The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Today is day 8
Today is her first feeding with 24oz plain water mixed with 12 drops of rapid start

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!

The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon
Hmmmmmm I don't know what to do. I washed my harvest Wednesday and hung it up to dry. It now feels dry and slightly crispy with a little bounce back when squeezed. But it has only been 3 days. Should I wait or can I put it into jars already

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!

The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon
Getting ready to lay back and smoke a jtube of sugar trim.....mmmmm

I know it could be stronger but I think the trim is already to dry to cure but it still had be twisted earlier

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!

The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon the do you process trim? you let it dry out a little and then in to a jar with boveda if you wanna smoke it.....or into a freezer bag and in the freezer if you going to do edibles etc?

Hmmmmmm I don't know what to do. I washed my harvest Wednesday and hung it up to dry. It now feels dry and slightly crispy with a little bounce back when squeezed. But it has only been 3 days. Should I wait or can I put it into jars already

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!

The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

I have read to take it after 3-4 days of dry and put it an airtight container for 6-8 hours to let some moisture from deep in the bud to come to the surface....the put back out to dry for another day.....repeat if necessary...then into jars. I don't know.

A surprise awaits
I have read to take it after 3-4 days of dry and put it an airtight container for 6-8 hours to let some moisture from deep in the bud to come to the surface....the put back out to dry for another day.....repeat if necessary...then into jars. I don't know.

A surprise awaits

This sounds like a good plan. I over dry my buds all the time, do not be like me. :surf:
Idk the rite way with the trim. What I did was let it dry then just put in an a bag cuz im going to use it for edibles plus I read somewhere that once the product reaches 55 % moisture content that the curing process stops and cannot be started back up

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!

The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon
Re: The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

It does lead to opiates, and other drugs. But not just because you smoke it. It happens from association, ex. You and your buddy smoke ganja for long time, one of YOUR homies got some dizzo from his guy for free, so you and your buddies are just chillin playing some CoDZombies and he busts out the shit and is like "come on time ain't gonna hurt shit" so u do it. Then u realize HOLY FUCK this feels GREAT and bam u hooked. Based on true story. My story. MJ is a gateway drug through association, I can honestly say if I never started smoking weed I would have never got into meth. But you guys can say what you want.
Just smoking weed DOES NOT mean your going to do anything else. But it does open a different kind of world, especially if your not just a consumer but a dealer/middleman your putting yourself in bad situations because you wanted to buy that eighth but your guy has a fatty line sitting on the table while he's weighing out your bag he says rail that shit. You pass, but he PERSISTS, start to feel uncomfortable, and try to apologetically decline but then he gets angry, like kinda snapped and tells you "either you put those rocks up your nose, or I fuck you up. Not but 5 seconds later your coughing a Lil powder.....I'll stop now. But deff not a gateway drug..nope..not at all. But so is alcohol and cigarettes.

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That is quite true Hisoka. I also started with ganja and my friend at the time was a dealer, so now obviously he had other things, never forced me though but the things were there. I tried coke, acid and shrooms. Luckily for me I say no quite alot, to people in general and very easy to drugs. Tried them once and never again, cigarettes I used to join in for a smoke once in a while but didn't get me addicted atleast, alcohol tastes like cat piss anyhow :rofl: I guess if it is your friend then that is fine but being forced into it does not do it for me. Get your face peppersprayed if they told me that tbh.

Pat's Mars Hydro II 700W Grow

Pat's Small CFL Grow
So what about democracy ?? I could have sworn that In Ma., we voted ?? How about the will of the people ?? And who made you above the fucking law. Or do we even still have laws, or are we now becoming a dictatorship ?? Donald is picking short straws, and not many straws left. What is even more scary than Donald Trump, is the fact that so many of my countrymen & women feel a need for a Donald Trump. I personally think Donald will be impeached for not producing his tax returns, but I'd rather have Donald Trump than Mike Pence !! How can this man thumb his nose at our tax laws is beyond me. We're gonna have a rebellion in this country like never seen before. Jeff Sessions should be locked up for crimes against humanity. Are we just gonna stand by and let the big guns rule us. by force !! The republicans are feeling the heat, and never had a plan, except to get that black man out of the WH. now they're picking at straws !! If we let any political party, or justice system, change the laws that we're voted upon by our society, is a farce and we can never be free !! We will be just like Russia !!
Slow I get you brother. I live in South Africa and right before DT was elected I knew things would go south, funny thing is our country has been through the seperation of races and bad decisions that is made, I know it sounds snobby but his unrational decisions is hurting your countrynot a path you would want to go down brother

Pat's Mars Hydro II 700W Grow

Pat's Small CFL Grow
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