The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Re: The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Yea i love it when they look like that its so natural.. when i grow the two autos i have ill have to do the same. It will be tough not to top them though as i plan to top the ladies i just started a couple times depending on their growth of course. I know you cant mess with autos too much though.
Awhile back, before I came to Oregon, I lived in Misery. Or Missouri if you choose. Really is a nice state. Marijuana laws are abit behind but. Places are cheap, hunting and fishing is great. But anyways, I was living on SSA and alittle side hustles to fill in the blanks, but found this cool trailer to rent. Like 300 per month. It was kind of off to itself in this park. No neighbors for like a block. But being a trailer park, and me a long haired scooter tramp, cops came by all the time. Not for me, others hand tendencies to get alittle rowdy. But cultivation there and then, you going to jail. Is the question state or county? And all I heard was state time. Hell, they had that guy in prison for life without, for cultivation or sales. I hear acouple yeas back they cut him loose on an appeal or something. He did some real time I think, here
Jeff Mizanskey Set Free After Serving 21 Years. His Crime? Three Pot Charges - Hit & Run :
But I wanted to grow, and a run in with cops was going to happen, one day. I got a tent that fit in my closet with the pole removed. Ran alittle 150-watt HPS and acouple little CFL lamps. Acouple ONA Blocks around the crib did a good job. When I was home and alls good I'd leave the door open. I ran to the store one day and a kid from down the road broke into my place. He could see me as I drove out, and even knew where I was going, so he knew how long it wood take. He broke in looking for a prescription of dilaudid. Part of that closet had a small set of shelves. Well, he went threw them and all the drawers and normal places I'd guess to look,, but he was 2' from 2, 2' tall ready to harvest plants. Never found them. He did get acouple pistols and acouple long guns, which I kind of got back from him as soon as I got back, if you know what I mean. People seen him run down to my pad. But as I babble away. I also made custom sized cardboard veg boxes. Good cardboard will last damn near as long as a tent. Just paint the inside white. Custom to closets fun little DIY stuff. Then I'd take my veg plant and throw some in the cornfield ditch banks, for crop herbs, down in southern Illinois. The soil is some of the most fertile soil in the states. They outproduce all in corn per acre. It's all the top soil that washes down the Mississippi during the floods every few year. That soil is black as the ace of spades. You can feel how rich it was, and smelled like good old dirt. But man, they get huge in that climate. Corn and marijuana have the same requirements least close enough. The Sad thing is corn harvests before pot. And when corn ripens, it turns brown. That's why you need a good corner of the field or a drainage ditch banks. I liked the big main ditches. Water is close, and you can get around by boat at night under the disguse of gigging frogs or fishing something. Spotlighting coons at night are all good reasons to be on the water. I got stopped one year, a week before harvest. Like 10 good sized plants. Sheriff stopped me to check me out. Not a game warden. I was acouple miles from a road. I had a 22 and a spotlight a friend and my dog. He let me go by and I avoided the plants, for good... And didn't look back. Oh well sorry to babble away. Cool your vist went well. If you do have a worry about all that, put acouple ONA Blocks in the house. Not in the tent but the living room etc. Shit works great for smells. 20$ a throw isn't much. I like the apple shit.
GL and Keepem Green
Do it before 20 days and if they react positively to the topping you're golden.
Ive topped autos with great results but ive never topped an Auto more then once. Im curious to see how multiple toppings work out.

I wonder if the autos that take longer would respond the same or better with multiple toppings.. my auto quarter pounder is suppose to take 90+ days
Re: The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

I don't mind the babbling norcal. Matter of fact I like hearing the stories. When you talked about getting around by boat that made me think. Last year I got a kayak for fathers day and me and my neighbor go out fishing alot in them ive even crabbed out of my kayak but its a little rough trying to transport all your gear around but thats a story for another time. I was saying I have been thinking about finding a good spot to grow that is only accessible by kayak or small boats. I have seen a few promising locations I just need to go and fully scout them

The visit went great. The inspector didn't step one foot into my bedroom and was only in my house about five minute. All the visit did manage to do was to have me nervous and running around frantically to try and find a way to hide the ladies which would have sucked cuz it was during their dark cycle and I did not want to put them into a bag due to heat and humidity.

Ona is cool but the last time I got some I bought the regular kind I guess and it smells to much like a hospital to me Ive never try the apple but it sounds good. I have my carbon scrubber but also have a few different flavors of that blunt block spray and it works great. I do however always have a candle wax goin so my house usually smells like lemon cookies or cupcakes which is great but walking into my house makes most people hungry.. Oh on a side note when the inspector was there I had my exhaust and fan off for a few minutes and the rh skyrocketed up to near 70% from 34% and when I turned them back on but I didnt realize the oscillating tower fan came back on but my exhaust didnt. So for about 5 hours I still had air circulating but my rh was prob in the 60's. My plants are in flower and full of buds so I was a little worried about mold/bud rot. Hopefully 5 hours if somewhat high rh will not hurt them since the air was still circulating.
Ive topped autos with great results but ive never topped an Auto more then once. Im curious to see how multiple toppings work out.

I wonder if the autos that take longer would respond the same or better with multiple toppings.. my auto quarter pounder is suppose to take 90+ days

Id say they would be much better for topping training.
The trick with the ONA block is to drill afew holes in the lid instead of taking it off. If you need more, drill more holes. I've never took the lid off mine. I placed them in my heat and air duct close to the floor vent. But they have afew new scents. Sounds like candle making will work good too. You know as long as the place looks clean and kept up, you won't have a problem. He wants to be sure your not painting the place black or something wierd. I had a friend paint his whole apartment black with airbrushed free willy across the room. Looked cool. Landlord got pissed at him and 86ed him. I had the paint contract for the units and I had to cover it. Pain in the ass. Whole place needed complete prime and paint. Oh well Keepem Green
The trick with the ONA block is to drill afew holes in the lid instead of taking it off. If you need more, drill more holes. I've never took the lid off mine. I placed them in my heat and air duct close to the floor vent. But they have afew new scents. Sounds like candle making will work good too. You know as long as the place looks clean and kept up, you won't have a problem. He wants to be sure your not painting the place black or something wierd. I had a friend paint his whole apartment black with airbrushed free willy across the room. Looked cool. Landlord got pissed at him and 86ed him. I had the paint contract for the units and I had to cover it. Pain in the ass. Whole place needed complete prime and paint. Oh well Keepem Green
Lol my landlord lives across the's my wife's uncle. He's cool but annoying. I wasn't to much worried about him I kinda have free range it was the inspector I was worried about. It turned out he just needed to check outlets and smoke detectors and stuff. I think it was so my landlord can continue to have a licence or something. Probably because he has a few houses that are section 8 or he's trying to get approved to rent to section 8 or I'm just babbling.

Thx for the tip with the ona norcal im going to do that next time. Those ona blocks and gels are strong. P.s.....I know not to put ona too close to my tent
Just ordered another carbon filter. It seems my old filter is running out of life. It only lasted 8 months but it was a less expensive one. I guess you get what you pay for. Cant complain though she has done her job. .


Carbon filters do not last forever so if money is tight try to give yourself time to save for one.
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