Looks like the problems I had a week or so ago. My issue was over feeding them with Rhizotonic and cal/mag. Went down in Rhiz and gave them 2mg cal and mag and the issue was solved. The more variabels you add in to the equation the more problems can occur. I stil think it looks impressive!


Thank you Crazy. Up to this point I have only been giving water so I'm not sure where or how all of these problems just came seemingly out of nowhere.
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