The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Crackheadology, I never smoked crack, but observed many that did/were and may God forgive me, but I used to conduct mild experiments on them like "musical rock" (musical chairs parody), lightly crushed potato chips mixed in with the rocks on the table when no one's watching, Easter rock hunts and sudden loud noises. I was definitely an asshole in my younger wild years.
Everyone hates thieves, especially in prison. I too dislike junkies. I find that even when they get clean, their junky mentality is still as grimy as ever, just more refined. I call it junky mentality and to me also applies to alcoholics and any other kind of addict. I don't mean to imply I wish ill will on anyone, especially those with a monkey on their back, just that I can spot their simple game a mile away and I get agitated when I gotta tell (usually a friend) them to check that shit. But others all use the same game.
I understand exactly what your sayings skybound. It is the mentality. It just disgust's me. Im not beating down people who have their demons or a monkey on their back because Lord knows ive been there first hand, I can say that even when I was down and out I never adopted that junky mentality. I never got into the whole stealing scene I always turned to distribution (which is bad in its own way) and Im similar to your case I think because a lot of my old friends I grew up with are now broken down and have that mentality I just distance myself from them. SAD SAD SAD
A pic from my other journal
Police have come and gone without an issue. I told him I dont want him arrested but I want it on record in case he ever comes in my yard again then he has had his warning. I Did that because it goes against everything in my core to call the police on someone. Then again I guess their came a time when I grew up and set ego aside because back then id be in jail rite now but the grown up me......nah the grown up me cant see going to jail over a worthless human being. Plus the judges seem like they like to give me big boy numbers now and im not tryin to roll the dice considering the last number the judge blessed me with was 7

I do however think he might have a warrant anyways because the cops couldnt find him but said he's bad news and the moment we see him no matter where hes at we need to call them so they can " hurry up and talk to him ." lol

Karmas a mother#$#@&$
Well a 50 CAL BMG always works well to be honest!
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