The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Re: The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Looking great cannoi.. they are pretty short but stout little plants. Do autos normally stay small like that? Makes sense that they would.. maybe i messed up buying a bunch of photo seeds. Oh well got a couple auto seeds to run a grow with. My 2x4x5 tent isnt very accommodating for bigger photo plants it seems.
Thx toasted...I actually like photos better just because the fact that the genes are less messed with. The dutch dragon is a photo its only a foot tall but its bent over and trained well. My auto quarter pounder is 16 inches now and the auto acid is about 13 but height has alot to do with strain and training
Im worried

Do armadillos eat plants . . .
Been awhile since I drove thru. Enjoy your kid while they are young.. You'll never have it that easy again..They might move out at 18 but they never leave... Way Cool enjoy and looking forward to seeing some buddage... Keepem Green
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