The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

You know im new to this indoor growing and I been growing outdoors for a few years but I always had a partner and to me he was like the master and i was the help now that im doing some outdoors all by my lonesome if and when certain issues arise I sometimes find my confidence in myself shaken. It took me the longest time to just calm the hell down and realise I got this......and if something happens, its just a plant. I think that has helped me tremendously with growing indoors. Dont be scared to be confident but alwAys remember to be humble and dont sweat the small stuff, it is just a plant after all
I think thats why my plants do ok is i dont hover over them. I just let them do their thing and if i start thinking i want to "do something" i zip up the tent and walk away. .
I think thats why my plants do ok is i dont hover over them. I just let them do their thing and if i start thinking i want to "do something" i zip up the tent and walk away. .

I think that's the grower's learning curve, learning to resist our desires to meddle. My first grow I meddled a LOT, then the next grow, still meddled, just not as much, next grow still less, and now even less. Shit, I even created a new way to meddle (electronics) with my grow w/o meddling with my plants, just to fool myself. So far it's working pretty good, the not meddling part, the electronics are still iffy.
I think that's the grower's learning curve, learning to resist our desires to meddle. My first grow I meddled a LOT, then the next grow, still meddled, just not as much, next grow still less, and now even less. Shit, I even created a new way to meddle (electronics) with my grow w/o meddling with my plants, just to fool myself. So far it's working pretty good, the not meddling part, the electronics are still iffy.

I was considering how I've relaxed into the art over the past year alone. I used to be anal about watering. Now I split the water between top and bottom and get it over with quickly so I can get out of the way. Training lets me meddle, but only so long. The rest of the time I try to leave them be.

Having the tiny closet wide open gives me a place to pause and appreciate. That keeps me happy. :cheesygrinsmiley:
The hillbilly garden this morning
Yeppers bout the peppers!
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