The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

A zebra pic
So I was walking through my kitchen when I heard these voices coming from the fridge. The conversation went like this...

The broccoli says "I look like a small tree", the mushroom said " I look like an umbrella", the walnut said "I look like a brain" then all of the sudden I hear the banana yell "can we please change the subject" . . .

Lol good morning everyone I hope you all have a wonderful day
Girls look great.. Looking forward to seeing you put out some big outdoor gals... When you harvest 30 autos worth of herbs off one plant. Is a place for autos. Nice patio plants. GL and Keepem Green
Ugghhhh.......dumbaaa landlord called me 9 o clock last night and told me I have a damn house inspection today. Wtf kind of notice is that. Luckily its during dark cycle. I took my lights out and hung clothes in my tent and removed the exhaust vent out and locked the tent. If he asks what it is im just gonna tell him a wardrobe and that I have to keep my clothes and there or my son will try to wear them and mess them up. Smdh its messed up to even be put it this situation but I dont know what else to do on so little notice. Hopefully his ass thinks its a closet and dont even go in there. I dont like shutting down my exhaust at all but hoping that having it off for an hour or half an hour won't cause any other issues.
Thats how I feel too scrog....that would just be him trying to be nosey. Thx I hope it goes well to.

Hey scrog I actually have my autos on 12/12 now because my flower tent has better lighting. If I interrupted their dark cycle and took those autos outside for 20-30 mins could that affect them by hermies since they been on 12/12 or do you not need to worry about it? Honestly I wouldn't even care if it hermied and gave me some auto beans since I like the way this strain is growing
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