The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Have you seen the white sparkly Christmas trees? That's what this reminds me of:



What's this? A DNA profile?


Actually it's some itty bitty flower clusters:

They need a terrarium. I have tried ten times to grow sundews and pitcher plants with no success. Once again while in lowes, I saw dollar venus fly traps and I have them in a terrarium right now. They may have already started melting. I don't know what my problem is with these. Let me know if you have success.
What a beautiful morning! The sun is rising and highlighting the fog rolling in little whisps of funnel clouds on the pond.



Have a great day everyone!

Wow, that's surreal! :circle-of-love:
Thank you for posting this thread with all the tremendous photographs Canna! :thumb: It has been a real inspiration to not allow myself to become completely housebound!

You have got so much going on in your corner of Eden, I feel very fortunate you take the time and trouble to show it off at its best!!:love:
Thank you for posting this thread with all the tremendous photographs Canna! :thumb: It has been a real inspiration to not allow myself to become completely housebound!

You have got so much going on in your corner of Eden, I feel very fortunate you take the time and trouble to show it off at its best!!:love:

AJ! So good to see you around! :circle-of-love:

I am very glad to hear it is inspirational, you have a nice garden yourself and I know it makes you happy. Post pics here if you like. All are welcome. They will help us through the winter for sure. :)

I might head out fishing this weekend, I haven't done that in a couple years now and I really miss it. It's time I got back to doing the things I love. I used to live for fishing. LOL

Hopefully it will be some good photo opportunities, if the wind lays down enough to allow a good float on a quiet lake.

They need a terrarium. I have tried ten times to grow sundews and pitcher plants with no success. Once again while in lowes, I saw dollar venus fly traps and I have them in a terrarium right now. They may have already started melting. I don't know what my problem is with these. Let me know if you have success.

GardenFaerie, I did find a site that had loads of information on growing Sundews. I thought you might like to check it out:

Go to: (you know how to put the www in there. LOL)
Then click on feeding sundews or whatever you are looking for on them.

I wound up there when I was looking for pics of them the other day.

Thanks for that link, I'll take a look because I am already killing the three Venus fly traps I have in a terrarium for the last two weeks. I go through this about, oh, once every two or so years! I try, try, try.

God forbid we travel to New Orleans. I bring back all kinds of stuff I find growing everywhere and then I kill myself keeping it alive! I was pretty good with the Spanish moss for several years. One year I didn't bring it in the greenhouse and that was that.
We should have some fun this weekend.

How about having a "Best Nature Photo" contest for the weekend?

Must be outdoors and related to nature, and the photo must be taken during this weekend. Voting will be considered on anything from subject matter to creativity. No special effects on the photos other than slight sharpening or minor lighting adjustments.
Winner will receive reps from the voters?

Whatcha think gang? Ideas, thoughts?

I could participate if I was allowed to take the picture in my backyard lol.

Otherwise I think I'd get beat pretty quick cause we live in the city :surf:

Nature is everywhere, even in the city. That can be a nice little adventure for our city dwelling members. Go out this weekend and find something related to nature and take a shot at it.

I like it.
I'll play, but my weekend is Sunday-Monday this week. Does that work?

Also, this contest has a "come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly" feel to it. It's hard to compete with Canna's skills. :rofl:

How many photos per participant? Just one?
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