The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Dammit some of my cookies dont want to stay together....but they do taste good
Re: The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

It does lead to opiates, and other drugs. But not just because you smoke it. It happens from association, ex. You and your buddy smoke ganja for long time, one of YOUR homies got some dizzo from his guy for free, so you and your buddies are just chillin playing some CoDZombies and he busts out the shit and is like "come on time ain't gonna hurt shit" so u do it. Then u realize HOLY FUCK this feels GREAT and bam u hooked. Based on true story. My story. MJ is a gateway drug through association, I can honestly say if I never started smoking weed I would have never got into meth. But you guys can say what you want.
Just smoking weed DOES NOT mean your going to do anything else. But it does open a different kind of world, especially if your not just a consumer but a dealer/middleman your putting yourself in bad situations because you wanted to buy that eighth but your guy has a fatty line sitting on the table while he's weighing out your bag he says rail that shit. You pass, but he PERSISTS, start to feel uncomfortable, and try to apologetically decline but then he gets angry, like kinda snapped and tells you "either you put those rocks up your nose, or I fuck you up. Not but 5 seconds later your coughing a Lil powder.....I'll stop now. But deff not a gateway drug..nope..not at all. But so is alcohol and cigarettes.

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Marijuana is not the gateway drug alcohol is its just society See's nothing wrong with getting blind,it has more deaths then anything else
Originally Posted by Hisoka View Post
It does lead to opiates, and other drugs. But not just because you smoke it. It happens from association, ex. You and your buddy smoke ganja for long time, one of YOUR homies got some dizzo from his guy for free, so you and your buddies are just chillin playing some CoDZombies and he busts out the shit and is like "come on time ain't gonna hurt shit" so u do it. Then u realize HOLY FUCK this feels GREAT and bam u hooked. Based on true story. My story. MJ is a gateway drug through association, I can honestly say if I never started smoking weed I would have never got into meth. But you guys can say what you want.
Just smoking weed DOES NOT mean your going to do anything else. But it does open a different kind of world, especially if your not just a consumer but a dealer/middleman your putting yourself in bad situations because you wanted to buy that eighth but your guy has a fatty line sitting on the table while he's weighing out your bag he says rail that shit. You pass, but he PERSISTS, start to feel uncomfortable, and try to apologetically decline but then he gets angry, like kinda snapped and tells you "either you put those rocks up your nose, or I fuck you up. Not but 5 seconds later your coughing a Lil powder.....I'll stop now. But deff not a gateway drug..nope..not at all. But so is alcohol and cigarettes.

The guy that says snort the rail or we're fighting is the gateway, not the weed or booze. And TBH, anyone who says shit like that to me will soon realize one simple truth, ya gotta bring ass to get ass! That aside though, I think the "gateway" theory is a means of shifting blame away from oneself or ones mental weakness. So say it with me;

I started smoking cigs on my own
I started drinking on my own
I started meth on my own
I started coke on my own.

They always say, "you make your own bed". I like that, it kind of leads me to believe that I am in control of myself and the things I do or don't do.
Thats an old old post...I havent heard from hisoka in forever. He just disappeared in the middle of his grow. I think alcohol is a gateway drug before mj would be since most people tasted a beer before they tasted some bud (atleast thats how it was when I was growing up) but times have changed and its a different day and age. Now id be willing to bet that their are kids out their that their first experience with a drug is with either heroin or meth. My my how the design has changed.

And I myself have never had anyone try to talk me into doing a drug that I didnt wanna do, I guess the people I hung with were too stingy .. And I have yet to have someone hold my big ass down and pour some drugs down my gullet.

When it came to peer pressure it was more about me projecting what I thought my friends would think. In other words.....I alone was the one afraid that I would not fit in and that was due to my own self confidence and in no way at all due to how I was actually being treated or pressured.

So I guess in my opinion the biggest lure to the scene is lonliness, unhappiness, and low self-esteem. All internal stuff

You know the saying..........trying to fill a god sizes hole
General info on beneficials

Ok so I have wormcastings which I think are great but ive just been top dressing with them. What is your preferred method to apply them PW

I love buying seeds and im like a kid at a candy store when it comes to it but I have plenty rite now already scrogdawg

I have seen the name recharge thrown around alot lately. That is something I do not have. What exactly is it? Skybound
It's a mixture of the more popular colonies and sub colonies of microbes and fungi mixed with powdered molasses and a few different acids. In the past, I used to make Heisenberg tea based around the great white, but my grow mentor at the time sent me a tub of Recharge and I just stuck with it. I'm not pretending to be highly knowledgeable outside of the great experiences I've had using bennies, but when reading through the 2 different labels, I'm inclined to reconsider and go back to Heisenberg tea. Only down side to that is that it takes a few days of brewing to prepare, but the results come transplant time makes it all well worth the extra efforts. Nice beautiful white roots, as white as roots can be!


Great White
Another "silver bullet" to use if you don't already is silica! I once read an article arguing that silica should be classified as a macro nutrient with NPK due to its importance in various stages of development and resistance to stress and aids in making our girls more flexible in the branches.
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