The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Is it ok to turn my exhaust fan off and just leave my oscillating fan on during lights out if my temps are descent?

As long as air is moving and temps are good you should be fine.
Is it ok to turn my exhaust fan off and just leave my oscillating fan on during lights out if my temps are descent?

Thats exactly what I do and haven't had any issues at all. I have my lights and exhaust fan on the same timer so they come on and turn off together. The oscillating fan runs 24/7.
I'm flipping to 12/12 in about a week and planned on doing it then as well. Only thing I wonder about during flowering with no exhaust fan at night is if the humidity might cause a problem. Right now my humidity runs at 40% during the day with the fan on but creeps to 80% at night when its off. So far the daylight/fan hours are able to catch up and dry everything out and keep from getting any rot.
Auto berry rider from auto seeds....

Heres a few pics of some of the outdoor ladies running the neighborhood.

Heres white jack

White jack #2

White jack number 3

White jack #4

A unknown strain revegg that was good smoke

Unknown reveg #2

Unknown reveg#3

The birdcage as a whole lol

And this was the white jack that I murdered with a dang red bull can
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