The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Look at all the pretty tops
Where's the rest of it??? JK Kind of.... Alittle radical on the defol... Hey before I knew my 'Old Lady' said in the highest... But she had a plant growing outback.. Looked good as most veg plants do.. But someone told her it wood'nt flower unless she took the leafs.. She did.. Plant died........ End of story... Keepem Green
My thoughts too woody..every time I go over his house I hate to see it like that but the plant honestly doesn't look bad now. Those pics were from a few weeks ago I didnt get a chance to take pics today but I will soon. It makes me think that if the plant actually looks good now I bet you it would have been a monster if he wouldnt have stripped her completely naked
I grow I grow but still off to work I go .

Good morning my 420 family. I hope you all have weather as beautiful as I do today

I do have some nice weather man thanks! Good vibes to all!
Retarded,, did I here my name? JK Kind of unless you ask Miss J..... My 'Old Lady'. Dude he could've had alittle more weight to the buds if he hadn't trimmed so much... I'm not big on defoliating my girls,, cept whats needed to open bud site and airflow... But he's got straight wind blowing thru his trees... Unless you'r going to harvest in a aday or two, I like to leave as much greenery on my plants as possible... I know,, alot do well cutting back as much leaf as possible.. But reallity check,, leaf=growth.. Anyone ever care to see.... Top a plant.. let it grow and after it get 8-10 new sets of leaf on each side,,, trim all the bigger leaf off one side,, and leave the other.. See which side produces the biggest bud? I've tried it before,, and I won't again. Why wood I want to waste a grow with one big bud and a smaller on the other.... Now alot of people like to do major defoliations and get good results,, what I don't think people see the time involed... I rarely ever spend more than a month on vegging a plant.. I see alot of these plants taking 3 even 4 months to start flowering.. By then,, I done cut and started my next and she's above ground and growing. Really takes me 3 months to finish most of my plants from seed.. Just my 2 cents.. And depends to some all it is is 2 cents... But hey,, it's mine... JK Keepem Green
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