The Blue Experience - Kharma Reborn

You may get your 8 Oz she still has a ways to go yet.

Man wouldn't that be something. Some of my best specimens The 420 Auto Blueberry netted me 2.2 and 2.4 Ounces. I was so damn proud of those plants. I still remember it like yesterday. I didn't do a journal and I was too scared to take pictures with my phone. But I remember just sitting them out in the middle of the floor and looking at them before I chopped them. They were over 3 1/2 feet tall and the bud on the main stalk was impressive. Not quite the size of a coke can but still. That was my very first time growing cannabis anything. So sir if I get an 8 OZ harvest, That will be the most incredible milestone for me and I would be just as shocked as I would be humbled by it.
And that was growing outside? How tall did it get?
Not too tall ;)

If you insist! You could try running a SOG in 1 gallon pots and that might inhibit the side growth as well as a matter of course.
Well you know what? I just happen to have 5 brand new 1 gallon fabric pots!
That time of year thou may'st in me behold
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
In me thou see'st the twilight of such day,

As after sunset fades in the west,
Which by-and-by black night doth take away,
Death's second self, that seals up all in rest.
In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the death-bed whereon it must expire
Consumed with that which it was nourished by.
This thou perceived, which makes thy love more strong,
To love that well which thou must leave ere long. -William Shakespeare, Sonnet 73

week six flower

It won't be long now. Time is slipping into the future like it always has and Kharma is growing old.
She is no longer young and beautiful and I have to accept that.
She is starting to fade as evidenced by yellowing leaves. However she has started sprouting more pistils as a reminder that there is still a lot more growing to do. I have also noticed that I have the Blue Pheno as evidenced by her fan leaves and buds starting to turn dark purple. Her smell is like citrus and grape candy.
The MoonShot hovers at a little over 2 feet from the canopy. It's as close as it can get without microwaving her. In fact, while taking pictures, it actually burned the back of my head and I am still experiencing discomfort 2 hours later. So that should tell you how overpowered this light is. I continue to water her with 5mls per gallon of Cal/Mag and it seems to be improving things.
I don't have a macro lens yet for the A6500 unfortunately, but she has really started to pack on the trics.
The breeder states 9 weeks of flower, however I think she may go a week or two longer.

There are a lot of pictures this week
so without further ado:


Beautiful plant you got. Like @InTheShed said she is a real beast and she wants more goodies... Love your updates with lots of pictures...

Thank you for the compliment, however, Kharma is an all organic girl. No nutes on this one. Just good old fashioned amended soil.
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