The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

I understand these are plants,, but when you said you have her nice and flat,,, damn I always liked alot of curve in my girls... Oh thats right plants......... Keepem Green
Re: The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Youll be surprised how uniform most of the buds will be
I hope so...this is the nicest structured plant I have done as far as the canopy goes.

Heres a pic of today's lunch
Whew man it took me a while but I am caught up on the journal! Sorry about the male you had. Looking forward to your commando grow as well.
I wish I had room for a few mire tents. Im starting to get bored waiting so I need more going on a different stages

I hear you. I got myself in a little situation where I'm sorta being persuaded by the powers that be to setup a different tent for veg. Got myself a little 2 foot 4 lamp t5HO fluorescent fixture ready and temporarily hung in the box for some non420 seedlings. Any reason I can't use a divider or something in my box so I can flower and veg?
Nothing against autos but I think im gonna stick to my photos. I liked the way the auto acid grew but not so thrilled about a few other autos I grew. I just prefer to have more time to get her structure the way I want her before she starts throwing pistols.
I am not much for autos either I prefer original beans bc not genetic messed with it just sucks when you use all those nutes on a male but this round I went all female and no original ( except White widow) but those are getting flipped any day now for room for my new beans blue dream is one of my next and c99 but my lemon kush headband is also calling my name
Yeah I was on harder drugs for almost 20 years so I feel the same as you....

So its been a little bit but heres a few pics.

This is the auto quarter pounder shes coming along nicely

And falkors canopy is nice and level with tight nodes. I think she has the potential to do well
Beautiful training and nice job getting them ready I looked at quarter lb auto.but just couldn't pull the trigger maybe outdoor project will have some auto
Hope you didn't over do it on the decarb.. Just want to say Happy 420 and Keepem Green
Temp was 220 I think I overdid it. Plus like a rookie I decided to add more trim about 5 mins into the process and opened the foil without waiting and I think I lost alot of potency with the escaping vapors. Those brownies totally sucked. They did make you sleepy though.
Yea you could use a divider but you gotta make sure no light gets through, tape off the seams and whatnot.
Divider would work you just have to make sure theirs no light leeks. And just make sure you have some airflow still. You can make a raised floor with holes drilled in it for airflow without letting light in.

Or you could just open the vent on that both sides of the tent.
Re: The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Beautiful training and nice job getting them ready I looked at quarter lb auto.but just couldn't pull the trigger maybe outdoor project will have some auto
Quarter pound auto were freebies sent to me as a replacement because I had a whole pack of beans fail to germ and honestly I would have been mad if id I had bought it. Out of 5 qp autos only one germed the rest were duds.
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