The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

No I don't use that bottled water during grow. I usually use my tap water. It's actually pretty good quality out of U.S. I do leave it sit out to let the chlorine evaporate. I usually never even need to add ph down. Im not sure it my nutes are self buffering

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!
The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Unknown Strain From Seed - First Time Grow
Ive been checking into Dwc more its just something's wrong with my bill for some reason my bill is high. I mean it seems higher then it should be and that would just be adding something else to draw power to. I don't want to upset the missis to much

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!
The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Unknown Strain From Seed - First Time Grow
Ive been checking into Dwc more its just something's wrong with my bill for some reason my bill is high. I mean it seems higher then it should be and that would just be adding something else to draw power to. I don't want to upset the missis to much

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!
The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Unknown Strain From Seed - First Time Grow

Mine too. 354 dollars. It's usually 150 to 200.

"I don't know everything. My opinion is just that. It's up to you to research the information offered by me or anyone else. It's not wise to act on the first opinion you get. "
took me a while to find the link, this is not to answer your question just letting you know what I do for my cat. A different thing.

I only use the trim and coconut oil and nuthing else and put it on my cats tuna treat once a day. It has stopped his seizures. My measurements are aprox 2-3 grams chopped trim and 4 big tablespoons of high quality coconut oil.
I hope you have great success in your efforts.

Here is the linky.
Pain Cream using only 2 grams made many times
Do you decarboxylate the trim ?
Sorry that its so slow at the beginning lol.

But just something to look at

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!
The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Unknown Strain From Seed - First Time Grow
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